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Deep Dive into "any" and "some"

Deep Dive into "any" and "some"

At SwiftHeroes 2023

freddi(Yuki Aki)

May 04, 2023

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  1. Deep Dive into “any” and “some” Yuki ‘freddi’ Aki, LINE

    SwiftHeroes 2023 Secrets from deep side of Swift
  2. protocol Shape { . . . } struct Rectangle: Shape

    {} struct Triangle: Shape {} Example of Existential Type
  3. protocol Shape { . . . } = /* make

    assignable any object conform to Shape */ Example of Existential Type var shape
  4. protocol Shape { . . . } : Shape =

    Rectangle() Example of Existential Type var shape
  5. protocol Shape { . . . } var shape: Shape

    = Rectangle() shape = Triangle() Example of Existential Type
  6. protocol Shape { . . . } var shape: shape

    = Triangle() ‘Shape’ is Existential Type Example of Existential Type Shape = Rectangle() Shape
  7. protocol Shape { . . . } SE-0335 Introduce existential

    ‘any’ ‘any Shape’ is Existential Type // SE-0355, any is forced from Swift 6 var shape: shape = Triangle() Shape = Rectangle() any any
  8. Existential Type’s cost Existential Container any Shape Read value Call

    Functions Performance Cost var shape: shape = Triangle() Shape = Rectangle() any
  9. any Existential Type? Class? Structure? // It is more clear

    that ‘Shape’ is existential type var shape: Shape
  10. let x: SE-0309 Unlock existentials for all protocols protocol P

    { associatedtype A } ~ Swift 5.6 P = /* ... */
  11. protocol P<A> { associatedtype A } P<A> Introduced by SE-0346

    “Lightweight same-type requirements for primary associated types”
  12. public protocol Clock<Duration>: Sendable public protocol BidirectionalCollection<Element>: Collection public protocol

    Collection<Element>: Sequence public protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue> public protocol Identifiable<ID> public protocol InstantProtocol<Duration> public protocol MutableCollection<Element> public protocol RandomAccessCollection<Element> public protocol RangeExpression<Bound> public protocol RangeReplaceableCollection<Element> public protocol SIMD<Scalar> public protocol IteratorProtocol<Element> public protocol Sequence<Element> public protocol SetAlgebra<Element> public protocol Strideable<Stride> Introduced by SE-0358 “Primary Associated Types in the Standard Library” Collection
  13. func apply(_ collection: any Collection<Int>) { . . . }

    Introduced by SE-0353 “Constrained Existential Types”
  14. protocol P<A> { associatedtype A } func method(_ p: any

    P<Int> ) { . . . } extension P<Int> { . . . } P<A> P<Int> Don’t need to write “P where A == Int” P<Int>
  15. protocol P<A> { associatedtype A } func method(_ p: any

    P<Int> ) { . . . } extension P<Int> { . . . } let p: any P<Int> P<A> P<Int> Don’t need to prepare hand-made type erasure P<Int>
  16. Existential Type’s cost func method(_ p: . . . }

    ‘any’ uses Existential Container P<Int>) { any
  17. Existential Type’s cost Opaque Type (‘some’) doesn’t require Existential Container

    (SE-341 Opaque Parameter Declarations) some func method(_ p: . . . } P<Int>) {
  18. Generics and Opaque Type in argument • Generics doesn’t use

    Existential Container because “Keeps type information" func method<T: P>(_ p: T) { . . . }
  19. Generics and Opaque Type in argument func method(_ p: some

    P) { . . . } ← • Generics doesn’t use Existential Container because “Keeps type information" • Opaque Type argument is syntax sugar of Generics func method<T: P>(_ p: T) { . . . } swiftc
  20. Type-level abstraction protocol Shape { . . . } func

    draw<T: Shape>(shape: T) { . . . } • Example: Generics (argument), Opaque Type (argument and return) • Abstract by using concrete type information (Type variable)
  21. Value-level abstraction protocol Shape { . . . } var

    shape: any Shape = Rectangle() shape = Triangle() • Example: Existential Type (argument and return) • Abstract by erasing type information of value and use underlying (protocol) type
  22. Cannot convert return expression of type ‘P‘ to return type

