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October 27, 2021



October 27, 2021

More Decks by Autify

Other Decks in Business


  1. Sales & Marketing / 2 Global team 󰏦󰑔󰑍󰐣󰏙󰑐󰐮󰏅 CEO &

    Co-founder Ryo Chikazawa CTO Hayato Matsuura COO Taka Shimizu Development / 14 CS / 6 Admin / 2 US / 3
  2. Autify for Web & Autify for Mobile Autify for Web,

    for Mobile デモリクエスト受付中
  3. Quality x Agility Quality Agility 低い 高い 低い 高い Low

    quality trade-off Agility: High Quality: Low Low performer Agility: Low Quality: Low Low agility trade-off Agility: Low Quality: High Elite Agility: High Quality: High
  4. プロダクトローンチ前~直後 Quality Agility 低い 高い 低い 高い Low quality trade-off

    Agility: High Quality: Low Low performer Agility: Low Quality: Low Low agility trade-off Agility: Low Quality: High Elite Agility: High Quality: High
  5. プロダクトローンチ1~2年後 Quality Agility 低い 高い 低い 高い Low quality trade-off

    Agility: High Quality: Low Low performer Agility: Low Quality: Low Low agility trade-off Agility: Low Quality: High Elite Agility: High Quality: High
  6. Quality Agility 低い 高い 低い 高い Low quality trade-off Agility:

    High Quality: Low Low performer Agility: Low Quality: Low Low agility trade-off Agility: Low Quality: High Elite Agility: High Quality: High トレードオフが発生
  7. Quality Agility 低い 高い 低い 高い Low quality trade-off Agility:

    High Quality: Low Low performer Agility: Low Quality: Low Low agility trade-off Agility: Low Quality: High Elite Agility: High Quality: High トレードオフから脱却する
  8. Shift LeftとShift Right Spec Design Implementation Test Deploy Shift Left

    より早くテストする Shift Right 本番でテスト
  9. 修正コストは後になるほど高い • NASAのリサーチ • リリース後の修正コストは開発中の 最大100倍 • 早くバグに気づけば修正コストもそ の分低い →より早く頻繁にテストを回す

    Relative Cost to Fix an Error Average Cost Ratio 400 300 200 100 0 500 600 1 3-6 10 15-40 30-70 40-1000 Requirements Design Coding Development Testing Acceptance Testing Operation Phase in Which Found
  10. 1. Deployment Frequency 2. Lead Time for Changes 3. Change

    Failure Rate 4. Time to Restore Service → Autifyでは現在1と3を追っている DORA Metrics by Google Are you an Elite DevOps performer? Find out with the Four Keys Project
  11. Quality Agility 低い 高い 低い 高い Low quality trade-off Agility:

    High Quality: Low Low performer Agility: Low Quality: Low Low agility trade-off Agility: Low Quality: High Elite Agility: High Quality: High トレードオフから脱却する
  12. 積極採用中!(フルリモート) 全方位で募集中 デモリクエスト受付中! • Autify for Web トライアル受付中 • Autify

    for Mobile デモリクエスト受付中 デモリクエスト受付中 & 積極採用中 https://autify.com/ja https://autify.com/ja/careers https://autify.com/ja/mobile