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How to know if your company's culture is broken

How to know if your company's culture is broken

Culture is essential to a company's success, here are the core traits that a broken culture has, (1) being constantly busy and enabling it to be an excuse (2) lack of (3) full of broken promises (4) poor decision making and decision makers (5) management failures, bad managers are bad managers and aren't leading (6) confusion over chaos.


July 16, 2020

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  1. Culture is more than a buzzword or an afterthought. Culture

    is the glue of your organisation, culture leads decision making, leads the actions your teams take and typically silently drives company performance. Culture are the actions you take. Culture is the living relationships around a set of important goals. Culture is the subcultures you enable in your workplace. Focus is on a mission to fix the broken world of work
  2. 3 Keep A Running Total, This Will Help You To

    Know How Bad Your Culture Is Click For Free Template
  3. 5 Unproductive meetings Busy As Default! Book another meeting to

    make a simple decision Back to back meetings
  4. Lack Of… Lack of praise Lack of clear communication Lack

    of shared ownership Lack of learning and co-learning Lack of flexibility
  5. 7 Broken Promises No trust in HR, People or Management

    Team We promise to change x (and doesn’t happen) Cliques across the business If it’s easy - we won’t do it Dismissing ideas without hearing them out
  6. Decision Making… Communities to make decisions Rely on the hierarchy

    for decision making Constant brushing decisions under the carpet Leavers not being able to tell their team they are leaving the business
  7. 9 Management Unhealthy competition between managers I am a manager

    - at my level I don’t do that Managers feeling helpless they cannot help change Management team out of the loop of what is really happening Dismissing challenges Demanding an “always on” attitude
  8. Encouraged aka forced Forced fun Created events for forced fun

    To stay late just to be seen as being present
  9. 11 Confusion Then Chaos Confusion of what you are doing

    and why you are doing it Tolerating bad behaviours When an obstacle feels like a roadblock or a showstopper Unexplained staff turn over That’s not my job Handoffs and dumping on great heights on each other
  10. 12 Kept Score? If you are experiencing over 7 different

    bad culture traits you are likely experiencing a bad culture but can be fixed, trust is key here. A Real Concern: If it is 15 you are likely experiencing a broken culture, if trust and management are key parts of your answers, consider tackling head on. If you are experiencing more than 20+, it is most likely a toxic culture. You definitely need external company wide help.
  11. 13 How To Address These? • Speak to your HR

    team, highlight these traits and when you & team-mates have experienced them. • If comfortable, speak directly to your manager and call out bad behaviours & instance of these behaviours. • If you are uncomfortable with either steps, there are two options 1/ Unfortunately it is likely time to look for a new role or 2/ Ask Focus to contact your business completely anonymously with examples of issues & we will recommend ways to address these.
  12. 14 +Get In Touch To Improve Your Culture The world

    of work has lost its focus! Focus was created to cut through the noise, cut through confusion and ensure businesses focus on developing their organisations performance. FOUNDER - DANNY DENHARD E: DANNY@FOCUS.BUSINESS W: WWW.FOCUS.BUSINESS/