    ‘PImpl' <PType: P> PType func method PImpl() } () -> {
  23. let p = method() p.pImplFunc() No room for the developer

    to change the return type of the API Too opened implementation Detail PImpl func method PImpl() } () -> {
  24. var p = method() “Reverse Generics” (not implemented) Treat type

    as “some type conforms P” -> <PType: P> PType func method PImpl() } () -> {
  25. var p = method() Introduced by SE-0244 “Opaque Result Type”

    some P func method PImpl() } some () -> {
  26. Return Argument Existential type Existential type Type-level abstraction Value-level abstraction

    Generics Opaque Type (5.7) Opaque Type (5.1) Swift 5 (5.1 and 5.7) ~ Protocol abstraction
  27. How Existential Type works? var shape: any Shape = Rectangle()

    shape = Triangle() Existential Container any Shape
  28. How Existential Type works? var shape: any Shape = Rectangle()

    shape = Triangle() Existential Container any Shape
  29. How Existential Type works? var shape: any Shape = Rectangle()

    shape = Triangle() Existential Container any Shape
  30. struct Triangle: Shape { var vertex = 3 } struct

    BigColoredRectangle: Shape { var color = UIColor.green var vertex = 4 }
  31. struct Triangle: Shape { var vertex = 3 } struct

    BigColoredRectangle: Shape { var color = UIColor.green var vertex = 4 } print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: Triangle())) print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: BigColoredRectangle())) 8 16
  32. struct Triangle: Shape { var vertex = 3 } struct

    BigColoredRectangle: Shape { var color = UIColor.green var vertex = 4 } print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: Triangle())) print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: BigColoredRectangle())) let shape1: any Shape = Triangle() let shape2: any Shape = BigColoredRectangle() 8 16
  33. struct Triangle: Shape { var vertex = 3 } struct

    BigColoredRectangle: Shape { var color = UIColor.green var vertex = 4 } print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: Triangle())) print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: BigColoredRectangle())) let shape1: any Shape = Triangle() let shape2: any Shape = BigColoredRectangle() print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: shape1)) print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: shape2)) 8 16 40 40
  34. struct VeryBigRectangle: Shape { . . . } print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: VeryBigRectangle()))

    let shape: any Shape = VeryBigRectangle() print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: shape)) 48 40
  35. any Shape Object in Existential Container (struct) small struct var

    x: Int64 var y: Int64 Existential Container let shape: = Triangle()
  36. Object in Existential Container (struct) small struct var x: Int64

    var y: Int64 Existential Container = 40byte any Shape let shape: Triangle()
  37. Object in Existential Container (struct) Buffer(64bit) Buffer(64bit) Buffer(64bit) small struct

    var x: Int64 var y: Int64 Existential Container = any Shape let shape: Triangle()
  38. Object in Existential Container (struct) x: Int64 y: Int64 Buffer(64bit)

    small struct var x: Int64 var y: Int64 Existential Container = any Shape let shape: Triangle()
  39. VeryBigRectangle() Object in Existential Container (struct) Buffer(64bit) Buffer(64bit) Buffer(64bit) large

    struct var x: Int64 var y: Int64 var z: Int64 var w: Int64 Existential Container = any Shape let shape:
  40. Object in Existential Container (struct) Buffer(64bit) Buffer(64bit) Heap large struct

    var x: Int64 var y: Int64 var z: Int64 var w: Int64 Existential Container = VeryBigRectangle() any Shape let shape: Reference
  41. Object in Existential Container (struct) Buffer(64bit) Buffer(64bit) Heap large struct

    var x: Int64 var y: Int64 var z: Int64 var w: Int64 Existential Container = Copy VeryBigRectangle() any Shape let shape: Reference x: Int y: Int z: Int w: Int
  42. Object in Existential Container (struct) Reference Buffer(64bit) Buffer(64bit) Heap large

    struct var x: Int64 var y: Int64 var z: Int64 var w: Int64 Existential Container = Copy VeryBigRectangle() any Shape let shape: x: Int y: Int z: Int w: Int
  43. struct VeryBigRectangle: Shape { . . . } print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: VeryBigRectangle()))

    let shape: any Shape = VeryBigRectangle() print(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: shape)) 40 (without Heap area size)
  44. Witness Table Value Witness Table Protocol Witness Table Information of

