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Brand is the fight back for 2020 to 2021

Brand is the fight back for 2020 to 2021

Brand is often the unspoken powerhouse of your company, marketing and brand can really push you forward for the rest of 2020 until the end of 2021. Think more brand coaching over brand policing, use know - like - love framework, remember brand is the emotional connection: thoughts - feelings - memories and understand that in 2020 and lockdown we have found a new category, good enough vs good, better, best.


July 01, 2020

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  1. Brand Is The Fight Back 2020 - 2021 June 2020

    Danny Denhard www.focus.business
  2. It’s been a tough 3 - 4 months. We all

    want ways to come back. Brand might just be the leader we needed. Here’s how…
  3. Remember in 2020: The Consumer has the ultimate decision of

    the future! Consumer choice and knowledge = power Brand can be your superpower.
  4. Real Brand flows throughout everything you do: Brand starts from:

    The moment they hear about you Finds or discovers you See on social Customers interact with you and your product The order The packaging The email confirmation The customer service The returns process
  5. 7 History Of The Modern Brand 2000 - 2005 Brand

    and product is king, queen and everything between PRE 2000 Just large brands 2010 - 2013 Search was the core part of the evolving world, it became product + keyword specific 2005 - 2010 Digitalising world, product and keyword specific (brand is still important) 2019 - 2020 Review sites are noisy and inconvenient 2015 - 2018 Social World, spray and pray (do we need brand) 2020+ WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?
  6. Understanding if you are a: (1) One and done brand

    (2) A brand that is going to be an utility Or (3) Something that will be generational and passed down
  7. Brand Coach - Don't Brand Police Think Internal brand vs

    External brand. Ensure internal and external are aligned & consistent
  8. Understand where you live in: Know Like Love If you

    aren’t known you will struggle If they like you, why? + How are you going to push to love? If they love you, say thanks quickly. What can you do to optimise this
  9. Consider This: For the first time, there are many very

    experienced leaders who just don't know the answer. This is an opportunity for brand and product leaders to step up, collaborate and offer solutions and insights. Be proactive!
  10. The ultimate Brand power move would a be Coca Cola

    (or equivalent) launching a new limited edition flavour or a retro release of New Coke
  11. Right now a brand has to be more than just:

    - A product or set of products - Clear positioning - Consistent messaging - A well defined identity
  12. A brand from neuroscience is emotional connections: Thoughts - feelings

    - memories = Experience with product or brand
  13. The only way you can earn people’s trust is by:

    - Always keeping your word - Great quality of product - Delivering on what you’ve promised - Or going above all of these
  14. Survival! Will brand, purpose and values be a choice -

    be careful with expectations (internally and with consumers)
  15. Question: How many reserves do your company have? Why? So

    many companies just do not have the reserves. You will have to scrap, you will have to pivot, you will have to test and learn, this isn't typically what the everyday company do and brand leads struggle to operate in this mindset.
  16. It can be considered a levelled playing ground - in

    a famous survey, it was found in life changing events, humans will try new brands. For new, challenger and startups you have the opportunity to play on. Big brands can also leverage however changing your messaging and targeting might be harder
  17. Brands need to stop talking before they do the walking.

    There has been too much noise on social, if this does not translate, expect your brand to take a real hit in coming quarters
  18. There might be a new category that was created in

    lockdown - Good enough (+made at home) - Good - Better (+made at home) - Best
  19. Good enough +made at home Good Better +made at home

    Best Got Smaller Opportunity to get bigger
  20. Good enough Good Better Best Many consumers have realised they

    can get better produce, cheaper produce or make or bake better at home
  21. 1. Noisy aka partner play - seen and heard everywhere

    - being there with you (partner play) 2. Taker aka save us - support us, we need you 3. Silent aka working through the chaos - we are just working and getting stuff done in the background
  22. You will have been categorised. Be sure you can recover

    or leverage this connection, especially if you are a brand that can be felt, worn, eaten or drunk, others will struggle to be drive an additional emotional connection. 1. Noisy aka partner play 2. Taker aka save us 3. Silent aka working through the chaos
  23. FMCG Example: Shopping Behaviour Shift • Basket spend has increased

    vs visit several times per week • Online shopping ramped up • Is there an expectation of this to increase? Yes it’s an accelerated this online shopping trend • Ocado went for rewarding loyalty ~ the 1%-ers • Brand wins for known emotional brands • Down for brands we take a chance on in store
  24. Scrappiest We have seen a trend of large brands going

