kicked spin-1 2 : H(t) = 1 2 B ·σ +ϕ1−σz 2 ∑ ∞ n=−∞ δ(t−n) , where Bx and By are adiabatic parameters. We also impose (Bx,By) = B(cosϕ,sinϕ) (from AT and TC, PLA 379, 1693 (2015)). Bx By O C π a0 FIG. The adiabatic evolution of Bloch vector a = ⟨0|σ|0⟩ of a stationary state |0⟩, which is an an eigenvector of the Floquet operator.
nonadiabatic extension of exotic quantum holonomy based on the topological formulation (AT and TC, PLA 379, 1693 (2015)). Introduction Topological formulation Parameterize paths by dynamical variables Example of nonadiabatic EQH Summary
phase: from Hamiltonian to a projector An adiabatic path has two equivalent interpretations (Aharonov and Anandan, PRL 58, 1593 (1987)) with a Hamiltonian or projector. λ H(λ) Parameterization of H(λ). λ P(λ) Parameterization of a projector P(λ). The latter setting is ready to extend to nonadiabatic evolution, since the projector P (≃ density operator) is a dynamical variable.
AA’s P to EQH: set of eigenprojectors b We extend the single projector P to a set of eigenprojectors b ≡ {P0,P1,...}, where the order of Pn’s is disregarded. λ b(λ) = {P0 (λ), P1 (λ), . . .} In the nonadiabatic setting, Pn’s are just mutually orthogonal projectors, and b obeys the Schr¨ odinger equation. Now, for a closed trajectory of b, EQH is defined. p = ˆ P0 , ˆ P1 , . . . σ[C] (p) = ˆ Pσ[C] (0) , ˆ Pσ[C] (1) , . . . σ[C] C b(λ0 ) b(λ) = ˆ P0 (λ), ˆ P1 (λ), . . .
the example by a kicked spin-1 2 This example can be realized in the kicked spin (we set T = 1) H(t) = π 2 σz + B 2 σy ∞ ∑ n=−∞ δ(t−n). The corresponding Floquet operator U(T) = e−π 2 σz e−i B 2 σy has eigenvalues ±i. b = {P0,P1} is represented by a director (headless vector) n ∼ {a,−a} of the Bloch vector a. n + n - n0 z x FIG. Two trajectories of director n in the real projective plane RP2.
nonadiabatic extension (` a la Aharonov-Anandan) of exotic quantum holonomy (EQH) naturally emerges from its topological formulation. ▶ The central ingredients are 1. The permutation of elements in p = (P0,P1,...) is regarded as EQH. 2. The trajectory of b = {P0,P1,...} specifies a closed path both for adiabatic and nonadiabatic EQH. where Pn’s are mutually orthogonal projectors. ▶ We show an example of nonadiabatic EQH and its implementation in a quantum kicked spin-1 2 . Ref. AT and TC, PLA 379, 1693 (2015). n + n - n0 z x