going to be 100 percent compliant on May 25th. ( 只有少數企業能在生效日之前 100% 符合要求 ) Are you kidding? If we told them how we were using their data, they’d never give it to us in the first place. (aka Ant 開什麼玩笑?如果告訴他們我們如何使用他們的資料,他們永遠不會一開始就給我們 )
or “security at speed”—as a set of best practices designed to help organizations implant secure coding deep in the heart of their DevOps development and deployment processes. The goal is to automate secure coding and security tests and fixes within the workflow, making secure software an inherent outcome of DevOps approaches.
or “security at speed”—as a set of best practices designed to help organizations implant secure coding deep in the heart of their DevOps development and deployment processes. The goal is to automate secure coding and security tests and fixes within the workflow, making secure software an inherent outcome of DevOps approaches. “SecDevOps seeks to embed security inside the development process as deeply as DevOps has done with operations” (aka AntSecDevOps 旨在將開發過程中的資訊安全深入到 DevOps 的操作中 )
for DevOps security lies in changing the underlying DevOps culture to embrace security—with no exceptions. As with any other methodology, security must be built into DevOps.
for DevOps security lies in changing the underlying DevOps culture to embrace security—with no exceptions. As with any other methodology, security must be built into DevOps. DevOps 資訊安全成功的關鍵仰賴改變潛在的 DevOps 文化以擁抱安全性 - 沒有例外 -
confused wit)h) Cont)inuous Deploy)ment). Cont)inuous Deploy)ment) means t)h) at) every) ch) ange goes t)h) rough) t)h) e pipeline and aut)omat)ically) get)s put) int)o product)ion, result)ing in many) product)ion deploy)ment)s every) day). Cont)inuous Delivery) just) means t)h) at) y)ou are able t)o do frequent) deploy)ment)s but) may) ch) oose not) t)o do it), usually) due t)o businesses preferring a slower rat)e of deploy)ment). In order t)o do Cont)inuous Deploy)ment) y)ou must) be doing Cont)inuous Delivery). Martin Fowler
confused wit)h) Cont)inuous Deploy)ment). Cont)inuous Deploy)ment) means t)h) at) every) ch) ange goes t)h) rough) t)h) e pipeline and aut)omat)ically) get)s put) int)o product)ion, result)ing in many) product)ion deploy)ment)s every) day). Cont)inuous Delivery) just) means t)h) at) y)ou are able t)o do frequent) deploy)ment)s but) may) ch) oose not) t)o do it), usually) due t)o businesses preferring a slower rat)e of deploy)ment). In order t)o do Cont)inuous Deploy)ment) y)ou must) be doing Cont)inuous Delivery). Martin Fowler 持續交付只是意味著你可以進行頻繁部署 , 但可以選擇不這樣做, 通常是因為企業更喜歡較慢的部署速度
needs pen testing red team regulations controls standards unit / integration / performance test unit / integration / performance test scheduling unit / integration / performance test scheduling schedule pipeline Develop
Develop needs pen testing red team regulations controls standards unit / integration / performance test unit / integration / performance test scheduling unit / integration / performance test scheduling schedule pipeline
Develop needs pen testing red team regulations controls standards unit / integration / performance test unit / integration / performance test scheduling unit / integration / performance test scheduling schedule pipeline
needs pen testing red team regulations controls standards unit / integration / performance test unit / integration / performance test scheduling unit / integration / performance test scheduling schedule pipeline DevSecOps DevRegOps ?! ➤ DevReg Develop
Develop needs pen testing red team regulations controls standards unit / integration / performance test unit / integration / performance test scheduling unit / integration / performance test scheduling schedule pipeline