large number of observations during our research with users and stakeholders. To generate meaningful and actionable insights, we need to group observations into logical categories. One way to synthesize some of this research is to create an empathy map. An empathy map helps us break down research into the categories of what our users think, feel, do, and say. You’ll also want to identify their pain points and needs. Guidelines 1. Review any interview notes, audio or video recordings 2. Begin to consolidate and categorize data from your research into 6 areas: thinking, hearing, saying, seeing, fearing, and hoping 3. As you consolidate your data by answering the previous questions, Identify the users’ “needs” using sentences that start with a verb. Note WKDWQHHGVFDQEHLGHQWLȴHGXVLQJHLWKHUD direct observation of one or multiple traits (e.g., ZKDWWKHXVHUVGRDQGIHHO RUDFRQȵLFWLQJ observation between two traits (e.g., what the user says and what he/she does) 4. Identify insights by noting and analyzing tensions and contradictions in user behavior, and asking yourself ”why”? The empathy map will be a good starting point for us WRYLVXDOL]HXVHUQHHGVDVZHEHJLQWKHIXUWKHUGHȴQH Thinking What seemed to matter to them during your interviews? What occupied their thinking? Saying :KDWVSHFLȴFWKLQJVGLGWKH\ say during your interview related to [initiative]? Hearing What are they hearing others say? It could be from friends, colleagues, family or from second-hand sources. Fearing What challenges, frustrations or fears are they facing? Doing What do they do today as it related to [initiative]? What do they need to do GLHUHQWO\" Hoping What are their hopes and desires as they relate to [initiative]? Needs Overall, what are their actual needs? Observations 'LG\RXQRWLFHDQ\FRQȵLFWLQJLQIRUPDWLRQEHWZHHQRQHRU DESIGN THINKING: IDEAS TO IMPLEMENTATION @BERMONPAINTER