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Containerizing your monolith

Containerizing your monolith

My presentation @ LISA19

Jano González

October 30, 2019

More Decks by Jano González

Other Decks in Programming


  1. The monolith The architecture Public API Internal API Public API

    Strangler Internal API caching/ strangler Another BFF Many microservices Public Web Workers
  2. The monolith The components Public API MoshiMoshi (Internal API) Public

    Web Assets MoshiMoshi Comments (Internal API) Workers Cron Shell Migration
  3. The proof of concept PR O BLEM ! Init script

    Nginx Passenger Passenger Process Rails App ??? Where are my env variables?
  4. Productionizing Anatomy of a traffic serving pod component statsd statsd-exporter

    passenger- exporter mtail twemproxy twemproxy-cu twemproxy- exporter init
  5. Productionizing PR O BLEM ! Stdout v/s the log metrics

    exporter Component STDOUT Log aggregator File??? Mtail
  6. Productionizing Public API PR O BLEM ! DNS latency and

    our excessive usage Component Service Service Service