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BMTC20 Opening: Current State of Craft Beer Mar...

BMTC20 Opening: Current State of Craft Beer Marketing

VIDEO is queen and king
TOMA (Top of Mind Awareness) gained from comfort/familiarity
The end customer is the HERO and YOU are the AUTHORITY
‘Fans’ and ‘customers’
Reinvent your brands to stay fresh

Zephyr Conferences

February 04, 2020

More Decks by Zephyr Conferences

Other Decks in Business


  1. 3

  2. 4

  3. 17

  4. StoryBrand.com “What if your ‘product’ is just fine? What if

    the problem is the way that you are talking about that product?” Donald Miller • Book Contents Chapters Include: • A character has a problem and meets a guide who gives them a plan and calls them to action that helps them avoid failures and ends in success.
  5. System 1 Two ways human beings make decisions. The quick,

    instinctive way is called System 1 and the difficult, considered way System 2. False premise – assumes people use System 2 to deliberate over the choices they make. In most cases, they don’t. It’s a System 1 world.
  6. System 1 1) Feeling = Happiness 2) Fluency= Speed and

    ease 3) Fame = Availability Heuristic: The more a brand comes to mind the better choice it is. • Feeling predicts future growth • Fluency – creates brand value • Fame reflects current market share. Get on people’s short list. Three Shortcuts of Decision Making
  7. 26

  8. The 5 Key Dimensions of Brand Personality – ala ImagiBrand

    • Brand Competence • Brand Sincerity <YOUR Ninja POWER> • Brand Excitement • Brand Sophistication • Brand Toughness Source: https://imagibrand.com/5-key-dimensions-brand-personality/
  9. Marketing Muses • Frequency • VIDEO is queen and king.

    • TOMA (Top of Mind Awareness) gained from comfort/familiarity • The end customer is the HERO and YOU are the AUTHORITY • ‘Fans’ and ‘customers’ • Reinvent your brands to stay fresh