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Accessibility & Technical SEO

September 20, 2019

Accessibility & Technical SEO


September 20, 2019

More Decks by DDavydoff

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Accessibility for people and bots: Compassion-led technical SEO Ashley Berman

  2. Web Accessibility The inclusive practice of ensuring there are no

    barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites
  3. Web Accessibility The inclusive practice of ensuring there are no

    barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, generally all users have equal access to information and functionality
  4. Web Accessibility The inclusive practice of ensuring there are no

    barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, generally all users have equal access to information and functionality Access to information and communications technologies is defined as a basic human right in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD)
  5. • Contrast ≥ 4.5:1 • Safe fonts HTML • Read

    Regular • Lexie Readable • Tiresias DEFAULT • Arial • Helvetica • Lucida Sans • Tahoma • Verdana PDFs • Times New Roman • Verdana • Arial • Tahoma • Helvetica • Calibri Visual Recommendations
  6. • Contrast ≥ 4.5:1 • Safe fonts • Do not

    user color to convey meaning Visual Recommendations
  7. • Contrast ≥ 4.5:1 • Safe fonts • Do not

    user color to convey meaning • Descriptive links ノಠ_ಠノ Visual Recommendations
  8. • Contrast ≥ 4.5:1 • Safe fonts • Do not

    user color to convey meaning • Descriptive links • Graphics • No embedded text • Use alt text Visual Recommendations
  9. • Contrast ≥ 4.5:1 • Safe fonts • Do not

    user color to convey meaning • Descriptive links • Graphics • No embedded text • Use alt text <img src="/lizzo.jpg" alt="Savior of Modern Humanity"> Visual Recommendations
  10. • Contrast ≥ 4.5:1 • Safe fonts • Do not

    user color to convey meaning • Descriptive links • Graphics • Use alt text • No embedded text • Configurable text & layouts • Color, size • Percentages vs. absolute units (pixels) Visual Recommendations
  11. • Don’t require the mouse or use onmouseover events •

    Let users skip over long content/menus Visual Recommendations
  12. • Don’t require the mouse or use onmouseover events •

    Let users skip over long content/menus • Don’t use <iframes> for core content Visual Recommendations
  13. • Don’t require the mouse or use onmouseover events •

    Let users skip over long content/menus • Don’t use <iframes> for core content • Make tables friendly • Data tables • Layout tables Row by row Left to right Use headers Provide summaries Visual Recommendations
  14. • Don’t require the mouse or use onmouseover events •

    Let users skip over long content/menus • Don’t use <iframes> for core content • Make tables friendly • Data tables • Layout tables • Audio described videos Visual Recommendations
  15. Black Holes & Irksome Bits • PDFs • Flash •

    Images • Captchas • Cookie Prompts
  16. Visual Tests • Check contrast • https://contrast-ratio.com/ • 4.5:1 •

    Check screen magnifiers • NVDA or accessibility settings
  17. Visual Tools & Resources • OS Built-Ins • Chrome Extensions

    • Programmer & Designer Toolkits • Organizations & • Articles • Advocates to follow
  18. Auditory Recommendations • Subtitles • Closed captions • Transcripts •

    Visible and functional controls • Alternative contact options
  19. Auditory Accessibility Audience • YouTube • Auto-generated • Rewards! •

    Subtitles = Increase in watch time of 40% • Facebook • 85% of videos watched on mute >5% of people (446M) are hearing disabled By 2020: over 900M or 1 in 10
  20. Speech Recommendations • Simple requirements • Alternative input Test: •

    Use a voice-generating computer device to simulate input
  21. Speech Accessibility Audience • >1% of the total population stutter

    or stammer • Men are 4x’s likely • 10% of the population has a lisp • 18M US adults have a hard time using their voices in the last 12 months
  22. Motor Recommendations • Don’t require a mouse • Use large

    link targets • Use a focus state for links a:active, a:focus {background: yellow;}
  23. Motor Recommendations • Don’t require a mouse • Use large

    link targets • Use a focus state for links • ‘Skip to Content’ a.hide { position: absolute; left: -9000px; top: 0; } a.hide:focus, a.hide:active { left: 0; }
  24. Motor Recommendations • Don’t require a mouse • Use large

    link targets • Use a focus state for links • ‘Skip to Content’ • No auto-play audio/video
  25. Motor Recommendations • Don’t require a mouse • Use large

    link targets • Use a focus state for links • ‘Skip to Content’ • No auto-play audio/video • Use default tabbing order
  26. Motor Recommendations • Don’t require a mouse • Use large

    link targets • Use a focus state for links • ‘Skip to Content’ • No auto-play audio/video • Use default tabbing order • Don’t use shortcut keys
  27. Motor Recommendations • Don’t require a mouse • Use large

    link targets • Use a focus state for links • ‘Skip to Content’ • No auto-play audio/video • Use default tabbing order • Don’t use shortcut keys • Extend session timeouts
  28. Motor Tools • Mouth stick • Head wand • Single-switch

    access • Sip and puff switch • Oversized trackball mouse • Adaptive keyboard
  29. Motor Tools • Mouth stick • Head wand • Single-switch

    access • Sip and puff switch • Oversized trackball mouse • Adaptive keyboard • Eye-tracking • Voice recognition software
  30. Motor Accessibility Audience • ~15% of adults have physical functioning

    difficulties • 10M adults with Parkinson’s • 350M people with arthritis • Stroke is the leading cause of long-term serious disability in the US