» Restart Xcode, » Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself about. » Uninstall by hunting down obscure folder and then forgetting what the hell you were doing in there.
read, and keep it separated by purpose, so it's easy to fix. » Get rid of stringly-typed code so it's harder to break in the first place. » Use the tools other people have built to enhance your laziness, or build new tools yourself. » Best practices are secretly the lazy way to code.
In Practice: https://developer.apple.com/ videos/play/wwdc2015-411/ » CountableIntEnum: https://gist.github.com/ LoganWright/c8a26b1faf538e40f747 » Swift API Design Guidelines: https://swift.org/ documentation/api-design-guidelines
» Tom Bech, Eurasian Wolf: https://www.flickr.com/ photos/viatorius/9358589025 » Michael D Beckwith, The Leeds Library: https:// www.flickr.com/photos/118118485@N05/16438065636/