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Solr et recherche dans un site ecommerce

Solr et recherche dans un site ecommerce

Adrien Brault

April 07, 2014

More Decks by Adrien Brault

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Standalone enterprise search server • Projet Apache (Comme Hadoop/CouchDB/Subversion) •

    Fonctions de recherche text avancées • Optimisé pour sites à fort traffic • API “REST” au format XML/JSON/CSV • Administration web • Replication et Sharding (SolrCloud) • “Near Real-time indexing”
  2. Pourquoi pas MySQL/ PostgreSQL ? • Performances • Facets •

    Fonctionnalités FULL Text • Support entreprise pour de la recherche
  3. Solr vs ElasticSearch • Tous les deux basés sur Lucene

    • ElasticSearch est plus récent et mieux pensé / plus “developer friendly” • Solr peut se resumer a “une interface HTTP simple a Lucene” • Avec Solr tout ne fonctionne pas avec le Sharding • solr-vs-elasticsearch.com
  4. Différents workers • Inventory • Beaucoup de message … doit

    être rapide • Popularity • Donnée calculée, donc chargée périodiquement • Main • Il faut bien quelque chose pour le reste!
  5. # Get latest “Download” link from # https://lucene.apache.org/solr 

    http://mir2.ovh.net/ ftp.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/ 4.7.1/solr-4.7.1.tgz 
 tar -xf solr-4.7.1.tgz
 cd solr-4.7.1/example 
 java -jar start.jar
  6. <fields>
 <field name="sku" type="text_en_splitting_tight" indexed="true" stored="true" omitNorms="true"/>
 <field name="name"

    type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
 <field name="color" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
 <field name="price" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
 <field name="popularity" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
 <field name="inStock" type="boolean" indexed="true" stored=“true"/> <field name="isFeatured" type="boolean" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
 <dynamicField name=“t_*” type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
 <copyField source="color" dest="t_color"/> schema.xml
  7. <types>
 <fieldType name="string" class="solr.StrField" sortMissingLast="true"/>
 <fieldType name="boolean" class="solr.BoolField" sortMissingLast="true"/>

    <fieldType name="text_general" 
 <analyzer type="index">
 <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
 <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
 <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
 <analyzer type="query">
 <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
 <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
 <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory"
 synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
 <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
 </types> schema.xml
  8. <updateHandler class="solr.DirectUpdateHandler2">

 <requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler">
 <lst name="master">
 <str name="enable">${enable.master:false}</str>
 <str name="replicateAfter">commit</str>
 <str name="replicateAfter">startup</str>
 <str name="confFiles">solrconfig.xml,schema.xml</str>
 <lst name="slave">
 <str name="enable">${enable.slave:false}</str>
 <str name="masterUrl">${solr.slave.masterUrl:}</str>
 <str name="pollInterval">00:00:30</str>
 </requestHandler> solrconfig.xml
  9. <requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler">
 <lst name="defaults">
 <int name="rows">10</int>
 <str name="defType">edismax</str>

    <str name="qf">name t_category^50 t_color^40 t_size</str>
 <str name="bf">sum(sqrt(popularity),if(isFeatured,5,0))</str>
 <str name="tie">0.1</str>
 <str name="mm">100%</str>
 <str name="spellcheck">true</str>
 <str name="spellcheck.count">10</str>
 <arr name="last-components">
 </requestHandler> solrconfig.xml
  10. solarium/solarium • API complete pour interagir avec solr • QueryBuilder

    • Batch Updates • http://wiki.solarium-project.org/index.php/ V3:Basic_usage
  11. internations/solr-query-component use InterNations\Component\Solr\Expression \ExpressionBuilder;
 $eb = new ExpressionBuilder();

 $eb->eq('John Doe'),
 100 )
 // name:"John Doe"^100 • https://github.com/InterNations/SolrQueryComponent
  12. hautelook/solarium-cache $client = ...;
 $cache = new RedisCache(); // or

    any doctrine cache adapter
 $plugin = new CachePlugin();
 $client->registerPlugin('cache', $plugin);
 $query = $client->createSelect(array(
 'cache_lifetime' => 60,
 $result = $client->execute($query); • Bundle inclus
  13. floriansemm/solr-bundle • Principe similaire a friendsofsymfony/elastica- bundle • Trop simple

    pour notre cas cependant • synchrone • indexation trop simple
  14. Objectifs de l’architecture • IndexerBundle • Asynchrone • ETL facilement

    testable • ClientBundle • Utilisation web et api possible • API “publique” découplée de Solr/Solarium
 namespace Acme\Search\IndexerBundle\ETL\Inventory;
 class Extractor
 public function getSkuQuantity($sku)

