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Beyond Projects, Agile, and DevOps

Helen Beal
April 09, 2024

Beyond Projects, Agile, and DevOps

The Value Stream Management Consortium’s latest State of VSM Report showed that the highest performers use VSM practices to optimize the flow of their work and their customer experiences.

The report shows how VSM adoption is increasing rapidly globally as people and teams discover the limitations of waterfall, agile, and DevOps. VSM combines the best of all these and injects much-needed lean and systems thinking practices.

In this talk, we’ll show you how to assess your current VSM capabilities using a tool designed by the VSMC that aligns with their well-established VSM implementation roadmap.

Key takeaways:
How to baseline your current VSM capabilities
How to measure progress on your VSM implementation journey
Why VSM practices are needed to build on what we’ve learned about projects, agility, and DevOps

Helen Beal

April 09, 2024

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  1. Helen Beal Helen Beal is CEO and chair of the

    Value Stream Management Consortium and co-chair of the OASIS Value Stream Management Interoperability Technical Committee. She is chief ambassador at DevOps Institute (now part of PeopleCert) and chair of the DevNetwork DevOps Advisory Board. She also provides strategic advisory services to DevOps and VSM industry leaders. She is the author of the annual State of VSM Reports from the VSMC and the State of Availability Reports from Moogsoft. She is a co-author of the book about DevOps and governance, Investments Unlimited, published by IT Revolution. She is a DevOps editor for InfoQ, and also writes for a number of other online platforms. Helen hosts the Day-to-Day DevOps webinar series for BrightTalk and serves on advisory and judging boards for many initiatives including Developer Week, DevOps World, JAX DevOps, and InterOp. Bringing joy to work 2
  2. 3 The Value Stream Management Consortium exists to serve the

    global community adopting VSM-oriented principles and practices. We are a not-for-profit organization funded by our members for our members. It is our purpose to create space for sharing, learning, and discovery about VSM ways of working. It is our goal to support the adoption and implementation of these ways of working with the outcome of organizations evolving to experience higher levels of success in their chosen fields and optimize the delivery of customer joy.
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  4. Indicators that VSM adoption is advancing 5 Advancements across the

    VSM Implementation Roadmap An increase in the practice of creating value hypotheses More organizations organizing around value streams More people aligning to value streams Value being measured more frequently DevOps toolchains increasingly connected to value streams Increased adoption of Value Stream Management Platforms (VSMPs)
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  6. 7 Empirical evidence that VSM practices correlate with organizational performance—higher

    levels more likely to: Organize around value streams Be working with digital products and use a VSMP Create value hypotheses—across the full scale of work items Define value hypotheses earlier in the product lifecycle Put the customer first when they think about value Have faster flow and measure value realization Understand and see their organization as a value stream network
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  9. 10 Connect the digital parts of your product delivery pipeline,

    aligned to the steps in your value stream map to start getting real-time data & insights into your value stream’s flow Connect Start Get going from wherever you are. Assess Where you are today? Scale your assessment from super-light, to whatever weight you need to spark the depth of evolution you want. Vision Set your long term vision and goals. Identify Identify your value streams—anything that delivers a product or service. You’re aiming to accelerate the flow of value to the customer. Organize Find the people accountable for every step in each value stream. Map Bring the players in your value stream together for a mapping exercise. Find where the idea starts, and track every step until the value is delivered. Inspect You’ve automated your value stream map, now use it! Set goals for your value stream and use retrospectives to determine where you are. Adapt Use your insights to design and perform experiments that adapt and optimize your flow so you can continually delight your customers.
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  15. www.vsmconsortium.org email me at: helen.beal@vsmconsortium.org IF YOU’RE A MEMBER: VSMC

    members get assessment access for five teams for free 17