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How to Contribute to OpenStack

August 10, 2016

How to Contribute to OpenStack

Guides on how to contribute to OpenStack Projects


August 10, 2016

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  1. Outline • About Me • OpenStack Gerrit • Gerrit •

    Contribute • Commit Message • Code Review • OpenStack Translate • Ask OpenStack 2
  2. Install git-review • Ubuntu • apt-get install git-review • Fedora,

    RHEL(EPEL enable) • yum install git-review • openSUSE • zypper in python-git-review • Unix-like • pip install git-review 7
  3. Gerrit Setup 8 1 git config --global gitreview.username yourgerritusername 2

    git config user.name "xxxxxx" 3 git config user.email "xxxxxx" To test 1 git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/<projectname>.git 2 cd <projectname> 3 git review -s
  4. Gerrit Over HTTPS • Gernerate HTTPS password in Gerrit 9

    1 git remote add gerrit https://<username>@review.openstack.org/ <umbrella repository name>/<repository name>.git
  5. Contributing • clone the project • create a branch •

    start coding !!! • commit • git-review • https://review.openstack.org/XXXXXX 10
  6. Contributing 11 1 git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/<projectname>.git 2 cd <projectname> 3

    git checkout -b bug/123456789 4 git add "filename" 5 git commit 6 git review
  7. 12

  8. Commit Message • First Line: Title • Third Line and

    Further: commit content, purpose, or features • Second Line from bottom: newline (optional) • Last Line (optional) • Closes-Bug: #XXXXXXXX • Partial-Bug: #XXXXXXX • Related-Bug: #XXXXXXX • https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages 13
  9. Code Review • 2 Core reviewers giving +2 • Passed

    Zuul/Jenkins CI tests • Workflow +1 15
  10. 20