Hidenori Fujimura Executive Officer for Geospatial Information Policy, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Lead, Scenario-based Exercise, WG-Disasters, UN-GGIM Vice-chair, Integrating Geospatial Information and Statistics, UN-GGIM-AP Lead, United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit, UN Open GIS Initiative 1 2019-10-13T14:40/15:00 FOSS4G 2019 Kobe Core Day @Design Creative Center Kobe
Vector Tile Production ”Around the World in 80 hours” 3. What is up? Ø Raspberry Pi implementation for demos and capacity building. 4. What is the plan? 5. Invitation to the UNVT 2
Vector Tile Production ”Around the World in 80 hours” 3. What is up? Ø Raspberry Pi implementation for demos and capacity building. 4. What is the plan? 5. Invitation to the UNVT 3
Vector Tile Production ”Around the World in 80 hours” 3. What is up? Ø Raspberry Pi implementation for demos and capacity building. 4. What is the plan? 5. Invitation to the UNVT 8
Open GIS Initiative WG-4 in 2018. 2. Developed a tool to produce a global UN-internal basemap VT within 80 hours w/ PostGIS and a PC. 3. Developed a server-side component for server-side image tile rendering. 9
Vector Tile Production ”Around the World in 80 hours” 3. What is up? Ø Raspberry Pi implementation for demos and capacity building. 4. What is the plan? 5. Invitation to the UNVT 13
Image External Open Data Static site on gh-pages {literate}-static v6 (former version: rasv) The UNVT Dockerfile that works even with arm32v6 ango/inazo/koji {literate} series Demo / Hands-on material on v6 {literate}-produce {literate}-host {literate}-static
Vector Tile Production ”Around the World in 80 hours” 3. What is up? Ø Raspberry Pi implementation for demos and capacity building. 4. What is the plan? 5. Invitation to the UNVT 26
Vector Tile Production ”Around the World in 80 hours” 3. What is up? Ø Raspberry Pi implementation for demos and capacity building. 4. What is the plan? 5. Invitation to the UNVT 28
vector tiles UNGIS United Nations Geospatial Information Section United Nations Global Service Centre Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Mapbox OSGeo Japan Chapter National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Mapple On
project through OSGeo Incubation Process. Ø Meanwhile please contact me if your are interested in joining the team. p Contact Hidenori Fujimura on Facebook p Open an issue at https://github.com/un- vector-tile-toolkit/incubate/issues 31
Hidenori Fujimura Executive Officer for Geospatial Information Policy, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Lead, Scenario-based Exercise, WG-Disasters, UN-GGIM Vice-chair, Integrating Geospatial Information and Statistics, UN-GGIM-AP Lead, United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit, UN Open GIS Initiative 32 2019-10-13T14:40/15:00 FOSS4G 2019 Kobe Core Day @Design Creative Center Kobe