theory An EP is a branch point of eigenenergies. The parametric evolution around an EP induces a permutation of eigenenergies. Ref. Heiss and Steeb (1991).
The parametric evolution around an EP also induces a permutations of eigenspaces. EP Decay due to non-unitary evol. Is such a permutation relevant with time evolution? — The decay prevents the permutation in the adiabatic limit. Ref. Uzdin et al. 2011, Berry and Uzdin 2011, Graefe et al. 2013.
Exceptional Points The unitary cycles that exhibit EQH may “enclose” EPs: S.W. Kim, T. Cheon and AT, PLA 374 1958 (2010) . . . reported at PHHQP XI AT, S.W. Kim and T. Cheon, PRE 89 042904 (2014) . . . N-level systems including NEP case (N > 2) EP Previous examples for the “EP interpretation” are kicked tops, which are few-level periodically driven (Floquet) systems.
of the interplay between the Exceptional Points and Exotic Quantum Holonomy in a many-body system is shown. . . . Lieb and Liniger’s model, which describes Bosons in a 1D space. Refs. Yonezawa, AT and Cheon, PRA 87 062113 (2013). AT, Yonezawa and Cheon, JPA 46 315302 (2013).
25 The Lieb-Liniger model Bosons are confined in a one-dimensional periodic space: H(g) = − 1 2 N j=1 ∂2 ∂x2 j +g (i,j) δ(xi −xj), where N is the number of Bosons. g is the interaction strength (two-body, contact interaction). Lieb and Liniger (1963).
25 An adiabatic cycle C for the Lieb-Liniger model The coupling strength g is adiabatically varied to form a “closed” path C: 1. C starts from g = 0 (free Bosons). 2. g is increased to +∞ (Tonks-Girardeau regime). 3. g is suddenly flipped to −∞ (super-Tonks-Girardeau regime). 4. g is increased to 0 (free Bosons). C is relevant to a recent experiment of super-Tonks-Girardeau gas (with finite T and uncertain N) [Haller et al., Science (2009)].
25 Exotic quantum holonomy in the LL model (N = 2) The unitary and adiabatic cycle C shifts the eigenenergies of the LL model. From Yonezawa, AT and Cheon, PRA 87 062113 (2013).
Introduction Hermitian side — Exotic Quantum Holonomy in Lieb-Liniger’s model Non-hermitian side — EPs in LL model (cf. Ushveridze 1988) Interplay between EPs and EQH Summary
Non-Hermitian Lieb-Liniger model The coupling strength g is complexified, which includes effects of inelastic collisions (D¨ urr et al., PRA 2009): H(g) = − 1 2 N j=1 ∂2 ∂x2 j +g (i,j) δ(xi −xj). In the following, we examine the N = 2 case.
“Energy landscape” in complex g-plane ReE0(g) (ground) 2 1 0 1 4 2 0 Re g Im g ReE2(g) (1st) 2 1 0 1 4 2 0 Re g Im g ReE4(g) (2nd) 2 1 0 1 4 2 0 Re g Im g Note: We restrict the case that the total momentum is zero.
EPs in the non-Hermitian Lieb-Liniger model 2 1 0 1 4 2 0 Re g Im g ReE0(g) 2 1 0 1 4 2 0 Re g Im g ReE2(g) 3 2 1 1 2 Re g 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Im g EPs in g-plane Ref. A. G. Ushveridze, JPA 21 955 (1988).
Encircling several EPs C +C0: trivial C +C2: permutation of two levels (E0,E2) → (E2,E0) C +C4: permutation of three levels (E0,E2,E4) → (E2,E4,E0) 2 1 0 1 4 2 0 Re g Im g Ref. A. G. Ushveridze, JPA 21 955 (1988).
C ≡ encirclement of an infinite number of EPs 3 2 1 1 2 Re g 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Im g When a path encircles all the relevant EPs, the path emulates the permutation induced by C, i.e., (E0,E2,E4,...) → (E2,E4,E6,...).
side — Exotic Quantum Holonomy in Lieb-Liniger’s model Non-hermitian side — EPs in LL model (cf. Ushveridze 1988) Interplay between EPs and EQH Summary
characterize the permutation of eigenspaces? Compare the initial and final states of an adiabatic cycle C through the overlap integrals, which form a matrix M(C): Mmn(C) ∼ m|n(C) where |n(C) is the final state corresponding to the initial state |n , and the dynamical phase is excluded from RHS.
expression of M(C) This is an “extension” of Berry’s formula for the geometric phase: M(C) = exp → −i C A(g)dg exp i C AD(g)dg , where Amn(g) ≡ i m(g)| ∂|n(g) ∂g , a non-Abelian gauge connection and AD mn (g) ≡ δmnAnn(g) the diagonal part of A. Fujikawa 2007; (for EQH) Cheon and AT 2009.
M(C) along a complex contour Evaluate the anti-path-ordered exponential M(C) = exp → −i C A(g)dg , where the parallel transport condition Ann = 0 is imposed for all n. C is deformed to a complex contour. The integral may be decomposed into the contributions from EPs.
of A(g) around an EP g(2) Let us examine around the EP g(2) that involves the ground and first excited eigenenergies. The gauge connection A(g) diverges at g(2): A(g(2) + ) = i R(2) 0 0 0 +O( −1 2 ), where R(2) ≡ − 1 4 0 −i i 0 .
exotic quantum holonomy in the Lieb-Liniger model is explained. 1. The adiabatic cycle C connecting free Bosons (g = 0), the Tonks-Girardeau gas (g = ∞), the super-Tonks-Girardeau gas (g = −∞), and free Bosons induces exotic quantum holonomy. [Yonezawa, AT and Cheon, PRA 87 062113 (2013)] 2. 2EPs of the N = 2 LL models are shown. [old result, Ushveridze, JPA 21 955 (1988)] 3. The permutation between eigenspaces is described in terms of non-Abelian gauge connection. In N = 2 case, M(C) can be decomposed into contributions from 2EPs, which are “poles” of the non-Abelian gauge connection. [AT, Yonezawa and Cheon, JPA 46 315302 (2013)] This result is an extension of the previous works on few level Floquet systems [Kim, Cheon and AT 2010; AT, Kim and Cheon 2014].
and EQH Recently, there appears another parallelism between non-Hermitian quantum theory and exotic quantum holonomy. This stems from Simon’s formulation of geometric phase in terms of fiber bundles (1983). Mehri-Dehnavi and Mostafazadeh’s formulation on geometric phase for non-Hermitian systems involves a covering space structure, which can be regarded as a fiber bundle with a discrete structure group. [JMP 49, 082105 (2008)] It is shown that the counterpart of Simon’s formulation for exotic quantum holonomy involves a covering space structure [AT and Cheon, PLA 379 1693 (2015)]