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Spark Streaming Snippets

Spark Streaming Snippets


March 14, 2016

More Decks by AGAWA Koji

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  1. ࠓ·Ͱ࡞ͬͨ Spark Streaming ΞϓϦ • rtg -- ϦΞϧλΠϜϦλή༻σʔλੜ੒ • pixelwriter

    -- Dynamic Crea4ve ༻ϚʔΫσʔλॻ͖ࠐΈ • feedsync -- ঎඼ϑΟʔυಉظ • segment:elas4c -- ϦΞϧλΠϜηάϝϯτԽ • (logblend -- ҟͳΔΠϕϯτϩάͷ Join)
  2. SparkBoot h"ps:/ /gist.github.com/a"y303/c83f3c8cb8a930951be0 • Spark ΞϓϦͷ main ࣮૷ • SparkContext

    / StreamingContext Λఏڙ͢Δ • Configura4on ؅ཧ • spark-submit ͷ --files Ͱ applica4on.conf ΛૹͬͯΧελ ϚΠζ
  3. όονͷ৔߹ object TrainingBatchApp extends SparkBatchBoot { val appName = "TrainingBatchApp"

    override def mkApp(sc: SparkContext, args: Array[String]): SparkApp = new TrainingBatchApp(sc, appConfig) } class TrainingBatchApp( sc: SparkContext, appConfig: Config) extends SparkApp { def run(): Try[Int] = Try { 0 } }
  4. ετϦʔϛϯάͷ৔߹ object PredictStreamingApp extends SparkStreamingBoot { val appName = "PredictStreamingApp"

    override val checkpointPath: String = "app.training.streaming.checkpoint-path" override val batchDurationPath: String = "app.training.streaming.batch-duration" override def mkApp(sc: SparkContext, ssc: StreamingContext, args: Array[String]): SparkApp = new PredictStreamingApp(ssc, batchDuration, appConfig) } class PredictStreamingApp( ssc: StreamingContext, appConfig: Config) extends SparkApp { val sparkContext = ssc.sparkContext def run(): Try[Int] = Try { 0 } }
  5. def repeatedly(streamingContext: StreamingContext, interval: Duration) (f: (SparkContext, Time) => Unit):

    Unit = { // τϦΨʔΛੜ੒͢Δ DStream val s = streamingContext.queueStream( mutable.Queue.empty[RDD[Unit]], oneAtATime = true, defaultRDD = streamingContext.sparkContext.makeRDD(Seq(()))) .repartition(1) s.window(s.slideDuration, interval) .foreachRDD { (rdd, time) => f(rdd.context, time) rdd.foreach(_ => ()) } }
  6. /** * ஋ͷߋ৽(࠶ϒϩʔυΩϟετ)͕Մೳͳ Broadcast * * https://gist.github.com/Reinvigorate/040a362ca8100347e1a6 * @author Reinvigorate

    */ case class UpdatableBroadcast[T: ClassTag]( @transient private val ssc: StreamingContext, @transient private val _v: T) { @transient private var v = ssc.sparkContext.broadcast(_v) def update(newValue: T, blocking: Boolean = false): Unit = { v.unpersist(blocking) v = ssc.sparkContext.broadcast(newValue) } def value: T = v.value private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = { out.writeObject(v) } private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream): Unit = { v = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[Broadcast[T]] } }
  7. ࢖͍ํ def loadModel(): Model = ??? val ub: UpdatableBroadcast[Model] =

    UpdatableBroadcast(streamingContext, loadModel()) StreamingUtil.repeatedly(streamingContext, refreshInterval) { (_, _) => ub.update(loadModel()) } dstream.foreachRDD { rdd => val model = ub.value // use model }
  8. ֎෦઀ଓͷந৅Խ • Spark Ͱ֎෦ϦιʔεʹΞΫηε͢Δͱ͖ɺݸʑͷ Executor ͕ ઀ଓΛҡ࣋͢Δඞཁ͕͋Δ • Driver ͔Β

    Executor ʹʮ઀ଓͦͷ΋ͷʯΛૹ৴͢Δ͜ͱ͸Ͱ͖ ͳ͍ • ʮ઀ଓ͢Δํ๏ʯΛ Connector trait ͱͯ͠ந৅Խ͍ͯ͠Δ
  9. trait Connector[A] extends java.io.Closeable with Serializable { def get: A

    def close(): Unit def using[B](f: A => B): B = f(get) }
  10. case class PoolAerospikeConnector(name: Symbol, config: AerospikeConfig) extends Connector[AerospikeClient] { def

    get: AerospikeClient = PoolAerospikeConnector.defaultHolder.getOrCreate(name, mkClient) def close(): Unit = PoolAerospikeConnector.defaultHolder.remove(name)( AerospikeConnector.aerospikeClientClosable) private val mkClient: () => AerospikeClient = () => new AerospikeClient(config.clientPolicy.underlying, config.asHosts:_*) } object PoolAerospikeConnector { private val defaultHolder = new DefaultResourceHolder[AerospikeClient] }
  11. case class ScalikeJdbcConnector(name: Symbol, config: Config) extends Connector[Unit] { def

    get: Unit = { if (!ConnectionPool.isInitialized(name)) { // Load MySQL JDBC driver class Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") ConnectionPool.add(name, config.getString("url"), config.getString("user"), config.getString("password")) } } def close(): Unit = ConnectionPool.close(name) }
  12. case class KafkaProducerConnector[K :ClassTag, V :ClassTag]( name: Symbol, config: java.util.Map[String,

    AnyRef]) extends Connector[ScalaKafkaProducer[K, V]] { def get: ScalaKafkaProducer[K, V] = KafkaProducerConnector.defaultHolder.getOrCreate(name, mkResource) .asInstanceOf[ScalaKafkaProducer[K, V]] def close(): Unit = KafkaProducerConnector.defaultHolder.remove(name)( KafkaProducerConnector.kafkaProducerClosable) private val mkResource = () => { val keySer = mkDefaultSerializer[K](ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG) val valueSer = mkDefaultSerializer[V](ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG) new ScalaKafkaProducer[K, V]( new KafkaProducer[K, V](config, keySer.orNull, valueSer.orNull)) } private def mkDefaultSerializer[A :ClassTag](configKey: String): Option[Serializer[A]] = { if (!config.containsKey(configKey)) { implicitly[ClassTag[A]].runtimeClass match { case c if c == classOf[Array[Byte]] => Some(new ByteArraySerializer().asInstanceOf[Serializer[A]]) case c if c == classOf[String] => Some(new StringSerializer().asInstanceOf[Serializer[A]]) case _ => None } } else None } }
  13. class CountProductSpec extends SpecWithJUnit with SparkStreamingSpec { val batchDuration: Duration

    = Duration(1000) "Count" >> { val (sourceQueue, resultQueue) = startQueueStream[Product, (Product, Long)] { inStream => // ςετର৅ͷ Streaming ॲཧ CountProduct(inStream).run(sc) } // ೖྗΩϡʔʹςετσʔλΛ౤ೖ͢Δ sourceQueue += sc.parallelize(Seq( Product(1, "id"), Product(1, "id"), Product(2, "id"))) // ࣌ؒΛਐΊΔ advance() // ग़ྗ͞ΕΔσʔλΛςετ͢Δ resultQueue.dequeue must eventually(contain(exactly( Product(1, "id") -> 2L, Product(2, "id") -> 1L ))) } }