CACE(Changing Anything Changing Everything) → 技術的負債の返済が困難 → 課題を解決するための静的解析ツール等が求められる [1] Sculley , D., Holt, G., Golov in, D., Dav ydov, E., Phillips, T., Ebner, D., Chaudhary , V., Young, M., Crespo, J.- F. and Dennison, D.: Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Sy stems, Proceedings of the 28th International Conf erence on Neural Inf ormation Processing Sy stems - Volume 2, NIPS’15, Cambridge, MA, USA, MIT Press, p. 2503–2511 (2015). [2] Sculley , D., Holt, G., Golov in, D., Dav ydov, E., Phillips, T., Ebner, D., Chaudhary , V. and Young, M.: Machine Learning: The High Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt, SE4ML: Sof tware Engineering f or Machine Learning (NIPS 2014 Workshop) (2014). 5