    Type Allocation, Deinitialization, size, stride …
  45. Witness Table Value Witness Table Protocol Witness Table Information for

    Method Dispatch (Method Table) Used when selecting the function of protocol Information of Type Allocation, Deinitialization, size, stride …
  46. Method Dispatch of Existential Container x: Int64 y: Int64 Buffer(64bit)

    small struct var x: Int64 var y: Int64 Existential Container = Protocol Witness Table any Shape let shape: Triangle()
  47. Method Dispatch of Existential Container x: Int64 y: Int64 Buffer(64bit)

    small struct var x: Int64 var y: Int64 func draw() Existential Container = Shape protocol func draw() Protocol Witness Table any Shape let shape: Triangle()
  48. x: Int64 y: Int64 Buffer(64bit) small struct var x: Int64

    var y: Int64 func draw() Existential Container = Shape protocol func draw() Name Which func needs call? draw() Triangle.draw() Protocol Witness Table Method Dispatch of Existential Container any Shape let shape: Triangle() Triangle’s Protocol Witness Table
  49. x: Int64 y: Int64 Buffer(64bit) small struct var x: Int64

    var y: Int64 func draw() Existential Container = Shape protocol func draw() Name Which func needs call? draw() Triangle.draw() Protocol Witness Table Method Dispatch of Existential Container any Shape let : Triangle() Triangle’s Protocol Witness Table shape
  50. x: Int64 y: Int64 Buffer(64bit) Existential Container .draw() Protocol Witness

    Table Method Dispatch of Existential Container shape
  51. x: Int64 y: Int64 Buffer(64bit) Existential Container Name Which func

    needs call? draw() Triangle.draw() combine() Triangle.combine() … … Protocol Witness Table Method Dispatch of Existential Container shape .draw()
  52. x: Int64 y: Int64 Buffer(64bit) Existential Container Protocol Witness Table

    Method Dispatch of Existential Container shape .draw() Name Which func needs call? draw() Triangle.draw() combine() Triangle.combine() … …
  53. Method Dispatch of Existential Type Dynamic Dispatch Static Dispatch Method

    is selected on runtime Existential Container (Witness Table), Class (Virtual Table), Objective-C Runtime (Message Dispatch) … Method is selected on compile time struct, global function call, extension … Runtime Cost
  54. Existential Container (struct) Buffer(64bit) Buffer(64bit) Buffer(64bit) Existential Container Metadata Protocol

    Witness Table 64bit + 64bit + 64bit = 192bit (24byte) 64bit (8byte) 8byte 40byte
  55. Summary: Existential Container • Existential Container allocates heap if the

    object exceeds its buffer • Existential Container size is fixed regardless of type (struct: 40Byte in 64bit CPU)
  56. Summary: Existential Container • Existential Container size is fixed regardless

    of type (struct: 40Byte in 64bit CPU) • Existential Container allocates heap if the object exceeds its buffer • Existential Container method dispatch: Dynamic Dispatch
  57. How Existential Container actually works? • We can see how

    Existential type is initialized via Swift Intermediate Language(SIL)
  58. How Existential Container actually works? • We can see how

    Existential type is initialized via Swift Intermediate Language(SIL) AST AST (Typed) SIL IR (LLVM) 📱 App
  59. How Existential Container actually works? • We can see how

    Existential type is initialized via Swift Intermediate Language(SIL) AST AST (Typed) SIL IR (LLVM) 📱 App • SIL shows many codes which is hidden in normal Swift code • Reference Count • Witness Table …
  60. protocol Shape { func draw() } struct Triangle: Shape {

    func draw() {} } let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw()
  61. protocol Shape { func draw() } struct Triangle: Shape {

    func draw() {} } let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() $ swiftc heroes.swift -emit-sil -o heroes.sil
  62. sil_stage canonical import Builtin import Swift import SwiftShims protocol Shape

