of team members • Encapsulates single feature • Single entry point • Smaller is better • Cannot depend on other feature modules • Every feature has an implementation and a contract module Thoughts on modularisation
modules should not depend on low level modules • Build abstractions so any implementation can be easily changed with new one. • Dependencies can be injected into components. IoC Principle
ba tt ery power. Avoid wake-locks Batch calls - Work manager to rescue Don’t be greedy with GPS usage be proactive Minimize the sensors to when most needed Ba tt ery Historian - a great tool to benchmark app for ba tt ery usage Consider your footprint
fi ne requirements ‣ plan roadmap for development ‣ develop and maintain and test apps ‣ production validation ‣ cross-check parity among both pla tf orms
implementation of UI - new updates from the OS will take time to adapt • pe rf ormance is not on par to native • One may end up also writing native code alongside • OS / device features are dependent on the fw suppo r
· plat · form / / kät' lin malti' platfôrm, kät'lin melti'platfôrm/ noun optional, natively-integrated, open-source, code sharing pla tf orm, based on the popular, modern language kotlin. facilitates non-ui logic availability on many pla tf orms.
of people are using kotlin nowadays - Google and JetBrains are pushing Kotlin exclusively - you can ask questions directly at h tt ps://kotlinlang.slack.com conclusions
to reach 100% of shared logic - be extremely careful with all updates - IDEA, JDK, kotlin, libraries - everything. - keep versioning in mind Suggestions
tf orm project with Swi ft UI, Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web and Kotlin/JS + React clients along with Ktor backend. Resources