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The Secret Sauce of Mobile Applications

The Secret Sauce of Mobile Applications

We all want our apps to be used and loved, but what does that really take? Fewer bugs, faster screens, better graphics? In this session we'll look at how you can discover the secret sauce recipe for YOUR app and begin to delight your users and customers. This is for engineerings, designers, and everyone else involved in making great products.

David Ortinau

October 03, 2018

More Decks by David Ortinau

Other Decks in Programming


  1. David Ortinau @davidortinau 21 yrs. web, interactive, mobile Xamarin MVP

    2013 - 2017 BA English, Maryville University Senior Program Manager Visual Studio Mobile Developer Tools Xamarin
  2. Measuring Customer Experience • Net Promotor Score (NPS) • Satisfaction

    • Brand Loyalty • How likely to recommend • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) • How satisfied (duh) • Net Satisfaction Score (NSAT) • Satisfication with more math • Customer Effort Score (CES) • How hard/easy it is to interact with your product/service/brand
  3. Data Data Data • Data must be representative • People

    don’t act on data • People invest in people they connect and relate to
  4. Satya Nadella This is not also about simply just ”let's

    listen to the customers.” You've got to have deep empathy for what the customer is trying to get done so you can predict what will delight customers and surprise them.
  5. Don Norman “It is the duty of machines and those

    who design them to understand people. It is not our duty to understand the arbitrary, meaningless dictates of machines.” Norman, Don (2013-11-05). The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition
  6. Jarod Spool - UIE “Exposure hours: the number of hours

    each team member is exposed directly to real users interacting with the team's designs or the team's competitor's designs. There is a direct correlation between this exposure and the improvements we see in the designs that team produces.”
  7. Susan Carey (1986) “A mental model represents a person’s thought

    process for how something works. Mental models are based on incomplete facts, past experiences, and even intuitive perceptions.” “They help shape actions and behavior, influence what people pay attention to in complicated situations, and define how people approach and solve problems.”
  8. Trigger • Internal • Thoughts, Emotions, Routines • External •

    Prompts – advertising • Push notifications • Alarms • Social – Relationships Design for the frustration or emotional reaction. Build on what triggers that.
  9. Variable Reward • Satisfies the craving that was causing the

    discomfort • Variety reduces predictability “Only by understanding what truly matters to users can a company correctly match the right variable reward to their intended behavior.”
  10. Investment “The stored value users put into the product increases

    the likelihood they will use it again in the future and comes in a variety of forms.”
  11. Irene Au - formerly Head of Design at Google https://www.nirandfar.com/2017/02/dont-ask-people-what-they-want-observe-how-they-act.html

    “How can we anticipate their needs, solve problems for them, and build the experience in a way that fits with their workflow, mental models, and usage patterns?” “One misconception about user research is that it’s about asking customers what they want, but that’s not what user research is. It’s about actually observing people.”
  12. “Ultimately, we are deluding ourselves if we think that the

    products that we design are the ‘things’ that we sell, rather than the individual, social and cultural experience that they engender, and the value and impact that they have. Design that ignores this is not worthy of the name.”