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Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"

Andrew Malek
October 29, 2015

Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"

This session explores why choosing a good responsive framework, while assisting in development and ensuring a consistent look-and-feel, is just one piece of the much larger process of creating a truly engaging website or web application. Topics include why using the latest swiping motion du jour may not immediately make sense to all users, how a site's layout and content must truly be thought of as an architecture project to get the most "bang for the buck", and what problems that interactivity in the form of form entry can result in driving potential users and customers away, never to be seen again.

Andrew Malek

October 29, 2015

More Decks by Andrew Malek

Other Decks in Design


  1. •WHO is using my site? •WHAT are their main goals?

    •WHEN to use timely information? •WHERE are users going? •WHY?
  2. For More on Content Strategy • http://www.usability.gov/what-and-why/content- strategy.html • http://alistapart.com/article/audiences-outcomes-

    and-determining-user-needs • https://uxmag.com/articles/content-strategy-and- ux-a-modern-love-story
  3. "The hamburger icon, used most egregiously, allows you to put

    500 options into a mobile app without doing the hard work of actually figuring out what belongs there“ - Luke Wroblewski - http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31602745
  4. Menu Word Studies: • http://www.catalystnyc.com/2015/02/navigating- mobile-hamburger-menu-anyone-get/ • http://moovweb.com/blog/hamburger-menu-handy- tool-or-useless-icon/ •

    http://conversionxl.com/testing-hamburger-icon- revenue/ • http://www.peakusability.com.au/articles/mobile-ux- part-1-menu-burgers-and-navicons
  5. Forms Sample Uses •Signup / Login •Shopping Cart Checkout •Survey

    •Advanced Search / Filtering •Post / Reply to Messages
  6. Phone Number Signup One option: Digits SDK (from Twitter) -

    SMS and Confirmation Code •https://fabric.io/kits/ios/digits •https://fabric.io/kits/android/digits
  7. Must You Ask Other Questions? • Need the real name?

    • Need age? • Need to ask the gender? • If so, consider to reduce chance of being offensive: http://ux.stackexchange.com/questions/19923/
  8. Social Network Signup / Login • Reduce Typing • Google:

    https://developers.google.com/identity/ • Facebook: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login • Yahoo!: https://developer.yahoo.com/openid/ • OpenID: http://openid.net/
  9. Some Debate on Birthday UI • Numeric text only? •

    Pulldowns? • Calendar Popup • http://ux.stackexchange.com/questions/5119/ • http://ux.stackexchange.com/questions/41059/
  10. Autodetect Location: IP or Geolocation • http://ip2location.com • http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/ •

    http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source.html • https://developers.google.com/maps/documentati on/javascript/examples/geocoding-reverse
  11. "What used to be a simple app turned into a

    MESS with the last update. I used to be able to pull up the app and view all the info I wanted to see QUICKLY and effortlessly on default page... NOW I have to flip between 3- 4 screens or scroll around to find this info. I don't have time to play these hide and seek games… "
  12. Donald A. Norman and Jakob Nielsen: "In Apple Mail, to

    delete an unread item, swipe right across the unopened mail and a dialog appears, allowing you to delete the item. Open the email and the same operation has no result. In the Apple calendar, the operation does not work. How is anyone to know, first, that this magical gesture exists, and second, whether it operates in any particular setting?" http://www.jnd.org/dn.mss/gestural_interfaces_a_step_backwards_in_usability_6.html
  13. A Study of Novice Older Adults and Gestural Interaction on

    Smartphones • "[T]wenty older adults, without prior touchscreen experience“ • "Although a few novel gestures were performed … throughout the ten tasks, none of them was carried - out by more than 10% of participants…“ CHI 2013 Mobile Accessibility Workshop, April 28, 2013, Paris, France http://mobile-accessibility.di.fc.ul.pt/papers/mobacc2013_submission_6.pdf
  14. Users’ Perspective of Smartphone Platforms Usability: An Empirical Study •

    "On the basis of evaluation it is concluded that there is a need to provide a new design framework in which these commercial smartphone platforms interface overcome the gap of adaptability quotient of older adults." 2014 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation http://ijssst.info/Vol-15/No-3/data/3857a379.pdf
  15. PointClear - Optimizing mHealth Apps for Older Adults: 8 Strategies

    • "Most older adults don’t use advanced gestures such as double-tap, flick, tap and hold, pinch or spread. Strive to limit your gestures to tap and swipe. If your app needs to include these advanced gestures, make sure the actions that are activated are also available through menus or UI buttons that can be accessed by tapping or swiping.“ http://blog.pointclearsolutions.com/2014/06/optimizing-mhealth-apps-older-adults-8-strategies/
  16. Perceived Affordance • "Does the user perceive that clicking on

    that location is a meaningful, useful action to perform?" http://www.jnd.org/dn.mss/affordances_and.html
  17. • Company webpage screenshots are used for illustrative purposes only

    and do not represent endorsement of any kind. • JavaScript framework logos are used for illustrative purposes only and do not represent endorsement of any kind. • Some photos are from stock library sites such as https://pixabay.com as well as public domain photos on https://commons.wikimedia.org where attribution is not requested. • © 2015-2016 Andrew Malek.