(greek: “art/craft”) Typesetting system Prof. Donald Erwin Knuth Emeritus Professor of “The Art of Computer Programming” (TAOCP) Stanford University, USA Main contributor to the Analysis of Algorithms field using asymptotic notation Motivation Unsatisfaction with printed version of TAOCP2 2nd ed., due to declined quality of the typesetting using new software and digital printer technology.
5 width 6 width 3 width 8 space 9 stretch 3 shrink 1 width 52 space 9 stretch 6 shrink 2 width 52 space 12 stretch 0 shrink 0 width 52 “TEX! Please, make the horizontal list into a box that is 58 units wide” width 58
5 width 6 width 3 width 8 space 9 stretch 3 shrink 1 width 52 space 9 stretch 6 shrink 2 width 52 space 12 stretch 0 shrink 0 width 52 “TEX! Please, make the horizontal list into a box that is 51 units wide” width 51
preparation system The father Leslie Lamport Mathematician and Programmer Microsoft Research Motivation Unsatisfaction with TEX80 macros writen by Max Diaz when he was writing a book
basic structure \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} % preamble \usepackage[parameter]{package} \begin{document} \section{First section name} text text text \subsection{Second section name} text text text \subsubsection{Third section name} text text text \end{document}
basic structure \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} % preamble \usepackage[parameter]{package} \begin{document} \section{First section name} text text text \subsection{Second section name} text text text \subsubsection{Third section name} text text text \end{document}
basic structure \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} % preamble \usepackage[parameter]{package} \begin{document} \section{First section name} text text text \subsection{Second section name} text text text \subsubsection{Third section name} text text text \end{document}
basic structure \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} % preamble \usepackage[parameter]{package} \begin{document} \section{First section name} text text text \subsection{Second section name} text text text \subsubsection{Third section name} text text text \end{document}
basic structure \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} % preamble \usepackage[parameter]{package} \begin{document} \section{First section name} text text text \subsection{Second section name} text text text \subsubsection{Third section name} text text text \end{document}
basic structure \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} % preamble \usepackage[parameter]{package} \begin{document} \section{First section name} text text text \subsection{Second section name} text text text \subsubsection{Third section name} text text text \end{document}
that people should stop making?” 1 Worrying too much about formatting and not enough about content; 2 Worrying too much about formatting and not enough about content;
that people should stop making?” 1 “ Worrying too much about formatting and not enough about content; 2 Worrying too much about formatting and not enough about content; 3 Worrying too much about formatting and not enough about content.” (Leslie Lamport)