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COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists

COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists

Present lecture is aimed at to enhance the vision of Psychologists for scientific way of intervention with the clients / people affected with COVID-19 .

Dr Tahir Pervez

April 25, 2020

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    ABBOTTABAD CONTACT : Mobile: 0333 5950 315 & 0311 0376122 COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists Professor Col (R) Dr Tahir Pervez Ex Chief Psychologists
  2.  Present global situation is dramatically strange for every one

     Even for mental health professionals  Its ethical duty of all psychologists to intervene with the people in their surrounding  To keep them adjusted COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists
  3.  So far mental health professionals are unable to estimate

    the exact type and degree of un healthy psychological Reactions  No doubt that some degree of stress/ situational panic attack are normal, commonly observed in response to any type of disease /physical ailment COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists
  4.  However, in present scenario of COVID following are the

    challenges for psychologists to intervene: ❖Increase degree of Psychological distress due to restricted activities, ❖Stress and frustration due to Reduction of pleasant events and social support. COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists
  5. ❖ increased hypochondria and cyberchondria (web-induced fear & Anxiety) ❖Depression,

    ❖Panic attack PTSD etc ❖Increased uncertainty among Individuals ❖ To keep Cool individuals who have been quarantined COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists
  6. ➢To make Behavioural changes to adhere and compliance with preventive

    regulations ➢To provide Internet interventions and remote psychological support ➢To develop digital tools and apps for data based assessment in the present COVID-19 emergency COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists
  7. ➢To monitor closely, time to time, the changes in behaviour

    and interpersonal responses of the individuals during COVID-19 emergency ➢Conduct Cross-cultural studies in response to the present situation, at the individual, family, and interpersonal levels COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists
  8. Covid -19 and Intervention by Psychologists ➢ To make comfortable,

    those who are affected due to present lock down situations in any way: ➢Socially OR Economically ➢ To keep Cool who have been quarantined
  9. ➢Interview ➢Its the 1st step to obtain Clinical data from

    the clients /affected individuals of COVID 19 of any category; ➢Source of DATA: ✓ Client ✓ Referees ---- ralatives ✓ Doctor/ Psychiatrist etc. COVID -19 and Intervention by Psychologists
  10. ❑Denial ❖General attitude towards COVID 19 & Psychological sufferings ❖No

    idea about psychologist and psych issues ❖Illogical faith ( death is certain,...... hence no care of lock down) •Some Hindrance obtaining clinical DATA -Socio -cultural issues
  11.  Feel stigma----- worrying what other people will think, (

    “am I abnormal?” ) • Generally lacking rational approach for all psychic Issues and importance of treatment • to follow social distance • Recognition of Psychologists in the society ( even among educated class) Some Hindrance obtining clinical DATA Socio -cultural issues
  12. ➢Psychiatrists are dominating (being more active and their legal role

    /recognition) ❖Superstitious believes about mental disease ❖Concept of demons: evil spirit, Peers , Taweez, ❖Believing on Conspiracy theories regarding COVID -19, commonly available on social mediah (hence no care) •Some Hindrance obtining clinical DATA •Socio -cultural issues
  13. ❖Addressing the Following: ✓ Attitude of Clients ( not considering

    that the disease is Pandemic ✓ Specific Rigidity among the youngster/ Old age individuals hence violate rule of social distance ( observed globally) ✓ Intervention : Interview with client of COVID -19
  14. ❖Addressing the Following: ✓ Religious extremism (observed Globally) Gatherings for

    worship ✓ Attitudes of relatives ( don't bother the Psychological miseries /trauma) Intervention : Interview with client of COVID -19
  15.  Maturity of approach to intervene by psychologist : ❖Psychologist

    must have professionally mature ❖Have maximum academic knowledge ❖standard techniques, how to start with the client Intervention : Interview with client of COVID _19
  16. steps followed by psychoogist 1st interaction ❑Session to be recorded

     Place of sitting ?? ❖comfortable, ❖No interruption ❖Minimal distractions Intervention : Interview with client
  17.  Rapport Building .......most important  Need to be dressed

    up simply  Simple & Easy conversation AND  language to interact with client  You may move Step by step  serial wise as per your patient history sheet or like pendulum ?? (It depends as per situation) Intervention : Interview with client
  18.  If person is not ready to talk, its ok,

    be kind  Give him break: (long or short )  May be interviewed his /her referees  Try to administer psych tests to get level /degree of the Psych issue of the client  Never assume the psychic issue doing guess work  you can go a long way in assessment Intervention : Interview with client
  19.  Speak in a relaxed and calm manner  No

    hurry, no other job / or task  Communicate in a straightforward manner and stick to one topic/ or minor factor at a time ?  Client may be verbose, talkative irrelevant  Try to keep the client on track Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  20.  Ask again same Question politely relevant to clinical data,

    (if client is verbose or narrate irrelevant details)  Be respectful,  Be compassionate for his /her concerns Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  21.  Be caring to CLIENT’S feelings by engaging in reflective

    listening, such as: ❑ “ Are you feeling some strange / bad now a days due to the present situation of pandemic Disease / Lock Down /or being Quartarined ? ❑(Don't USE psych terms Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  22. ➢“Yes, now a days are certainly more challenging all over

    the globe. I understand.” ➢ Ask him/ her to narrate the specific disturbing feelings ➢ (Psych should note down on paper ), ➢ OR ask to write down on papers what ever he /she feels ➢ if not ,,,, ➢ Need to be Recorded Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  23.  Be a good listener,  Be responsive  Make

    eye contact with a caring approach  No verbosity / superficial talks with client  Give him /her the opportunity to talk and open up but don’t press or force the client Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  24. ➢You may share some easy insights to encourage easy conversation,

    such as: ❖ comments about the weather, the economic issues in the community due to present Pandemic disease ➢Reduce his her defensiveness by sharing your feelings and looking for common ground ➢Speak at a level appropriate to their age and development level / cultural background Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  25.  Don't express strangeness  Keep in mind that mental

    illness has nothing to do with a person’s intelligence.  Don't make client upset or confused by your conversation Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  26. Show respect and understanding ❑How client describes and interpret their

    ideas and symptoms ❑Do not use terminology / define to his ideas in front the client ❑OR one’s concerns /worries apprehensions obsessions. Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  27.  Offer your support and connect him /her to help

    if you feel that one need it.  Ask, “How can I help you?”  Give the client hope for recovery, offer encouragement  try to reduce fears ( when you are assured the level and degree Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  28. Things to Avoid Saying: Do not express  “Just pray

    about it.”  “You just need to change you’re attitude.”  “Stop your concerns on the negative, you should just start living.” Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  29. Things to Avoid Doing:  Criticizing /blaming  Do not

    Show any form of hostility or cultural /Ethnical biases  NO raising of your voice at client  No talking too much, too fast, too loudly  Silence and pauses are ok  During session: note him/her, anxiety, body language, etc. Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  30. Things to Avoid Doing:  Don't make Assumptions & hasty

    & jumping to the conclusions  However, u can make hypothesis on the basis of all clinical data ????? to Develop your assumptions and diagnosis Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19
  31. Things to Avoid Doing:  Avoid to sarcastic/critical or making

    jokes about the client’ condition.  Don't Patronizing them or saying anything arrogantly  Avoid transference  So All your Clinical data should be valid to move further FOR THERPEUTIC INTERVENTION Intervention : Interview with client COVID -19

    (FIBSAR) Old CSD Complex Opposite to Station Library Abbottabad CONTACT : Mobile: 0333 5950 315 & 0311 0376122