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Build Global Fitness IoT Services with AWS ECS

Ernest Chiang
January 08, 2020

Build Global Fitness IoT Services with AWS ECS

Presented at AWS re:Invent re:Cap 2019 Taipei with TGONetworks Taipei.

- Issues
- AWS ECS Cluster Auto Scaling (Capacity Provider)

Ernest Chiang

January 08, 2020

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  1. © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. AWS 微服務架構分享 用 ECS 打造跨國物聯網服務 Ernest Chiang . Director of Product & Technology Integration PAFERS Tech
  2. © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. AWS 微服務架構分享 用 ECS 打造跨國傳統產業物聯網服務 Ernest Chiang . Director of Product & Technology Integration PAFERS Tech
  3. ۗێ䨝㹓౮傶ܓ᩼ጱᑀದ覿疩ᘏ ፓ獮䨝㹓 870 Ո 䯤ୌ獊純玕ጱ磪ದ蔩胙วጱ猻纨Ո಍䋊聜౮裾ଘݣ ࣁ 12 㮆उ૱ୌ缏獤䨝 TGONetworksՕᕨ introduction

    of tgonetworks club TGONetworksฎᑀದ覿疩ᘏ肞褸޾Ի窕ጱ奲而牧犥CTO牏CPO牏COO牏ದ蔩 VP 缛ᑀದ覿疩ᘏ傶๐率 䌘虡牧䟖አ䋿ݷګ՞揲䨝㹓牧瑥໒疛礚䨝㹓虻໒牧碫ࣁ䯤ୌ獊純玕ጱ磪ದ蔩胙วጱ猻纨Ո಍䋊聜౮裾ଘ ݣ牧娄Ӥ娄ӥፘᕮݳ牧蝫奾猈ڊጱᑀದ覿疩ᘏ䋊聜膏౮裾牐 ֵ޸ 氎ว
  4. 岄玖茙Ԫ䨝౮㹓 磷膌翨
 iCook 眢碘ቘದ蔩裾 䨝裾 䋊聜甛㹓 䨝罕甛㹓 ๐率甛㹓 ੜ奲甛㹓 艾覄

    眻螸ᑀದದ蔩裾 讙ฬ୺ 膐ಋ襎珶籧螀裾 ሴப竃
 覿ಭ胋ᑀದದ蔩裾牏 ਞӮ窊磪褖獍ݪ 肥ݳ獺তՈ ้嬝痷 䨗㫎褸౮胂犩 ದ蔩揗揣Ո ຋ᐽ穂
 ॠ椷ᑀದದ蔩裾 ຋ታካ PIXNET 綮ਮ螸ದ蔩者緳 莟楯翨 PAFERS Director of Product & Technology Integration ჋ᛥ૴ ᓠ㫎ᓕቘ磪褖獍ݪ 揗揣Ո 碞硰რ Fable ੇ఺ᑀದCEO ဉॊᗼ 覿ಭ胋ᑀದ 虻窼叨ߝ妿ቘ TGONetworksݱ瑿茙Ԫ䨝 The boards of directors of TGONetworks Club
  5. © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. We are Fitness Service company focus on Fitness Industry. PAFERS Tech
  6. © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All

    rights reserved. We are the remote Product & RD department of our global clients. PAFERS Tech
  7. Get Connected (1/4) • How can we connects all our

    fitness equipment and client services with all the end users? Such as fitness equipment brands, gym managers, trainers, exercisers, etc.
  8. Get Connected (4/4) • Multiple applications facing to different stakeholders.

    • Split/migrate applications into multiple services.
  9. Global Market (3/6) • How to operate multiple IT systems

    and Application services for multiple regions with limited human resource? • Can we have the same technical skill sets and knowledge base when across regions? Such as the same CI/CD workflow, the same deployment technology, the same environment parameters, the same monitoring tools, the same failure recovery mechanism, etc. • Can we have the same contact windows and seamless support when across regions? • How to optimize selection and evaluation of technology when across regions?
  10. Global Market (5/6) • AWS CodePipeline + AWS CodeBuild •

    Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service)
  11. Resource & Budget (1/3) • How to build an IT

    and/or RD team from scratch? • How to operate multiple IT systems and Application services for 30+ countries with limited human resource? • How to focus on core values and core business?
  12. Resource & Budget (2/3) • Make objectives clear. • Make

    workflows clear. • Leverage workflow automation. • Leverage partners resource. • Leverage managed services. Why How What
  13. Resource & Budget (3/3) • Outcome example • We set

    up our AWS China cluster based on our AWS Global cluster architecture (and did some other l10n, testing works) within 1 week.
  14. ECS Cluster Auto Scaling Terminology ECS Cluster ECS Task ECS

    Service A logical namespace. The basic unit. Similar to k8s pods. Service can have many tasks. Auto-replaces failed tasks.
  15. ECS Cluster Auto Scaling Before ECS Cluster EC2 Auto Scaling

    Group EC2 Instances Create Cluster Create ASG Start Instances
  16. ECS Cluster Auto Scaling Before ECS Cluster EC2 Auto Scaling

    Group ECS Tasks EC2 Instances Create Cluster Create ASG Start Instances Run Tasks
  17. ECS Cluster Auto Scaling Before ECS Cluster EC2 Auto Scaling

    Group ECS Tasks EC2 Instances Create Cluster Create ASG Start Instances Run Tasks But… !!!
  18. Application First Amazon ECS Capacity Provider: The Missing Link ECS

    Cluster EC2 Auto Scaling Group Create Cluster (one time) Create ASG (one time)
  19. Application First Amazon ECS Capacity Provider: The Missing Link ECS

    Cluster EC2 Auto Scaling Group ECS Capacity Provider Create Cluster (one time) Create ASG (one time) Create CP (one time)
  20. Application First Amazon ECS Capacity Provider: The Missing Link ECS

    Cluster EC2 Auto Scaling Group ECS Tasks ECS Capacity Provider Create Cluster (one time) Create ASG (one time) Create CP (one time) Run Tasks
  21. Application First Amazon ECS Capacity Provider: The Missing Link ECS

    Cluster EC2 Auto Scaling Group ECS Tasks EC2 Instances ECS Capacity Provider Create Cluster (one time) Create ASG (one time) Create CP (one time) Run Tasks Instances start
  22. Application First Amazon ECS Capacity Provider: The Missing Link ECS

    Cluster EC2 Auto Scaling Group ECS Tasks EC2 Instances ECS Capacity Provider Create Cluster (one time) Create ASG (one time) Create CP (one time) Run Tasks Instances start Tasks placed
  23. Application First Amazon ECS Capacity Provider: The Missing Link ECS

    Cluster EC2 Auto Scaling Group ECS Tasks EC2 Instances ECS Capacity Provider Create Cluster (one time) Create ASG (one time) Create CP (one time) Run Tasks Instances start Tasks placed Happy hour :)
  24. Application First Amazon ECS Capacity Provider: Fargate ECS Cluster ECS

    Tasks ECS Capacity Provider Create Cluster (one time) Run Tasks Happy hour :)
  25. ECS Cluster Auto Scaling • (中⽂文) <AWS re:Invent 2019 新發佈擴展策略略

    Amazon ECS Cluster Capacity Providers> on ernestchiang.com • <CON325 - Enabling application-first thinking with Amazon ECS capacity providers>, re:Invent 2019 • < Deep Dive on Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling> on AWS Container Blog Reference
  26. Thank you! © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its

    affiliates. All rights reserved. Ernest Chiang [email protected] @dwchiang ernestchiang.com
  27. 為了管理與經營經驗的傳承,本次透過為 期五個月的計畫,邀請擁有豐富經驗的會 員透過三大領域,透過小團隊緊密對談與 傳承。 協助 Mentee 在技術領導的道路上披荊斬 棘,縮短種子輪到A輪(0到100的團隊管 理),串流起開放的交流平台。 導生

    R&R • 以 3 年以上工作經驗往管理職, 或是正在管理上的新手 • 導生需協助整理所交流的知識 • 不得超過一次缺席,若有則喪失資格 導師 R&R • 導師自行安排討論 主題與進行方式 • 每組至少每個月交流一次 技術管理:以技術管理為主的技術 高管,進行各項技術管理議題討論, 如:技術效能、團隊管理等 技術架構:以架構師為主,進行各 項技術架構議題討論,如:技術選 型、架構規劃等 技術創業:以技術背景並有自行創業 的夥伴為主,如:技術建立商業壁壘、 公司運營、行銷推廣等 三大領域 報名連結 網站連結