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An introduction to Docker and Kubernetes for No...

An introduction to Docker and Kubernetes for Node.js developers


Node.js apps can run on a multitude of platforms. But when you ship code to production, how can you be sure that it will behave in the same way it did on your local dev machine? Containerisation is one way to mitigate this risk: by building a virtual 'image' which includes the OS, software and source code that your application needs to run, you can ensure a reproducible build you can trust, which runs in the same way in every environment.

But containerisation isn't the whole picture. Take the concept of reproducible, declarative builds to its natural conclusion and you get 'container orchestration': a representation of all of your applications and servers and how they relate together.

This talk will introduce containerisation with Docker; how you can use it to make your workflows more predictable and your servers more reliable; and using Kubernetes to spin up your applications in the cloud using nothing but YAML files, with monitoring, logging, scaling and networking all taken care of. We'll be looking at some real-world examples, some tips and tricks, advice on developing on your local machine, and some of the more painful discoveries from a few months of deploying to production.


hands up if you write JavaScript for your job
keep them up if you write server-side applications in Node.js
keep them up if you've ever done any 'ops' or dev-ops': CI or server configuration, etc.
keep them up if you have been known to FTP files onto a server
keep them up if you have ever live-edited a file on a server in production
Who's ever used Docker?
Who's ever used Heroku?
who's ever used kubernetes?

talk is: "An introduction to Docker and Kubernetes for Node.js developers"
but I'm a developer
not a deep dive where you'll learn everything
a more personal story of how my relationship with servers has changed over the years

FTP code onto a server. Wordpress, etc.
I discovered rsync and mounted SFTP drives, so could work 'on the server'

First real job
Suite of servers
herbs and spices: Tarragon, Ginger
fond memory: Turmeric was upgraded to Saffron
in a datacentre which we sometimes needed to drive to to install a new rack box

Server configuration was managed by Puppet
code was deployed via rsync by Jenkins CI jobs
production was terrifying
had to keep it up at all costs
although Puppet helps keep servers up-to-date, it doesn't give a verifiable environment
occasionally live-edited code on prod, which 'sometimes' made it back into our version control

for local dev: a 'sandbox' server
hosted in a server room a few meters from our desks to be fast
everyone on the team had a different way of getting code onto the server:
- some SSH'd in and used Vim
- some mounted the drive and worked locally, with hiccoughs
- some developed complicated 2-way rsync solutions (mention Kornel?)

We then migrated to a Vagrant setup
a full virtual machine on our laptops with the services we needed
mounting folders into it from the host
running same servers on Mac, Windows and Linux

not a bad workflow
still loads of compromises:
1. simplified versions of things for local dev
2. everything in the same VM rather than isolated as it would be in prod
3. all localhost networking
4. no load balancing

Most worryingly:
dev, ci and prod could easily get out of sync
we had no easy way to verify new versions of software
Even with Puppet, how can you be sure that everything on the server has been documented?

who's heard of this term?

what's wrong with the process I've described?
the longer a server lives, the more likely you are to treat it like a pet
servers are nurtured, but the changes don't make it back into version control
dev, ci, staging and production are architected differently

Vagrant uses virtualization
each virtual machine runs its own entire operating system inside a simulated hardware environment

Docker uses containerization
allows multiple applications to run in isolated partitions of the kernel directly on the physical hardware

let's take a look at how we can improve confidence
be sure that that the process you run locally in development behaves the same as in production
similar to the goals for good software design in general

Docker is a way to package code into consistent units of work
the units can then be deployed to testing, QA and production environments
Docker needs to only to express the configuration for a single process
so unlike Puppet, Chef, etc., which need to manage a whole virtual machine
the problem becomes far easier

Most docker commands relate to an image. An image is built from a manifest file, called a 'Dockerfile'. You're building up a bundle of resources which can run a single process

Docker images inherit from other images - eventually down to a base image. For node, there are many varieties of tag on the 'Docker Hub' registry:

each line in the file is an instruction (inherit from another image, add files, run commands, set permissions, etc.)

