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How Nikkei improves user retention with new sub...

February 28, 2020

How Nikkei improves user retention with new subscriber consultation


February 28, 2020

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  1. 1 How Nikkei improves user retention through consultation with new

    subscribers YOSUKE SUZUKI GM Digital Business Development, Nikkei America yosuke.suzuki@nex.nikkei.com NIKKEI PRODUCT & TECHNOLOGY BLOG on Medium: https://medium.com/nikkei-product-technology
  2. NIKKEI Group Overview 144 year history 1400 Journalists NIKKEI+FT 2.2M

    Nikkei newspaper 700K Nikkei.com paid subs(38.9$/m) 8M Nikkei ID membership Financial Database/Index Business Live Events Educational Services Consolidated Revenue $3.2B TV/Radio networks Trade Journals
  3. Monthly churn rate is low: 1.5% … but large in

    absolute numbers, so churn reduction is a priority Acquisition Cost > Retention Cost Retention is highly cost-effective
  4. Nikkei.com offers a wide range of apps and features…but many

    subscribers don’t use them or even know about them • iOS/Android app (86%) • ePaper app (44%) • Keyword follow • Newsletter • Search • Interactive content • Company directories 困った!
  5. New Subscriber Consultation: 3 Key Questions Why do you access

    Nikkei news? [Multiple choice OK] • Daily news review • For work or business • Managing investments or assets • Self-improvement • Other reason In the past, how often did you read the Nikkei daily newspaper? • Almost every day • 3-4 times per week • 1-2 times per week • Never read the Nikkei newspaper Which viewer format do you prefer? • Article list smartphone view • ePaper app Replica viewer
  6. New subscriber consultation -> Provide app and feature recommendations •

    6 app/feature recommendation profiles based on new subscriber survey responses ◦ Smartphone app Installation Guide ◦ Habit-making guidance for Morning/Evening editions ◦ Content recommendations ◦ Personalization feature
  7. Results(1) 85% Answered Best result • New subscriber response rate

    to survey: 85%! (Test period: 2019 Jun ~ Jul) • The way you ask questions is important • Utilized A/B Testing Optimization Please answer the following 3 questions. Thank you for registering. Please answer the following 3 questions. (with Nikkei masthead image)
  8. Results(2) • 4 point improvement in retention rate (93 day

    retention period) • 8 point improvement in ePaper app usage rate (44% -> 52%) • $546K gross profit increase
  9. 10 YOSUKE SUZUKI GM Digital Business Development, Nikkei America yosuke.suzuki@nex.nikkei.com

    NIKKEI PRODUCT & TECHNOLOGY BLOG on Medium https://medium.com/nikkei-product-technology