 $qb = $this->createQB();
 ->andWhere('sku.sku = :sku')
 ->setParameter('sku', $sku)
 return $qb->execute()->fetch();
 public function getProductSkusQuantities($productId)
 $qb = $this->createQB();
 ->andWhere('sku.product = :product_id')
 ->setParameter('product_id', $productId)
 return $qb->execute()->fetchAll();
 private function createQB() {}
  16. namespace Acme\Search\IndexerBundle\ETL\Inventory;
 class Transformer
 public function updateDocument(

 ) {
 $document->setSku($sku); // PK
  17. namespace Acme\Search\IndexerBundle\ETL;
 class Loader
 public function updateSkuQuantity($sku)

    return $this->updateQuantities(
 public function updateProductSkusQuantities($productId)
 return $this->updateQuantities(
 private function updateQuantities(array $extractorResults)
 $documents = array();
 foreach ($extractorResults as $extractorResult) {
 $documents[] = $document = new Document();
 $sku = $extractorResult['sku'];
 $quantity = $extractorResult['quantity'];
 $this->itemTransformer->updateDocument($document, $sku, $quantity);
 return $this->loaderClient->sendDocuments($documents);
 namespace Acme\Search\IndexerBundle\ETL;
 class LoaderClient
 private $solarium;

 public function sendDocuments(array $documents)
 $update = $this->solarium->createUpdate();
 return $this->sendUpdate($update);
 private function sendUpdate(Query $update)
 if ($this->commitOnUpdate) {
 $result = $this->solarium->update($update);
 if ($result->getStatus() !== 0) {
 throw new UpdateErrorException($result);
 return $result;
  19. Filtre namespace Acme\Search\ClientBundle\Filter; 
 class Filter
 private $query;

 private $sizes;
 private $page;
 private $limit;
 public function setQuery($query = null) {}
 public function getQuery() {}
 public function setColors(array $colors) {}
 public function getColors() {}
 // ...
  20. Abstraire le filtre namespace Acme\Search\ClientBundle\Filter;
 class Filter

 const SORT_RELEVANCY = 'relevancy';
 const SORT_MOST_POPULAR = 'most_popular';
 const SORT_PRICE_DESC = 'price_desc';
 private $sort = self::SORT_MOST_POPULAR;
 public function getSort() {}
 public function setSort($sort) {}
  21. Client pour le Catalogue namespace Acme\Search\ClientBundle\Catalog; " class Client

 * @param Filter $filter
 * @return Result
 public function search(Filter $filter)
 $query = $this->queryFactory->createQuery($filter);
 $result = $this->client->execute($query);
 return $this->resultBuilder->create($result);
  22. QueryFactory namespace Acme\Search\ClientBundle\Solarium\Select;
 class QueryFactory
 public function createCatalogQuery(Filter

 $query = new CatalogQuery();
 $query->setQuery((new ExpressionBuilder())->all());
 if ($filter->hasFullTextQuery()) {
 return $query;
  23. Query namespace Acme\Search\ClientBundle\Solarium\Select;
 class CatalogQuery extends Query

    function init()
 $this->getExpressionBuilder()->btwnRange(0, null)
  24. namespace Acme\Search\ClientBundle\Solarium\Select;
 class CatalogQuery extends Query
 public function

    addFilterColorFilterQuery(Filter $filter)
 public function addFieldTermsFilterQuery($field, $terms)
 if (count($terms) === 0) {
  25. Resultat 
 namespace Acme\Search\ClientBundle\Catalog;
 class Result implements \IteratorAggregate

    /** @var Pagerfanta */
 private $pager;
 /** @var Product[] */
 private $products;
 /** @var FieldCount[] */
 private $colors;
 /** @var FieldCount[] */
 private $sizes;
 /** @var null|string */
 private $suggestedSpelling;
  26. public function indexAction(Request $request)
 $filter = new Filter();