First we'll build an image from our manifest
**demo: build**: https://asciinema.org/a/144295

Building an image gives us a checksum. We can make a container out of an image using `docker run`, and we have a Node 8 container.
**demo: run**: https://asciinema.org/a/144296

each instruction in the Dockerfile creates a new layer, with a checksum to verify its integrity
**demo: build, new layer**: https://asciinema.org/a/144297

first layer is cached

each line creates a cached image layer
you will often see multiple commands chained together: ensures dependencies are all cached in a single layer

So how can you even upgrade a package when it's always cached?
Bust the cache in an earlier layer with environment variables

**demo: Node.js image**: https://asciinema.org/a/144303

docker is designed to work best when there is only one process running in the container
it should be well-behaved, so should respond correctly to signals to shutdown, etc
pm2 and forever wrap Node.js processes so they behave
If you're not sure, use Yelp's dumb-init, which will wrap your command so it's correctly terminated

the application in a container is only a small part of the picture
components (front-end server, API server, database server, etc.) are now well-described with Docker images, but not how they communicate together
how can you be sure that the right number of containers are always running?
how can you make the best use of resources (CPU, memory)?

still a huge differences between dev, ci, staging and production
production has multiple redundant replicas of each server process, and a loadbalancer running across them. Perhaps also autoscaling

staging is often a low-powered, stripped down imitation of production

local dev setup uses localhost, incorrect ports, different filesystems, etc.

in particular, I'm going to talk about an orchestration platform called Kubernetes

For this demo, we need our Docker image to be in an accessible location.
Possible to use a private location
for easy demo, using main Docker Hub

The basic unit in k8s is the pod
This is the simplest of pods: it has a name, a label, and a single container
Let's create it
**demo: pods**: https://asciinema.org/a/144299

If we were to SSH onto the virtual machine running kubernetes, we could cURL the pod using its IP address

Services take care of routing local network traffic to pods
The pod selector identifies the set of pods to load-balance traffic to
The ports section is the same as the `docker run` command from earlier: map host port to container port
**demo: services**: https://asciinema.org/a/144300

Then, from another pod somewhere in the cluster, we can cURL the pod using a hostname (service.namespace)

This is where the benefit of a 'container orchestrator' really becomes obvious
A replica set declares a desired number of replicas of a pod.
Kubernetes will try to achieve that, following other rules like correctly waiting for startup and shutdown
Delete a pod, k8s detects it and will recreate
Like the service, this rs has labels on the pods, and a selector which matches those labels
**demo: replica sets**: https://asciinema.org/a/144301

A deployment wraps a replicaset
adds scaling, versioning, rollout and roll-back
the unit of currency for CI
**demo: deployments**: https://asciinema.org/a/144302

the final piece of the puzzle
we have a resiliant, scalable group of pods which works with CI
we have an internal hostname, with loadbalancing across the pods
we now need a way to route traffic into the cluster from the outside world
this ingress will direct requests for `demo.local` which hit the cluster IP to the nodejs service, where the request will be loadbalanced across the pods
**demo: ingresses**: https://asciinema.org/a/144304

Local development will, I hope, be getting much nicer
Docker have just announced future support for Kubernetes in their free Community Edition
meaning you can run complete k8s setups locally, for free
using your OS's hypervisor rather than a virtual machine

George Crawford

October 25, 2017

More Decks by George Crawford

Other Decks in Programming


  1. About me • George Crawford • Engineer at OVO Energy

    in Bristol • Senior Developer at the Financial Times • Developer at Assanka, later FT Labs • Freelance classical musician and Wordpress wrangler OVO Energy jobs • FT.com • FT web app • FT Labs
  2. Servers and me A story in five parts: • Part

    1: FTP & mounted drives • Part 2: Sandboxes, Puppet, Jenkins, scary 'prod' • Part 3: Virtual Machines & Vagrant • Part 4: Containerisation • Part 5: Orchestration
  3. Pets • indispensable or unique systems that can never be

    down • manually built, managed, and 'hand fed' • need to be rebuilt if the server gets corrupted or suffers hardware failure
  4. Cattle • Arrays of more than two servers • built

    using automated tools • designed for failures • no one server is irreplaceable • during failure events, no human intervention is required • the cluster routes around failures by load-balancing and restarting new servers • think...abattoir
  5. The way I think about it: every difference between dev/staging/prod

