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Are You Ready for the Experience API (xAPI)

Are You Ready for the Experience API (xAPI)

Presentation delivered to PACT on May 11, 2018 in Minneapolis, MN.

Brian Dusablon (Duce)

May 11, 2018

More Decks by Brian Dusablon (Duce)

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  1. Overview History of xAPI Use cases for xAPI Best practices

    for implementation Ecosystem elements you need How to sell it to your organization
  2. https://www.tagxapi.org https://www.ieeeicicle.org The IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee is taking

    the spec forward with the xAPI Technical Advisory Group. DoDI 1322.26 published on October 5, 2017 mandating xAPI implementation for DoD distance learning.
  3. "actor": { "objectType": "Agent", "name": "Werkenthin+Art", "account": { "homePage": "https://www.informaticsacademy.org/LearnerConnection/",

    "name": "0000100087" } }, ”verb": { "id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered", "display": { "en-US": "answered" } }, "object": { "objectType": "Activity", "id": "http://www.phii.org/leadershipq1", "definition": { "name": { "en-US": "Leadership Q1" } } }, "result": { "response": "Not Started" }, "context": { "registration": "46e3bb5a-7ad2-49a9-9363-443019003c81", "contextActivities": { "grouping": [{ "objectType": "Activity", "id": "https://www.informaticsacademy.org/activities/csf/v1/1" }] }, "extensions": {"https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/sessionid": "71" } }, "timestamp": "2017-07-13T14:39:42.659Z", "stored": "2017-07-13T14:39:42.659Z",
  4. Know Your Data • What makes data? • How hard

    is it to get the data I need? • What is my data supply chain?
  5. How to Start? • Stakeholders • Data Map • What

    Will We Do With Data? • Ecosystem Requirements
  6. Next Steps 1. Register at learnxapi.com 2. Sign up for

    Torrance Learning xAPI Cohort 3. Sign up for HT2 Learn xAPI MOOC 4. Show your work! Ask questions. Share stories (successes and failures). 5. Start a SIG. brian@learningninjas.com