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Revealing Vulnerabilities in Spring Boot Architectures

Yury Nino
September 02, 2020

Revealing Vulnerabilities in Spring Boot Architectures

Yury Nino

September 02, 2020

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  3. Our systems face all kinds of adversities: hard disks failures,

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  4. Netflix Twitter The infrastructure required by a software system can

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  5. Chaos Engineering It is the discipline of experimenting failures in

    production in order to reveal their weakness and to build confidence in their resilience capability. https://principlesofchaos.org/
  6. Security Chaos Engineering It is the identification of security control

    failures through proactive experimentation to build confidence in the system’s ability to defend against malicious conditions in production. Security Chaos Engineering Book
  7. Chaos History 2008 Chaos Engineering was born at Netflix 2010

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  8. Practicing Chaos GameDays Interactive, real-world and learning exercises. They are

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  9. GameDays Framework Before After During • • • • •

    • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Russ Miles
  10. GameDays Framework Before After During • • • • •

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  11. • • • • Gamedays Framework Before After During •

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