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How To Execute Idea

How To Execute Idea

I use this deck to share my knowledge to junior in my college. The event is Reactor 1.0 held by Ilmy in join with Informatics Faculty.

Muhammad Alif Akbar

February 25, 2018

More Decks by Muhammad Alif Akbar

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  1. Hello World! Saya, Muhammad Alif Akbar Disini untuk sharing langkah

    praktis, bagaimana menghadapi mengeksekusi ide.
  2. Enlist skill needs Buat daftar skill apa saja yang dibutuhkan.

    Setelah itu cari orangnya, seringkali teman kita tidak ada yang cocok, jadi jangan ragu cari teman baru.
  3. Be sociable Learn to speak with a person not just

    computer. Sometimes you don’t need to think too much
  4. Be a good listener Everyone has an interesting story to

    be told. Even sometimes he/she just doesn’t know it. Ohh - hmm - I see - hem hem - Really? - Sure
  5. 5s First Impression Selalu usahakan bertemu di tempat yang dapat

    menjangkau makanan seperti cafe, kantin, resto, dll. Dan ingaaaaat! Traktir! Jika tidak bisa, setidaknya siapkan cemilan.
  6. Get a good mentor! Selalu ada yang kamu belum tau,

    cari mentor yang pas. Pilih yang bisa merasa terlibat/memiliki terhadap projek kamu.
  7. Built Amazing Team Putri Meuthia Pratiwi Dede Kiswanto Muhammad Qasim

    Andi Ahmad Irfa Fadhlu Rahman Taufiq Syahrir Muhammad Alif Akbar Januar Triandi Nur Elsan Musa Abdul Azis Husna Ghniya Adnan Surya Azis Adi Nugroho Setyo Nugroho Cut Irna Setiawati Prof. Tauhid Nur Azhar Hilman Fauzi Tsp Dr. Satria Mandala Alfian Akbar Gozali MENTORS Kurniawan Nur R. Hansa Mustada Dwi Indah Hizas
  8. Agile Framework Framework terkenal seperti Scrum, XP, Sprint, etc. Tapi

    intinya “jangan terlalu lama proses development”, keep the work small and simple.
  9. Look around, In Private, Write down about 1 thing description

    in the room, in 3 sentences --IN PRIVATE--
  10. Don’t Interrupt Tenang, semua orang akan dapat giliran. Persiapkan laporanmu,

    what you did, what is the result, any problem, what will be do next.
  11. Blame, but in good way Jujur dengan kinerja, jangan mencari-cari

    kesalahan orang lain, jika memang ada kesalahan, beritahu dengan baik.
  12. On Time is Better Hampir dalam semua segala, on time

    selalu lebih baik. Termasuk dalam mengerjakan project dan deadline Be proud of your work!
  13. Reinforce The Vision Golden Trifecta. Appreciation, Courtesy, Respect Never tell

    people how to do, tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. -George S. Patton
  14. Practice how to cut off someone Setup the mood, clear

    and precise, ask for “No hard feeling”
  15. Let they know current update Ask for their opinion. Publicly

    say thanks. but personally saying critics
  16. Do all test, there is always a flaw Automated test,

    User Usability Test / User Acceptance Test, Security Test, Load Test, etc
  17. Give Credits Jika ada sumber dari luar (tulisan, gambar, suara,

    dll) berikan credit mereka dan pastikan lisensinya sesuai.
  18. I can't achieve anything by my own, These achievements are

    thank to my amazing team and mentors