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R2DBC JEEConf 2019 by Igor Lozynskyi

R2DBC JEEConf 2019 by Igor Lozynskyi

R2DBC as a reactive API for data access in SQL databases.
Presented at JEEConf 2019 by Igor Lozynskyi.

Igor Lozynskyi

April 26, 2019

More Decks by Igor Lozynskyi

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  1. For whom this talk: / Want to build reactive apps?

    / Want to have reactive database access? / Want lo learn about R2DBC? / I assume, you know what Reactive is
  2. Why Reactive? / New frontier for high-efficiency apps / Fundamentally

    non-blocking / Paired with asynchronous behaviors / Pull-push back pressure
  3. Why Reactive? / New frontier for high-efficiency apps / Fundamentally

    non-blocking / Paired with asynchronous behaviors / Pull-push back pressure
  4. ADBA / New async API for relational data access in

    Java / Implemented with CompletableFuture / Uses Java 9’s Flow API
  5. Criticism / Does not imply back pressure / Has only

    ADBA-over-JDBC implementation / Slow development / Authors have neglected Reactive approach for a long time / No clear timeline
  6. R2DBC Design principles / Based on Reactive Streams Types and

    Patterns / Be completely non-blocking, up to the DB / Utilize wire-protocol for non-blocking implementations / Divide Client API and Driver SPI / Shrink Driver SPI
  7. JDBC API / JDBC has the same API for: /

    Driver authors / Human users / Inhuman users like JPA, Jdbi, jOOQ, etc. / No-one likes using JDBC API
  8. R2DBC SPI - Connection / Batch createBatch() / Statement createStatement(String

    sql) / Publisher<Void> beginTransaction() / Publisher<Void> commitTransaction() / Publisher<Void> rollbackTransaction() / Publisher<Void> rollbackTransactionToSavepoint(String name) / Publisher<Void> setTransactionIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel level) / Publisher<Void> createSavepoint(String name) / Publisher<Void> releaseSavepoint(String name) / Publisher<Void> close()
  9. R2DBC SPI - Statement / Statement add() / Statement bind(Object

    identifier, Object value) / Statement bindNull(Object identifier, Class<?> type) / Publisher<? extends Result> execute() / Statement returnGeneratedValues(String... columns)
  10. R2DBC SPI - Result / Publisher<Integer> getRowsUpdated() / <T> Publisher<T>

    map(BiFunction<Row, RowMetadata, ? extends T> f)
  11. SPI: Simple select connectionFactory .create() .flatMapMany(conn -> conn.createStatement("SELECT currency, price

    FROM trades") .execute() .flatMap(result -> result .map((row, metadata) -> row.get("currency"))))
  12. SPI: Batch insert connectionFactory .create() .flatMapMany(conn -> conn.createStatement( “INSERT INTO

    trades (currency, market, price) “ + "VALUES (?, ?, ?)") .bind(0, "EUR").bind(1, "TD").bind(2, 7.0).add() .bind(0, "UAH").bind(1, "TX").bind(2, 6.0).add() .execute())
  13. SPI: Transactions connectionFactory .create() .flatMapMany(conn -> conn.beginTransaction() .thenMany(conn.createStatement( "INSERT INTO

    trades (currency, market, price) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?)") .bind(0, "UAH").bind(1, "TX").bind(2, "B") .execute()) .delayUntil(p -> conn.commitTransaction()) .onErrorResume(t -> conn .rollbackTransaction() .then(Mono.error(t)))) try-with-resources
  14. R2DBC Client r2dbcClient .withHandle(handle -> handle.createUpdate( "INSERT INTO trades (currency,

    market, price) " + "VALUES ($1, $2, $3)") .bind("$1", "UAH").bind("$2", "TX").bind("$3", 3.4) .execute())
  15. R2DBC Client: Transactions r2dbcClient .inTransaction(handle -> handle.createUpdate( "INSERT INTO trades

    (currency, market, price) " + "VALUES ($1, $2, $3)") .bind("$1", "UAH").bind("$2", "TX").bind("$3", 3.4) .execute())
  16. SPI: Transactions connectionFactory .create() .flatMapMany(conn -> conn.beginTransaction() .thenMany(conn.createStatement( "INSERT INTO

    trades (currency, market, price) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?)") .bind(0, "UAH").bind(1, "TX").bind(2, "B") .execute()) .delayUntil(p -> conn.commitTransaction()) .onErrorResume(t -> conn .rollbackTransaction() .then(Mono.error(t))))
  17. Spring Data Repository public interface UsSalesR2dbcRepository extends R2dbcRepository<UsSalesDataDto, String> {

    @Query("select * from us_sales_by_districts") Flux<UsSalesDataDto> findAll(); @Query("select * from us_sales_by_districts, where code=:code") Mono<UsSalesDataDto> findById(@Param("code") String code); }
  18. public interface UsSalesR2dbcRepository extends R2dbcRepository<UsSalesDataDto, String> { @Query("select * from

    us_sales_by_districts") Flux<UsSalesDataDto> findAll(); @Query("select * from us_sales_by_districts, where code=:code") Mono<UsSalesDataDto> findById(@Param("code") String code); } Spring Data R2DBC
  19. Longer Queries / DBs rushing to deliver data / Back

    pressure may delay data delivery
  20. Longer Transactions / Back pressure may cause more contention /

    JDBC faster then R2DBC / R2DBC may impact DB internals
  21. Wire-protocol / Should allow data streaming / Should allow back

    pressure / Cancellation / Implement Reactive Streams semantics / Multiplexing? / RSocket?
  22. R2DBC Pros / New and shiny / Brings reactive to

    DB access / More active community than ADBA’s / Easy to implement drivers (compared to JDBC)
  23. R2DBC Cons / Not mature enough (current: 1.0.0.M7) / May

    be beaten by ADBA / No JPA (Hibernate/EclipseLink) / Reactive approach may not fit SQL at all
  24. Summary / ADBA vs R2DBC battle is still going on

    / May soon have reactive DB access / Spring Data drives R2DBC / Not for production yet! / Don’t afraid to try R2DBC!