    $bindingForm = $this->get('form.factory')->createNamed(
 $bindingForm->submit($request->query->all(), false);
 $catalogClient = $this->get('acme_search_client.catalog.client');
 $result = $catalogClient->search($filter);
 $viewForm = $this->get('form.factory')->createNamed(
 'method' => 'GET',
 'catalog_result' => $result,
 return array(
 'filter' => $filter,
 'form' => $viewForm->createView(),
 'result' => $result,
  27. /**
 * @Method("GET")
 * @Route("/search")
 public function searchAction(Request $request)

 $filter = new Filter();
 $bindingForm = $this->get('form.factory')->createNamed(
 $bindingForm->submit($request->query->all(), false);
 $catalogClient = $this->get('acme_search_client.catalog.client');
 $result = $catalogClient->search($filter);
 // Hateoas goodness!
 $catalogRepresentation = new CatalogRepresentation($result, $filter);
 return View::create($catalogRepresentation);
  28. namespace Acme\AppBundle\Form\Type;
 class FilterBindingType extends AbstractType
 public function

    buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
 ->add('query', 'hidden')
 ->add('sizes', 'collection', ['allow_add' => true])
 ->add('colors', 'collection', ['allow_add' => true])
 ->add('sort', 'hidden')
 ->add('page', 'hidden')
 ->add('limit', 'hidden')
 function (FormEvent $event) {
 $submittedData = $event->getData();
 if (isset($submittedData['query'])
 && !isset($submittedData['sort'])
 ) {
 $submittedData['sort'] = Filter::SORT_RELEVANCY;
  29. namespace Acme\AppBundle\Form\Type;
 class FilterType extends AbstractType
 public function

 FormBuilderInterface $builder,
 array $options
 ) {
 public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
 'data_class' => Filter::CLASS,
 'csrf_protection' => false,
 'catalog_result' => Result::CLASS,
  30. public function buildForm(
 FormBuilderInterface $builder,
 array $options
 ) {

 'choice_list' => new FieldCountChoiceList(
 'required' => false,
 'choice_list' => new FieldCountChoiceList(
 'required' => false,
 'choices' => self::getSortChoices(),
  31. use Solarium\QueryType\Select\Query\Component\EdisMax; " class EDisMaxType extends AbstractType
 public function

    buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
 $options = ['required' => false];
 ->add('queryFields', 'textarea', $options)
 ->add('queryAlternative', 'text', $options)
 ->add('minimumMatch', 'text', $options)
 ->add('phraseFields', 'text', $options)
 ->add('phraseSlop', 'text', $options)
 ->add('queryPhraseSlop', 'text', $options)
 ->add('tie', 'text', $options)
 ->add('boostQuery', 'text', $options)
 ->add('boostFunctions', 'text', $options)
 ->add('boostFunctionsMult', 'text', $options)
 ->add('phraseBigramFields', 'text', $options)
 ->add('phraseBigramSlop', 'text', $options)
 ->add('phraseTrigramFields', 'text', $options)
 ->add('phraseTrigramSlop', 'text', $options)
 ->add('userFields', 'text', $options)
 public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
 'data_class' => EDisMax::CLASS,
  32. DebugController 
 $query1 = $catalogClient->createQuery($filter);
 $query2 = $catalogClient->createQuery($filter);

    = $this->get('form.factory')
 'left' => $query1->getEDisMax(),
 'right' => $query2->getEDisMax(),
 'filter' => $filter,
 ['method' => 'GET']
 ->add('query', 'text', ['property_path' => '[filter].query'])
 ->add('left', 'edismax')
 ->add('right', 'edismax')
 $debugForm->submit($request->query->all(), false);
 $catalogResult1 = $catalogClient->createSearchResults($filter, $query1);
 $catalogResult2 = $catalogClient->createSearchResults($filter, $query2);
  33. Suggestions • Suggester suggèste des noms … et non des

    recherches • Nous envisageons de créer un second core pour les suggestions
  34. Performance “killers” • group=true / group.ngroups=true / group.facet=true • Form

    choice avec 2000 choix … -> AJAX • AutoCommit trop frequent • Trop de slaves • Ne pas utiliser solr cloud -> hard commit obligatoire pour la replication