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Gift your Moodle with extended Badges and Gamif...

Willian Mano
December 13, 2022

Gift your Moodle with extended Badges and Gamification

In this MUA town hall, I presented a proposal of how to extend Moodle badges with community criteria plugins. By default, Moodle only has some static criteria, the idea is to create a way where everyone from the community can create custom badge criteria plugins, like custom activity restriction or any other Moodle plugin. It is a new way to create and configure the way moodle delivers badges for users, extending its use and possibilities. He will also share some showcases developed by him for gamification in Moodle, extending it by creating additional plugins.

Willian Mano

December 13, 2022

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    AND GAMIFICATION Willian Mano https://conecti.me
  2. Who am I? • Senior Full Stack Engineer • Computer

    Engineer • Systems analyst • Since 2009 working with Moodle Willian Mano
  3. 1. Current Moodle badges system 2. Badges criteria as sub

    plugins MUA PROPOSAL - MDL-76335 3. Showing badges progress 4. Demo show! AGENDA
  4. Manual issue by role Course completion Awarded badges Activity completion

    Competencies SITE BADGES Manual issue by role Completing a set of courses Awarded badges Profile completion Cohort membership Competencies COURSE BADGES MOODLE BADGES
  5. BADGE CRITERIA AS SUBPLUGIN Badge name Badge criteria Users will

    receive the badge when BADGE A 1. Access course(5) 1. Access the course 5 days BADGE B 1. Obtain points(5) 1. Receive 5 points in block game BADGE C 1. Access course(10) 2. Obtain points(100) 1. Access the course 10 days AND 2. Receive 100 points in block game BADGE D 1. Obtain points(400) 2. Achieve level (5) 3. Complete activity X 1. Receive 400 points in block game AND 2. Achieve level 5 in block game. AND 3. Activity X be marked as complete https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-76335
  6. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons

    by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik Thanks! Do you have any questions? [email protected] +55 98 99223 1059 https://conecti.me https://github.com/willianmano https://www.linkedin.com/in/willianmano