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A DevOps Philosphy

September 01, 2015

A DevOps Philosphy

Keynote delivered at IteratePHX on 9/1/2015 .. on empathy.
#DevOps #Empathy #ChatOps #VictorOps


September 01, 2015

More Decks by j.hand

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Could a greater miracle take place than for us to

    look through each other's eye for an instant? — Henry David Thoreau @jasonhand | victorops.com 5
  2. I feel the capacity to care is the thing that

    gives life it's deepest meaning and significance — Pablo Casala @jasonhand | victorops.com 6
  3. No matter how widely you have travelled, you haven't seen

    the world if you have failed to look into the human hearts that inhabit it -- Donald C. Peattie If you want others to be happy, practice compassion; If you want to be happy, practice compassion -- Dalai Lama Help thy brother's boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore -- Hindu Proverb By compassion we make others' misery our own, and so, by relieving them, we relieve ourselves also -- Sir Thomas Browne @jasonhand | victorops.com 7
  4. The Golden Rule Do unto others as you would wish

    them do unto you -- The Ethic of Reciprocity @jasonhand | victorops.com 8
  5. em·pa·thy empəTHē/ noun - the ability to understand and share

    the feelings of another @jasonhand | victorops.com 9
  6. Brené Brown Modern definitions says it has 4 key parts:

    —Seeing the world as others see it —Non-judgmental —Understanding another's feelings —Communicate the understanding Brené Brown empathy @jasonhand | victorops.com 13
  7. DevOps means giving a shit about your job enough to

    not pass the buck. DevOps means giving a shit about your job enough to want to learn all the parts and not just your little world.3 — John E. Vincent (@lusis) 3 blog.lusis.org @jasonhand | victorops.com 17
  8. Developers need to understand infrastructure Operations people need to understand

    code People need to F'ing work with each other and not just occupy space next to each other @jasonhand | victorops.com 18
  9. Empathy allows software makers and operators to help each other

    deliver the best possible functionality and operability on behalf of their customers.4 — Pete Cheslock (@petecheslock) 4 pete.wtf @jasonhand | victorops.com 21
  10. You can't design anything truly useful unless you understand the

    people for whom you are designing.5 — Jeff Sussna (@jeffsussna) 5 blog.ingineering.it @jasonhand | victorops.com 22
  11. When we sympathize with someone, we know; When we empathize,

    we understand — Author Unknown @jasonhand | victorops.com 24
  12. Culture Automation Measurement Sharing7 7 Damon Edwards and John Willis

    (DevOps Cafe Podcast) @jasonhand | victorops.com 25
  13. Culture DevOps is cultural in that it encompasses the ideas,

    customs, and behavior of a group of people @jasonhand | victorops.com 26
  14. Measurement —Monitor all the things —sorta/kinda .. but maybe more

    importantly ... @jasonhand | victorops.com 28
  15. Sharing —Communicate what is taking place constantly —Increase feedback and

    remove bottlenecks —Teach others @jasonhand | victorops.com 32
  16. Sharing --> Learning --> Empathy Daily SCRUM —What happened yesterday

    —What is happening today —What is "blocking" you @jasonhand | victorops.com 48
  17. Just Culture —(Blameless) Postmortems / Learning Review —Tell the story

    —Tech-related —Human-related —Who was on-call and for how long? @jasonhand | victorops.com 50
  18. Service therefore requires an ongoing conversation between customer and provider.

    To succeed, that conversation requires empathy.3 — Jeff Sussna (@jeffsussna) 3 blog.lusis.org @jasonhand | victorops.com 53