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Open Educational Practices at Davidson College, Day 2

Open Educational Practices at Davidson College, Day 2

Slides for a 2-day workshop at Davidson College in North Carolina, USA, May 29-30, 2018. See the website I created for the workshop for more information and to download the slides in an editable, Power Point format.

Here are the day 1 slides for this workshop.

Christina Hendricks

May 30, 2018

More Decks by Christina Hendricks

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  1. OPEN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES Christina Hendricks, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

    Davidson College, May 29-30, 2018 Day 2 slides Except images licensed otherwise, this presentation is licensed CC BY-SA 4.0
  2. Revisiting annotations on open pedagogy § Look at the annotations

    we did yesterday on the Year of Open site § Anything to add from there about open pedagogy to our shared doc? § Anything to add from the Open Pedagogy Notebook site?
  3. Quotes about open pedagogy § “we shift the student emphasis

    to contribution to knowledge as opposed to simple consumption of knowledge” (Heather Ross) § “the ability for learners to shape and take ownership of their own education” (Devon Ritter) § “connect with a broader, global community” (Tannis Morgan) § “teacher as ‘the’ authority vs. students being able to bring other sources of authority” (Jim Luke)
  4. Non-disposable assignments “… assignments that are sustainable or not disposable,

    assignments that would have benefit to others beyond the limited course time and space” -- Maha Bali (2017) David Wiley on disposable assignments (2013) Images licensed CC0 on pixabay.com: ttrash can and symbol for no
  5. OER-enabled pedagogy “What teaching and learning practices are possible (or

    practical) in the context of OER that aren’t possible when you don’t have permission to engage in the 5R activities?” -- Wiley, “OER-enabled pedagogy” (2017) Reuse Revise Remix Retain Redistribute
  6. Access & Agency OER & OEP focus on: Access Agency

    Cost Revision, creation of OER Easily (?) available Contribution to knowledge Accessibility for disabilities co-create curriculum
  7. Collaborate Contribute Connect § Tchrs/learners share authority § Co-create curriculum

    § Flexibility, student choice § Transparency, trust § Students & tchrs contribute to public knowledge § Adapt, create, share OER § Contribute ideas to open-ended problems, questions § Participation of people outside the course, e.g., ▫ Blogs ▫ Social media ▫ Annotations ▫ Public reports for community groups See Hendricks 2017a, 2017b
  8. Students & Open Textbooks Cover licensed CC BY 4.0 see

    book here Student-created open textbook from Digital Technology & Culture course by David Squires, 2016. Read about the project in this interview.
  9. Students contributing to curriculum § Creating assignments, exam questions, tutorials:

    • DS106 assignment bank • Rajiv Jhangiani’s Social Psychology course • Student video tutorials in Digital Photography course § Creating learning outcomes, assignments, grading policies & rubrics § Robin DeRosa’s First Year Seminar
  10. Small Steps ▪ Philosophy in the World posts in introduction

    to philosophy ▪ Student-created genetics worksheet
  11. Stretch Time for a break About 10 minutes Duck photo

    by Ken Treloar; Cat photo by Gaelle Marcel, both on Unsplash
  12. Our ideas on benefits & challenges Discuss in groups and

    write on our shared document: § What benefits can you see from engaging students in one or more of the open pedagogy projects we’ve discussed? For the students themselves and for others? § What challenges or drawbacks can you see? Do you have any worries?
  13. Open pedagogy & social justice “open pedagogy is an ethos

    that has two … components: • A belief in the potential of openness and sharing to improve learning • A social justice orientation – caring about equity, with openness as one way to achieve this” -- Maha Bali, “What is Open Pedagogy?” (2017) Photo licensed CC0 on pixabay.com
  14. Student Perceptions: Benefits You’re able to be part of community

    conversations … happening right now.” -- What Students Have to Say about Open ED “I became a better writer .... I knew [the blog posts] could potentially be seen by people outside … so I wanted to make sure my information was accurate and written well.” -- student at Keene State College “I liked how the wiki made me feel like I was actually making a contribution with my work – it’s become meaningful.” -- student contributor to UBC Open Case Studies
  15. Student Perceptions: Challenges Wiki projects are a good idea for

    learning, but making students fill a database for the sole purpose of UBC being viewed as a diverse source of knowledge seems shady. --student contributor to UBC Open Case Studies Some of the challenges I faced was uncertainty. As a student who has never used this kind of learning before I was scared honestly.” -- Keene State College student How can we be sure we’re not exploiting students to create resources for courses without pay? -- UBC student
  16. Sava Singh on the fallacy of open Photo licensed CC0

    on pixabay.com “… open is not good for everyone ... The hype around open, while well-intentioned, is also unintentionally putting many people in harm’s way and they in turn end up having to endure so much. The people calling for open are often in positions of privilege, or have reaped the benefits of being open early on …” -- Sava Singh, “The Fallacy of Open” (2015)
  17. Day 2, afternoon OEP and open pedagogy in your practice