    will eventually result in an outage Joe Beda: https://twitter.com/jbeda/status/921185541487341568
  6. Benefits of containerisation • isolated • encapsulated • declarative •

    versioned • standardised • repeatable • portable • verifiable • simple for developers
  7. Docker: commands # Build an image from the Dockerfile docker

    build . ... Successfully built badd967af535 # Run the image as a container, in an interactive terminal $ docker run --rm -it badd967af535
  8. Docker: commands # Build an image from the Dockerfile docker

    build . ... Successfully built badd967af535 # Run the image as a container, in an interactive terminal $ docker run --rm -it badd967af535
  9. Docker: Image variants node:8 de facto, based on common buildpack-deps

    image (Debian 'jessie') node:8-alpine lightweight, much smaller images, great for CI and deployment
  10. Docker: the Dockerfile FROM define the base image used to

    start the build process WORKDIR set the path where commands are executed, and files are copied to ENV set environment variables ADD add files from a source on the host to the container’s own filesystem CMD set the default command to run when the container starts ENTRYPOINT set the default application to be used when the container starts EXPOSE expose a port to the outside world RUN execute a script or command (e.g. bash) USER set the UID (username) that will run the container VOLUME enable access from the container to a directory on the host machine
  11. Docker: layer caching Chain commands which belong together: RUN apt-get

    update && apt-get install -y \ bzr \ cvs \ git \ mercurial \ subversion
  12. Docker: layer caching Use ENV variables to bust the cache:

    ENV PACKAGE_VERSION 8.7.0 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ package-bar \ package-baz \ package-foo=$PACKAGE_VERSION
  13. Docker: Simple example const express = require('express'); const PORT =

    8080; const HOST = ''; const app = express(); app.get('*', (req, res) => { console.log(`Handling request to ${req.path}`); res.send('Hello world\n'); }); app.listen(PORT, HOST, () => { console.log(`Running on http://${HOST}:${PORT}`); }); /index.js
  14. Docker: Simple example caching: the wrong way! FROM node:8-alpine EXPOSE

    8080 WORKDIR /app COPY . . # This will run when any source file changes, even if package.json didn't change RUN npm install CMD ["node", "index.js"] /Dockerfile
  15. Docker: Simple example caching: the right way! FROM node:8-alpine EXPOSE

    8080 WORKDIR /app # Copy only files required for `npm install` first: this layer changes rarely COPY package.json package-lock.json ./ RUN npm install # Then copy the remaining files: this layer is more likely to change COPY . . CMD ["node", "index.js"] /Dockerfile
  16. Docker: Simple example # Build $ docker build . #

    Edit a file, and build again - most layers are cached $ docker build . # Run the image as a container, mapping host port to container port $ docker run --rm -p 1234:8080 -t 943cc8886f5f # See it working $ curl localhost:1234
  17. Docker: Mounting volumes # Mount the current working directory into

    the container at /app $ docker run -p 1234:8080 -v $(pwd):/app 943cc8886f5f - use Nodemon or PM2 to watch for filesystem changes - Warning: inotify often not supported, so use polling (nodemon --legacy-watch) https://github.com/remy/nodemon, https://github.com/foreverjs/forever, http://pm2.keymetrics.io/
  18. Docker: Single process model • Use PM2 or forever, etc.

    • or, use dumb-init to provide a well-behaved primary process to correctly respond to signals: # Download and install dumb-init RUN wget -O /usr/local/bin/dumb-init https://github.com/Yelp/dumb-init/releases/download/v1.2.0/dumb-init_1.2.0_amd64 RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dumb-init # Define dumb-init as the entrypoint for the container ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "--"] # Starting this container will actually run `/usr/bin/dumb-init -- node index.js` CMD ["node", "index.js"] https://github.com/Yelp/dumb-init
  19. Docker: lots more to learn • entrypoints, commands and arguments

