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Enhanced capability to monitor drought using ci...

May 05, 2021

Enhanced capability to monitor drought using citizen weather stations

Slides used during our presentation at the EGU 2021 conference, in the session "HS4.2 - Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve hydro-meteorological risk management ". You can check the information of the session in this link: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU21/session/39888#


May 05, 2021

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  1. Enhanced capability to monitor drought using citizen weather stations I.

    Garcia-Marti, M. de Haij, H. Leijnse, JW. Noteboom, A. Overeem, G vd Schrier vEGU21, Session HS4.2 Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve hydro-meteorological risk management 30th April 2021
  2. Background › Global warming: triggers or expands drought conditions at

    our planet › Netherlands: past several years we experienced drought conditions not measured since 1976. › KNMI: developed a cloud-based product showing the daily drought levels across country (2019): – Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) (McKee et al., 1993) – ~70 years of rainfall (1951-2010) › Present: Help decision-makers to assess meteorological drought and enable preventive measures
  3. Background › Third-party data: weather observations measured by citizens! European

    met offices are interested in 3PD observations. › Citizen weather stations: citizens monitoring weather in private spaces (e.g. home, schools) using semi-professional devices › KNMI: Partner of WOW initiative (UK) since 2015, 900+ CWS in the network, 150+ M observations (2015 -2020) › Present: we studied the quality of temperature, wind speed and rainfall observations WOW-NL KNMI
  4. Research questions What if we combine the SPI with WOW

    observations? › What is the added value of 3PD observations (e.g. research, operational, economic) provide wrt official networks? › Assessing the possibility of providing higher resolution drought maps including WOW-NL data › Enable the possibility for underrepresented regions to obtain local drought metrics WOW-NL rainfall (2018-2019) daily gridded precipitation (1951-2011) SPI Calculations Calibrated model 5-min interval aggregation Quality control QC’d WOW- NL rainfall Radar data at 5-min interval SPI-WOW KNMI’s SPI DROUGHT INDEX SPI-WOW DROUGHT INDEX
  5. 7 Overlay official SPI vs WOW SPI Difference between two

    networks Visualizing skill (GIF animation, should move ☺) (colors should blend) (difference should be grey)
  6. 8 Visualizing skill ~30km Good agreement between official and WOW

    SPI Is it a glitch of the WOW network, or is it that the official SPI is underestimating local drought conditions?
  7. Recap WOW-NL picks drought signal Pinpoint local drought conditions A

    thorough comparison is needed Value 3PD might contribute to official products! Research: Hi-resolution indicators of drought risk Operations: underrepresented areas -> local drought Big picture Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems Hi-res weather warnings and forecast Climate Services Wrapping up