    { func draw() } struct Triangle : Shape { func draw() init() } @_hasStorage @_hasInitialValue let shape: Shape { get } // shape sil_global hidden [let] @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp : $Shape // main sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 { bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>): alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp : $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to $*@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method $@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $*@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@in_guaranteed τ_0_0) -> () // type-defs: %7; user: %9 %9 = apply %8<@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@in_guaranteed τ_0_0) -> () // type-defs: %7 %10 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %11 %11 = struct $Int32 (%10 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %12 return %11 : $Int32 // id: %12 } // end sil function 'main' // Triangle.draw() sil hidden @$s6heroes8TriangleV4drawyyF : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () { // %0 "self" // user: %1 bb0(%0 : $Triangle): debug_value %0 : $Triangle, let, name "self", argno 1, implicit // id: %1 %2 = tuple () // user: %3 return %2 : $() // id: %3 } // end sil function '$s6heroes8TriangleV4drawyyF' // Triangle.init() sil hidden @$s6heroes8TriangleVACycfC : $@convention(method) (@thin Triangle.Type) -> Triangle { // %0 "$metatype" bb0(%0 : $@thin Triangle.Type): %1 = struct $Triangle () // user: %2 return %1 : $Triangle // id: %2 } // end sil function '$s6heroes8TriangleVACycfC' // protocol witness for Shape.draw() in conformance Triangle sil private [transparent] [thunk] @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) (@in_guaranteed Triangle) -> () { // %0 // user: %1 bb0(%0 : $*Triangle): %1 = load %0 : $*Triangle // user: %3 // function_ref Triangle.draw() %2 = function_ref @$s6heroes8TriangleV4drawyyF : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () // user: %3 %3 = apply %2(%1) : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () %4 = tuple () // user: %5 return %4 : $() // id: %5 } // end sil function ‘$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW’ // Mappings from '#fileID' to '#filePath': // 'heroes/heroes.swift' => 'heroes.swift' sil_witness_table hidden Triangle: Shape module heroes { method #Shape.draw: <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> () : @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW // protocol witness for Shape.draw() in conformance Triangle }
  63. sil_witness_table hidden Triangle: Shape module heroes { method #Shape.draw: <Self

    where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> () : @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW } Protocol Witness Table of ‘Triangle’
  64. sil_witness_table hidden Triangle: Shape module heroes { method #Shape.draw: <Self

    where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> () : @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW } Protocol Function (‘Shape.draw’) Protocol Witness Table of ‘Triangle’
  65. sil_witness_table hidden Triangle: Shape module heroes { method #Shape.draw: <Self

    where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> () : @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW } Protocol Function (‘Shape.draw’) Symbol of ‘Triangle.draw’ Protocol Witness Table of ‘Triangle’
  66. sil_stage canonical import Builtin import Swift import SwiftShims protocol Shape

    { func draw() } struct Triangle : Shape { func draw() init() } @_hasStorage @_hasInitialValue let shape: Shape { get } // shape sil_global hidden [let] @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp : $Shape // main sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 { bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>): %10 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %11 %11 = struct $Int32 (%10 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %12 return %11 : $Int32 // id: %12 } // end sil function 'main' // Triangle.draw() sil hidden @$s6heroes8TriangleV4drawyyF : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () { // %0 "self" // user: %1 bb0(%0 : $Triangle): debug_value %0 : $Triangle, let, name "self", argno 1, implicit // id: %1 %2 = tuple () // user: %3 return %2 : $() // id: %3 } // end sil function '$s6heroes8TriangleV4drawyyF' // Triangle.init() sil hidden @$s6heroes8TriangleVACycfC : $@convention(method) (@thin Triangle.Type) -> Triangle { // %0 "$metatype" bb0(%0 : $@thin Triangle.Type): %1 = struct $Triangle () // user: %2 return %1 : $Triangle // id: %2 } // end sil function '$s6heroes8TriangleVACycfC' // protocol witness for Shape.draw() in conformance Triangle sil private [transparent] [thunk] @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) (@in_guaranteed Triangle) -> () { // %0 // user: %1 bb0(%0 : $*Triangle): %1 = load %0 : $*Triangle // user: %3 // function_ref Triangle.draw() %2 = function_ref @$s6heroes8TriangleV4drawyyF : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () // user: %3 %3 = apply %2(%1) : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () %4 = tuple () // user: %5 return %4 : $() // id: %5 } // end sil function ‘$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW’ // Mappings from '#fileID' to '#filePath': // 'heroes/heroes.swift' => 'heroes.swift' sil_witness_table hidden Triangle: Shape module heroes { method #Shape.draw: <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> () : @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW // protocol witness for Shape.draw() in conformance Triangle } alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp : $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to $*@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method $@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $*@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@in_guaranteed τ_0_0) -> () // type-defs: %7; user %9 = apply %8<@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@in_guaranteed τ_0_0) -> () // type-defs: %7
  67. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to $*@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40- %8 = witness_method $@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self %9 = apply %8<@opened("CA01F70C-D958-11ED-8F40-9E59F6EF2BA0") Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@
  68. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw()
  69. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() Allocating memory area for shape
  70. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() Call ‘Triangle’s initializer to create object Allocating memory area for shape
  71. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() Create Existential Container and assign ‘Triangle’ object Call ‘Triangle’s initializer to create object Allocating memory area for shape
  72. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw()
  73. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw()
  74. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() Load Existential Container
  75. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() Load Existential Container Get function symbol of Shape.draw from Protocol Witness Table in Existential Container
  76. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> (), %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> () Load Existential Container Get function symbol of Shape.draw from Protocol Witness Table in Existential Container
  77. sil_witness_table hidden Triangle: Shape module heroes { method : @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW

    } Protocol Function (‘Shape.draw’) Symbol of ‘Triangle.draw’ #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> () @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW Protocol Witness Table of ‘Triangle’
  78. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, , %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> () Obtained: @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW Load Existential Container Get function symbol of Shape.draw from Protocol Witness Table in Existential Container
  79. alloc_global @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp // id: %2 %3 = global_addr @$s6heroes5shapeAA5Shape_pvp :

    $*Shape // users: %7, %5 %4 = struct $Triangle () // user: %6 %5 = init_existential_addr %3 : $*Shape, $Triangle // user: %6 store %4 to %5 : $*Triangle // id: %6 %7 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %3 : $*Shape to … Shape // users: %9, %9, %8 %8 = witness_method … Shape, , %7 : $ %9 = apply %8<… Shape>(%7) : $@convention(witness_method: Shape) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Shape> (@ let shape: any Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() #Shape.draw : <Self where Self : Shape> (Self) -> () -> () The function is called with selected information (Dynamic Dispatch) Load Existential Container Get function symbol of Shape.draw from Protocol Witness Table in Existential Container Obtained: @$s6heroes8TriangleVAA5ShapeA2aDP4drawyyFTW
  80. %8 = load %3 : $*Triangle // user: %10 //

    function_ref Triangle.draw() %9 = function_ref @$s6heroes8TriangleV4drawyyF : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () // user: %10 = apply %9(%8) : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () let shape = Triangle() shape.draw()
  81. %8 = load %3 : $*Triangle // user: %10 //

    function_ref Triangle.draw() %9 = function_ref @$s6heroes8TriangleV4drawyyF : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () // user: %10 = apply %9(%8) : $@convention(method) (Triangle) -> () Function symbol ($s6heroes8TriangleV4drawyyF) is selected (Static Dispatch) let shape = Triangle() shape.draw()
  82. let shape: some Shape = Triangle() shape.draw() ??? Please try:$

    swiftc heroes.swift -emit-sil -o heroes.sil
  83. // draw<A>(shape:) sil hidden @$s6heroes4draw5shapeyx_tAA5ShapeRzlF : . . . {

    . . . %11 = witness_method $T . . . 
 . . . } func draw<T: Shape>(shape: T) // draw is called inside of function Compile to SIL code
  84. // draw<A>(shape:) sil hidden @$s6heroes4draw5shapeyx_tAA5ShapeRzlF : . . . {

    . . . %11 = witness_method $T . . . 
 . . . } Try to check Witness Table of ‘shape’ from type variable ’T’ func draw<T: Shape>(shape: T) // draw is called inside of function Compile to SIL code
  85. • Generics also uses Witness Table if Swift compiler doesn’t

    optimize function code Specialization of function argument with Generics
  86. • Generics also uses Witness Table if Swift compiler doesn’t

    optimize function code • Optimizer in Swift compiler generates “function with specialized argument“ Specialization of function argument with Generics
  87. func draw<T: Shape>(shape: T) draw(shape: Triangle()) Compile code with optimization