    • tagging and pushing an image to a registry • advanced networking & permissions • docker-compose • plenty of Docker/Node.js tutorials available on the web
  20. Docker: advantages • encapsulation: A Docker container includes everything your

    app needs to run • portability: Docker runs cross-platform, and Docker images can be very easily shared. Reduces the "it works on my machine" syndrome. • trust: A Docker image produces an identical container in local dev, CI and production • isolation: Networking, file systems, processes, permissions are all tightly controlled and isolated • declarative: The Dockerfile can be checked-in to version control, and new image manifests easily tested in CI • speed: Since a Docker container doesn't boot an OS, they can be extremely fast to start up
  21. Docker: advantages • more confidence: we know what is running

    on each server • processes are secure and isolated • easier for devs to spin up a production-like server environment for each app • no live-editing production, as changes will be lost • with no VM or OS, updates and deploys are very quick
  22. What is Kubernetes? • an open-source platform designed to automate

    deploying, scaling, and operating application containers • deploy your applications quickly and predictably • scale your applications on the fly • roll out new features seamlessly • limit hardware usage to required resources only • portable: public, private, hybrid, multi-cloud • extensible: modular, pluggable, hookable, composable • self-healing: auto-placement, auto-restart, auto-replication, auto-scaling https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/what-is-kubernetes/
  23. What is Kubernetes? • Google's Borg, 10+ year old resource

    orchestration software • Kubernetes founded by Google as an open source project in 2014 • Several of Borg's top contributors also work on Kubernetes • Donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, hosted at the Linux Foundation, supported by Google, Cisco, Docker, IBM, and Intel • A reference architecture for cloud technologies that anyone can use
  24. "Everything at Google runs in a container. We start over

    two billion containers per week." Joe Beda: https://speakerdeck.com/jbeda/containers-at-scale
  25. Kubernetes components: the good stuff Pod  A set of containers

    that need to run together Service  Describes a set of pods that provide a useful service Ingress rule  Specify how incoming network traffic should be routed to services and pods Controller  Automatic pod management. Deployment: maintains a set of running pods of the same type DaemonSet : runs a specific type of pod on each node StatefulSet : like a deployment, but pods are in a guaranteed order
  26. Kubernetes components: the other stuff Node A worker machine -

    physical or virtual - running docker, kubelet and kube-proxy Cluster The entire Kubernetes ecosystem; one or more nodes Namespace  Used to group, separate, and isolate objects, for access control, network access control, resource management, etc. Persistent Volume  Abstraction for persistent storage; many volume types are supported Network policy  Network access rules between pods inside the cluster ConfigMap & Secret  Separates configuration information from application definition Job A pod which runs to completion and can be scheduled, like cron
  27. Kubernetes demo: pods docker build -t georgecrawford/node-docker-k8s-demo:v1 . docker push

    georgecrawford/node-docker-k8s-demo:v1 See: https://hub.docker.com/r/georgecrawford/node-docker-k8s-demo/
  28. Kubernetes demo: pods apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: nodejs

    labels: app: nodejs spec: containers: - name: nodejs image: georgecrawford/node-docker-k8s-demo:v1 /pod.yaml
  29. Kubernetes demo: services apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nodejs

    spec: ports: - port: 8080 targetPort: 8080 selector: app: nodejs /service.yaml
  30. Kubernetes demo: replica sets apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: ReplicaSet metadata: name:

    nodejs spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: nodejs template: metadata: labels: app: nodejs spec: containers: - name: nodejs image: georgecrawford/node-docker-k8s-demo:v1 /replicaset.yaml
  31. Kubernetes demo: deployments apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nodejs

    spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: nodejs spec: containers: - name: nodejs image: georgecrawford/node-docker-k8s-demo:v1 /deployment.yaml
  32. Kubernetes demo: ingress apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: nodejs

    spec: rules: - host: demo.local http: paths: - path: / backend: serviceName: nodejs servicePort: 8080 /ingress.yaml
  33. Benefits of Kubernetes • supported in loads of cloud providers

    • with minikube for local development, lots of things are identical to production • autoscaling, deployments, networking, resiliance are all built-in
  34. Kubernetes: further reading • Minikube for local dev • We

    use Nginx Ingress Controller, rather than a provider-specific loadbalancer, so our loadbalancer is identical in all environments • Prometheus for server metrics • Helm (like Handlebars + NPM for Kubernetes YAML files) • Stern (better logs) • dnsmasq (useful for DNS with a local Minikube cluster) • GitLab CI (fantastic integration with kubernetes) • Docker support for Kubernetes