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Embracing The New Hotness, Gently - 360iDev Den...

Embracing The New Hotness, Gently - 360iDev Denver, August 2016

Your engineering team wants to dive deeply into the newest programming tool or next generation technology for a mission-critical project. How do you balance the promised rewards of a new language, software tool, or hardware technology with the risks of unstable software, hardware that does not work as promised, or new tools that are abandoned? In this session you’ll learn how to take new toys for a test drive without going all the way down the rabbit hole. You’ll learn how to select the best pieces of your app to work with a new technology—and when to simply rip off the Band-Aid and go all in on the new hotness. Finally, you’ll learn shares some of my biggest mistakes in adopting new tools and technologies, so you and your team can avoid the same problems.

Ellen Shapiro

August 22, 2016

More Decks by Ellen Shapiro

Other Decks in Technology



  2. MANDATORY SUMMARY SLIDE > Break off small pieces of larger

    projects > Try something internally first
  3. MANDATORY SUMMARY SLIDE > Break off small pieces of larger

    projects > Try something internally first > Find times and places to experiment
  4. MANDATORY SUMMARY SLIDE > Break off small pieces of larger

    projects > Try something internally first > Find times and places to experiment > Be mindful of timelines and deadlines
  5. MANDATORY SUMMARY SLIDE > Break off small pieces of larger

    projects > Try something internally first > Find times and places to experiment > Be mindful of timelines and deadlines > If at first you don't succeed, that's OK
  6. MANDATORY SUMMARY SLIDE > Break off small pieces of larger

    projects > Try something internally first > Find times and places to experiment > Be mindful of timelines and deadlines > If at first you don't succeed, that's OK > you can always try again
  7. LINKS! (PT. 1) > Reactive Forms with RxAndroid: https://www.vokal.io/ labs/reactive-forms-with-rxandroid

    > The New vokal.io: https://www.vokal.io/labs/the-new- vokalio > Hack Your Way To Great Ideas: https:// blogs.dropbox.com/dropbox/2015/08/hack-your-way- to-great-ideas/
  8. LINKS! (PT. 2) > 20% Time vs 120% Time http://qz.com/116196/google-

    engineers-insist-20-time-is-not-dead-its-just-turned- into-120-time/ > The Innovator's dilemma http://www.amazon.com/The- Innovator-s-Dilemma-Technologies-Management/dp/ 1633691780/
  9. PHOTO CREDITS (PT. 1) > Miscellaneous cool toys by thotfulspot

    https:// www.flickr.com/photos/thotfulspot/6151593033/ > Broken Toy by Michael Coghlan https:// www.flickr.com/photos/mikecogh/6082137401/ > Reinventing The Wheel by Thomas Guest https:// www.flickr.com/photos/thomasguest/5491482766/ > 2011-0320 by VGB.Studios https://www.flickr.com/ photos/vgb-studios/6605405287
  10. PHOTO CREDITS (PT. 2) > Share by GotCredit https://www.flickr.com/photos/ jakerust/16639834358/

    > You Break It You Buy It by Gregg Tavares https:// www.flickr.com/photos/greggman/235884548/ > What's Next? by sean hobson https://www.flickr.com/ photos/seanhobson/4380105315/
  11. PHOTO CREDITS (PT. 3) > Lego Dungeons and Dragons -

    Action Points by Marco Hazard https://www.flickr.com/photos/ 42405591@N02/11013256715/ > Little flower sprout grows through urban asphalt ground by ปᆱ Ἆ https://www.flickr.com/photos/ 138615660@N02/ > Ahchan and iPad by Hajime NAKANO https:// www.flickr.com/photos/jetalone/4694902742/
  12. PHOTO CREDITS (PT. 4) > 235/365 ...somewhere there is a

    boundless universe waiting to be discovered by Iryna Yeroshko https:// www.flickr.com/photos/mandarina94/6267475924 > Edge of the falls by Mig Gilbert https:// www.flickr.com/photos/mig-gilbert/26182478906