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The Other Side of Empathy

The Other Side of Empathy

This presentation is a re-focused version of what was originally called Snap Judgements: The Other Side of Empathy. Given after writing about it on The Pastry Box Project: https://the-pastry-box-project.net/nick-hehr/2014-July-5

It was given at BrooklynJS, January 2015.


January 15, 2015

More Decks by HipsterBrown

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Quick Overview • Twitter is Terrific • Twitter is Terrible

    • Recovery • Helping Instead of Hurting
  2. How Can You Help? • Is there a feedback link?

    • Is it open source? • Is there an email address? • Is there a discussion forum?
  3. Extra Reading • Your Most Important Skill (https://medium.com/ @chadfowler/your-most-important-skill-empathy- a75ffe5e0877)

    • Dirty Laundry (http://sammorr.is/blog/2015/01/05/dirty- laundry/) • Practical Empathy (http://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/ practical-empathy)