    DTC - Heniz & Pepsi (PantryShop.com & snacks.com) vs supermarkets vs farm shops
  25. 1. Baking at home 2. Self rising flour 3. Toilet

    rolls 4. Food boxes FYI Supermarkets stockpiled for Brexit
  26. Word of Warning: Brands just might find out they don't

    have brand market fit (Think “my brand does not fit in this market and for customers”) Understand this quickly as this is far more important than saying more.
  27. Products that can be connected to the home or appearance

    of the home and higher value…you have an opportunity. Be creative, target this feeling of my environment has to look nice and feel better.
  28. Generational Brands are going to be OK Lego is a

    generational brand but doesn’t always get the attention other generational brands do. This is an organic cycle from grandparent parent to child. This will continue.
  29. Retention and repeat purchasers will prove how important you are

    as a brand And good place to understand and track your metrics
  30. We (humans) are craving to be part of something bigger.

    As people we want to stand out and fit in, this is where brands can bring people together and make them standout
  31. Short Term We are living through the authentic phase (Zoom

    calls with celebrities, oddly being on brand webinars as b2c customers not b2b) This might be tolerated for the rest of 2020, where you feel conformable get around the same campfire.
  32. Short Term to Long Term: Understand where people find out

    about you and how they share your brand. 1am new parent groups (On WhatsApp, Facebook Groups) are incredibly powerful and relied upon far more than you know
  33. Do you understand if you are an Invisible Brands or

    Visible Brands? It’s the additional connection… Brands you Wear, Carry, Feel. The trust we show by wearing a logo, especially luxury is status driving and being visible is going to be even more important. Billboard Time.
  34. Budget Management 101 • Repurpose your marketing budget • Ask

    to pull forward spend • Or hold off for a bigger campaign
  35. Flip the Funnel Brand can be connected to any part

    of the funnel, concentrate on mid to bottom of the funnel while running cheaper more creative (in- house) top of funnel activities ❌ ✅
  36. If you are a challenger brand or a startup: This

    is time to take advantage of cheap advertising and having a real emotional element to advertising and market around your category and the problem you are answering or solving.
  37. Nostalgia is massively underused in marketing. Is love of the

    brand, the aspirational part of the brand? Coca Cola (Pepsi for me), Apple , Disney / Pixar, Tesla , etc
  38. Create a SWOT analysis, a SWOT will help kickstart your

    focus on brand. Share with senior leadership and show how you are going to be address the weaknesses and take on the opportunities and mitigate the threats. Ruthless Prioritisation
  39. Rites Of Passage: Be connected to rights of passages that

    might have been taken away or will be opportunities that others might miss: 18th birthdays // leaving school // graduating // passing driving test. Going to uni People finally getting married // People getting lockdown divorce // Baby boom?
  40. Touch-less Opportunity To Leverage: There are many ways to leverage

    & turn you into a touch free or contactless brand, think devices or destinations to become billboards.
  41. 1- Advertising: Test out advertising channels, pricing is lower and

    plenty of big screen ad costs are slashed. 2- Marketing: Concentrate on marketing channels you already have connections with customers on alongside timely messages.
  42. 3- Give Endorphin Rushes: Add a delightful moment to customers,

    personalised thank you's, if you are relevant create a real saving (if your brand can be associated with discounting) - if you can make people feel like they have received a bargain you will give an endorphin rush that will last. If you are a brand that is luxury or seen in the luxury category, know that there will be some "revenge spend" and you will give that real emotion endorphin rush.
  43. Retention is likely going to be a bigger battle ground,

    get ahead. Book a session in with the right teams and see how you can update Email, Push and SMS
  44. The world of work has lost its focus. Take back

    your culture & strategy. Inspire your company again.
  45. 67 +Thank You From Focus DANNY DENHARD Leaders, Stop Reactive

    Behaviour Be Proactive Today To Improve Your Company. Get FOUNDER E: DANNY@FOCUS.BUSINESS W: WWW.FOCUS.BUSINESS/MANIFESTO