our life. • I can’t remember the last time i didn't open google to find anything. • Search engines have evolved a lot in the past decade depending on the user requirements.
as Google, AllTheWeb and AltaVista, create their listings automatically by using a piece of software to “crawl” or “spider” the web and then index what it finds to build the search base. • Human-powered directories, such as the Yahoo directory, Open Directory and LookSmart, depend on human editors to create their listings. • Meta-search engines, such as Dogpile, Mamma, and Metacrawler, transmit user-supplied keywords simultaneously to several individual search engines to actually carry out the search. • http://www.yuanlei.com/studies/articles/is567-searchengine/ page2.htm
- Spider visits all the pages it knows and collects data from these pages. • Index - All the data collected by crawlers is then saved in indexes just like we store data in Sequel databases. • Search Engine - the actual software that accepts user queries and returns the required results through the indexes stored earlier. • Crawler-based SE is very efficient in searching data if we know the specific sets of keyword that we want to search. • e.g., Google, AllTheWeb and AltaVista
Submission - A user will have to submit his site to a directory with the metadata that is required by the directory. Metadata will mostly consists of things like category, age group, field of application, etc. All submissions will be verified by webmaster before being allowed to be searched. • Search Engine - The software that will sift through all data that was stored after user submissions to return desired result. • As the data is already categorized using the meta-data provided by user this search is more effective compared to the Crawler-based Search. • e.g., Yahoo directory, Open Directory and LookSmart
Fr.C.R.I.T in 2011. • Since then I worked as a Ruby On Rails Developer for 3 years. • My last two projects were embibe.com and yowoto.com. • Now I have come to ODU to pursue MS in CS. • I like learning new languages and building new stuff in my spare time.