    (‘-O’ flag) // specialized draw<A>(shape:) sil hidden @$s6heroes4draw5shapeyx_tAA5ShapeRzlFAA8TriangleC_Tg5
  88. func draw<T: Shape>(shape: T) draw(shape: Triangle()) Compile code with optimization

    (‘-O’ flag) // specialized draw<A>(shape:) sil hidden @$s6heroes4draw5shapeyx_tAA5ShapeRzlFAA8TriangleC_Tg5 ‘draw(shape: Triangle)’
  89. • Specialized function has concrete type information, and witness_table isn’t

    needed • Generics also uses Witness Table if Swift compiler doesn’t optimize code • Swift compiler’s optimizer generates “function with specialized argument“ Specialization of function argument with Generics
  90. public func draw<T: Shape>(shape: T) draw(shape: Triangle()) Module A Module

    B class OriginalShape: ModuleA.Shape draw(shape: OriginalShape())
  91. public func draw<T: Shape>(shape: T) draw(shape: Triangle()) Module A Module

    B class OriginalShape: ModuleA.Shape draw(shape: OriginalShape()) Specialized
  92. public func draw<T: Shape>(shape: T) draw(shape: Triangle()) Module A Module

    B class OriginalShape: ModuleA.Shape draw(shape: OriginalShape()) Specialized Not-Specialized
  93. • Different module, complex type … etc • Function’s argument

    is not specialized in some cases Limitation of argument Specialization
  94. • Use ‘@inlinable’ attribute to make specializable in outside of

    modules (or @_specialize) public func draw<T: Shape>(shape: T) draw(shape: Triangle()) @inlinable • Different module, complex type … etc • Function’s argument is not specialized in some cases Limitation of argument Specialization
  95. • ‘some’ argument still uses Witness Table as default •

    ‘any’ and ‘some’ argument are also specialized if possible Specialization of ‘any’ and ‘some’ argument
  96. // specialized draw(shape:) sil hidden @$s6heroes4draw5shapeyAA5Shape_p_..._nAA8TriangleC_Tg5 func draw(shape: any Shape)

    draw(shape: Triangle()) Compile code with optimization (‘-O’ flag) ‘draw(shape: Triangle)’
  97. • ‘some’ still uses Witness Table as default • ‘any’

    and ‘some’ argument are also specialized if possible Specialization of ‘some’ and ‘any’ argument
  98. • ‘some’ still uses Witness Table as default • ‘any’

    and ‘some’ argument are also specialized if possible Specialization of ‘some’ and ‘any’ argument • Use appropriate ‘some’ and ‘any’ regardless of specialization any some YES YES NO (inline only) YES Same module Different module(inlinable) Specialization of some an any
  99. Summary: Optimization • Existential Type, Opaque Type and Generics are

    “specialized” by compiler as possible • Use appropriate ‘some’ and ‘any’ as possible regardless of specialization
  100. Recap • Existential type and Opaque type evolution • Existential

    Container and Performance • Specialization for Generics, Existential type and Opaque type
  101. Learn more evolution SE-0360 Opaque result types with limited availability

    apple/swift-evolution SE-0375 Opening existential arguments to optional parameters SE-0352 Implicitly Opened Existentials SE-0328 Structural opaque result types apple/swift-evolution apple/swift-evolution apple/swift-evolution
  102. Learn API Design with ‘any’ and ‘some’ Embrace Swift generics

    WWDC 22 Design protocol interfaces in Swift WWDC 22
  103. Other Talks Generic Protocols and Associated types - POWER TOOLS

    FOR UNIT TESTING SwiftHeroes 2023 Swift Optimizing (at Compiler World) NSSpain 2020
  104. Thank you! Yuki ‘freddi’ Aki - iOS Engineer at LINE

    • Github @ freddi-kit • Twitter @ _ _ _freddi_ _ _ Special Thanks @koher (Author of “Heart of Swift” https://heart-of-swift.github.io/) @kateinoigakukun (Swift Compiler specialist) Engineers and Interpreters in LINE Corp SwiftHeroes Team