Crick Professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies ▸ Computational Neurobiology Laborato ▸ ϝΠϯڭࢣ ▸ Dr. Barbara Oakley ▸ Professor of Engineering ▸ Industrial & Systems Engineering, Oakland University جຊແྉʂ मྃূ$49
▸ Short Term (working) memory εϖʔε͕গͳ͍ ▸ Long Term memory࿅शΛͯ͠هԱʹఆண͢Δ ▸ ࢲͨͪϏδϡΞϧϝϞϦʔʢࢹ֮తͳهԱʣͷྗΛ͍࣋ͬͯ ΔͷͰɺࢹ֮తʹهԱ͢Δ͜ͱΛҙࣝͯ͠ΈΑ͏ ▸ ·ͨΑ͘ࢥ͍ग़͢γʔϯΛΠϝʔδͯ͠ɺࢹ֮هԱͱͳͲ ແຯס૩ͳใΛ݁ͼ͚ͭΔςΫχοΫ༗ޮ
ड͚ͷಡॻɻײಈͷಈ͖ͷͳ͍ಡॻ࣌ؒͷແବͰ͢ɻ ▸ 2. Letting highlights overwhelm you. શ෦ʹઢΛҾ͘ɻઢΛҾ͘͜ͱཧղ͍ͯ͠ΔΛࡨ֮ͤ͞·͢ɻ࣮ࡍʹ͍ͬͯΔ͜ͱखΛಈ͔ͯ͠ ͍Δ͚ͩͰ͢ɻগ͠ͷઢҾ͖ྑ͍Ͱ͢ɻͦΕॿ͚ʹͳΓ·͢ɻ͔ͬ͠Γͱʹೖ͖͍ͬͯͯΔ͔֬ೝ͢Δ͜ͱ͕େࣄͰ͢ɻ ▸ 3. Merely glancing at a problem’s solution and thinking you know how to do it. ࠷ॳʹղܾࡦͷΈΛߟ͑ͯ͠·͏ɻ͜Εੜె͕൜͢࠷ѱͷؒ ҧ͍ͷҰͭͰ͢ɻຊʹେࣄͳ͜ͱɺෳࡶͳΛstep-by-stepͰඥղ͍ͯղܾ͍ͯ͘͜͠ͱͰ͢ɻ ▸ 4. Waiting until the last minute to study. ΪϦΪϦ·Ͱษڧ͠ͳ͍ɻےͷΑ͏ͳͷͰ͢ɺҰʹͰ͖Δ͜ͱʹݶΓ͕͋Γ·͢ɻ ▸ 5. Repeatedly solving problems of the same type that you already know how to solve. ಉ͡Α͏ͳʹऔΓΈଓ͚ͯҙຯ͕͋Γ·ͤΜɻ όεέοτϘʔϧͷࢼ߹ʹ͚ͯɺυϦϒϧͷύλʔϯ͚ͩ࿅श͢ΔΑ͏ͳͷͰ͢ɻ ▸ 6. Letting study sessions with friends turn into chat sessions. ༑ਓͨͪͱͷ͓͠ΌΓͷ࣌ؒʹͯ͠͠·͏ɻಉ͡ʹऔΓΉάϧʔϓϫʔΫ ޮՌతͰָ͍͠Ͱ͢ɻ͔͠͠ͳ͕ΒɺʹऔΓΉલʹָ͘͠ͳ͍ͬͯΔͷͰ͋Εɺ࣌ؒͷແବͰ͢ɻ ▸ 7. Neglecting to read the textbook before you start working problems. ςΩετϒοΫΛಡ·ͳ͍ɻςΩετϒοΫͳ͠ͰɺΠϯετϥΫ γϣϯͳ͠ͰਫӭʹΉΑ͏ͳͷͰ͢ɻςΩετϒοΫΛಡ·ͳ͍Ͱ࣮ફ͢Δͷ࣌ؒͷແବͰ͢ɻ ▸ 8. Not checking with your instructors or classmates to clear up points of confusion. Professors are used to lost students coming in for guidance―it’s our job to help you. The students we worry about are the ones who don’t come in. Don’t be one of those students. ▸ 9. Thinking you can learn deeply when you are being constantly distracted. தஅ͞ΕྲྀΕਂֶ͍ͼ͕Ͱ͖Δͱࢥ͍ͬͯΔ͜ͱɻͯ͢ͷখ͞ ͳதஅগͣͭ͋͠ͳͨͷͷྗΛୣ͍ͬͯ·͢ɻ ▸ 10. Not getting enough sleep. ेʹΒͳ͍ɻΓֶशʹ͓͍ͯॏཁͳཁૉͰ͢ɻςετͷલʹྑ͍ਭ͕ಘΒΕͳ͍ͷͩͱͨ͠ΒɺؾΛ ͚ͭΔ͖͜ͱͦͷ͜ͱҎ֎ͳ͍Ͱ͠ΐ͏ɻ