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Evaluation of Student Learning Outcomes Due to Self-Guided Engineering Analysis of Surroundings

Evaluation of Student Learning Outcomes Due to Self-Guided Engineering Analysis of Surroundings

Presented at the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference in Indianapolis, IN. 16 June 2014

Devin Berg

June 16, 2014

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  1. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Evaluation of Student Learning Outcomes Due to Self-Guided Engineering Analysis of Surroundings Devin R. Berg Engineering & Technology Department University of Wisconsin – Stout 16 June 2014 Twitter: @devinberg, #ASEEAnnual, #M453
  2. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    How do I relate the stuff in class to my everyday life? http://www.ux1.eiu.edu/~cfadd/1350/12Statics/ToC.html
  3. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Inquiry-based learning enables greater concept retention. http://www.uvm.edu/~slathem/inquiry/inquiry21st.htm
  4. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Ask them to do this directly! http://www.trilliumdell.com/timber-frame-trusses-and-accents.html
  5. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    An Initial Pilot Study The goal of the pilot study was to establish a baseline for student participation in an inquiry- based assignment. • Learned of the need for incentive to participate. • Also, the benefits of having a few active students to drive the rest of the class. [See: PDF]
  6. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Basic instructions were given as a guide but were open to interpretation. Submit one original post per week (photo/video + text) giving an example of something that demonstrates the concepts discussed in that week’s classes. D2L Twitter
  7. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Twitter Logistics • Tweets were collected under the course hashtag (#mech293). • Archived using TAGSv5 (http://goo.gl/HD6KJ1)
  8. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Several students included additional analysis and annotation.
  9. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Several students included additional analysis and annotation.
  10. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Several students included additional analysis and annotation.
  11. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Student performance between control and treatment groups was similar.
  12. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Student performance between control and treatment groups was similar. Control Treatment
  13. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    The submissions collected support further use of this form of assignment. Students: - enjoyed the assignment - required a different way of thinking - posted study aids/resources as well Instructor: - helpful when gaging student understanding - more engaging discussion - platform for posting relevant links
  14. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Subsequent use of the Twitter assignments is ongoing. A smaller student cohort makes it more difficult to keep the conversation flowing. Need to explore new methods of engaging students in this way. Possibly through student partnerships or organized discussion topics/schedules.
  15. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Inspiring Innovation Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/et/

    Acknowledgements The author would like to thank the UW-Stout students in the Spring 2013 and Fall 2013 semester sections of MECH 290 and MECH 293 for their photographic and textual contributions.