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Libraries, Learning, and Liberation

Libraries, Learning, and Liberation

Presented at the LACUNY Institute, 2014. Text available at http://homepages.gac.edu/~fister/LACUNY.pdf

barbara fister

April 05, 2014

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  1. Photo credits Wall texture by chrisseee Suzzalo Library, University of

    Washington, by Maaz Ghani NYPL Rose Reading Room by Ran Yaniv Hartstein NYPL Lion by The Nails Vancouver PL by Nick Koccharhook San Jose PL by the library Sinclair Community College Library – Doug Kaylor Discovery layer screenshot from the University of Minnesota Libraries Consume stencil – WhatWhat People’s Library by David Shankbone Biblioburro by Diana Arias Ethioopian community library by Robert Joumard Gezi Park library Jordan Weisman “Truly Devastating Graph” Atlantic based on a report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Instructional staff employment chart - AAUP No Standing by George Tools by Diddierddd x Evidence based change from Owen Abroad Another World is Possible – Tal Bright Typeface Payday by Junkohanher