    What’s “open” about OEP and OP? Virtual discussion with Rajiv Jhangiani
  18. OEP & OP in your practice § Worksheet on own

    (use our shared doc for ideas if you want) (10-15 mins) § Groups: how to address possible challenges (15 mins) § Share back to large group (15 mins) § Write next steps on worksheet; add to padlet (15 mins): https://v.gd/davidsonOEPpadlet
  19. Stretch Time for a break About 10 minutes Duck photo

    by Ken Treloar; Cat photo by Gaelle Marcel, both on Unsplash
  20. What’s “open” about OEP & OP? Why call these things

    “open”? Write on our shared document
  21. What’s open about these? Students producing OER, public knowledge Student

    choice, agency, autonomy; co-creators of curricula Connecting to wider networks Open-ended problems; valuing creativity & change Transparency in teaching & learning, fostering trust From two blog posts: May 2017, Oct 2017
  22. Open Edu 60s & 70s Flexibility in space & time,

    in curricula Student choice, autonomy; self- directed learning Individualized instruction; teacher as facilitator See Paquette (1979), Tunnell (1975)
  23. Does it help to call these “open”? Similar ideas: Self-directed

    Learning Connected Learning Student as Producer Students as Partners
  24. Too broad? ▪We suffer from “attempts to lump diverse trends

    together under the rubric of ‘open education’. Let us press for more specific and descriptive labels to identify the values, objectives or procedures that are being commended to us ….” (Hill, 1975)
  25. Open is Yum An excellent candidate for sloganizing is the

    word ‘open’. Immediately one uses it, the options polarize. To be open … is to be not closed, restricted, prejudiced or clogged; but free, candid, generous, above board, mentally flexible, future-oriented, etc. The opposite does not bear thinking about, and there can be no third alternative. ‘Open’ is yum. -- Hill, 1975
  26. Works cited (day 2 slides), p. 1 § Bali, M.

    (2017, April). Post on April Open Perspective: What is Open Pedagogy? Retrieved May 22, 2017, from https://www.yearofopen.org/april-open-perspective-what-is-open- pedagogy/ § Hendricks, C. (2017a, May 23). Navigating open pedagogy, part 2. Retrieved May 20, 2018, from http://blogs.ubc.ca/chendricks/2017/05/23/navigating-open-pedagogy-pt2/ § Hendricks, C. (2017b, October 25). Open Pedagogy, shared aspects. Retrieved May 20, 2018, from http://blogs.ubc.ca/chendricks/2017/10/25/open-pedagogy-shared-aspects/ § Hill, B. V. (1975). What’s open about open education? In D. Nyberg (Ed.), The Philosophy of Open Education (Vol. 15). London: Routledge & K. Paul. § Luke, J. (2017, April 23). What’s Open? Are OER Necessary? Retrieved March 8, 2018, from https://econproph.com/2017/04/23/whats-open-are-oer-necessary/ § Morgan, T. (2017, April 13). Reflections on #OER17 – From Beyond Content to Open Pedagogy. Retrieved March 8, 2018, from https://homonym.ca/uncategorized/reflections- on-oer17-from-beyond-content-to-open-pedagogy/
  27. Works cited (day 2 slides), p. 2 § Paquette, C.

    (1979). Quelques fondements d’une pédagogie ouverte. Québec français, 36, 20–21. § Ritter, D. (2017, April). Post on April Open Perspective: What is Open Pedagogy? Retrieved May 22, 2017, from https://www.yearofopen.org/april-open-perspective-what-is-open- pedagogy/ § Ross, H. (2017, April). Post on April Open Perspective: What is Open Pedagogy? Retrieved May 22, 2017, from https://www.yearofopen.org/april-open-perspective-what-is-open- pedagogy/ § singh, sava. (2015, June 27). The Fallacy of “Open.” Retrieved May 27, 2018, from https://savasavasava.wordpress.com/2015/06/27/the-fallacy-of-open/ § Tunnell, D. (1975). Open education: An expression in search of a definition. In Philosophy of open education (Vol. 15). London: Routledge & K. Paul. § Wiley, D. (2013, October 21). What is Open Pedagogy? Retrieved February 15, 2015, from http://opencontent.org/blog/archives/2975 § Wiley, D. (2017, May 2). OER-Enabled Pedagogy. Retrieved May 26, 2018, from https://opencontent.org/blog/archives/5009
  28. Special thanks to all the people who made and released

    these awesome resources: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival licensed CC BY 4.0 Images not attributed above: Photo on title slide by Monika Majkowska on Unsplash Icons purchased with a subscription to The Noun Project Credits (day 2 slides)