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Breaking through the Clouds

Andy Piper
October 07, 2012

Breaking through the Clouds

Skycon 2012 - Public, private, and hybrid; software, platform, and infrastructure. This talk will discuss the current state of the Platform-as-a-Service space, and why the keys to success lie in enabling developer productivity, and providing openness and choice.

Andy Piper

October 07, 2012

More Decks by Andy Piper

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    social web enthusiast maker, educator, LEGO fan OSS supporter / contributor Eclipse Committer (Paho / MQTT) excited by “what’s next”, Internet of Things, etc. @andypiper apiper@vmware.com
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  11. cloudfoundry.org community project cloudfoundry.org Download Code Setup Environment Deploy Behind

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  13. CTO, VMware, 11 April 2012 Steve Herrod “We really are

    aspiring for this to be the Linux of the cloud.”
  14. Image credits • Happy Tux http://igloo.crystalxp.net/ZeNDaMs • Signpost http://www.flickr.com/photos/16002150@N08/2006266695/ •

    Other images are author’s own, or royalty-free and CC-licensed works from Wikimedia Commons • Thanks to Patrick Chanezon for some content