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Differentiable programming in Gluon and Python ...

Differentiable programming in Gluon and Python (For not only for medical image analysis)

This talk explores how writing machine learning models can become simpler and more fun with dynamic code execution. The "deep learning" paradigm is rapidly becoming "differentiable programming".
And we will see it applied to cardiac medical images and images from industrial inspection.
It is based on our experiences at KardioMe in making of machine learning apps for healthcare and optical inspection in manufacturing. We will have a peek into python pipelines for data preparation for creation of anatomical models for virtual reality and 3d printing.

Traditional development and deployment of deep learning models often feels like stepping away from programming and what we love about Python. Simple loops and branches get replaced with special operations. Programs are written as static computation graphs which need to are compiled to optimize runtime and resource usage. Seeing intermediate results and debugging can be a pain, even with specialized tool. Tensorflow, Keras, Theano, MxNet, CNTK, they all do that.

Machine learning is all teaching computers how to solve the problems for us with data instead of explicitely telling them how to do so. It is undoubtedly a different way of thinking about programming.
Yet, it does not need to become unnecessarily complex and you certainly do not need a PhD for that.

Gluon, is a new dynamic interface to MxNet and is a fenomenal tool to develop models that improve with data. The network can be written like a regular program with ifs or loops. Everything is dynamically executed and even allows step by step debugging with pdb. The program parameters are, however, trainable so that the execution output gets better with more data.

These together are massive helpers in faster experimentation and more fun. In addition to that, Gluon has a large zoo of pretrained models ready for your next app and MxNet as its backend is fast and resource efficient, and can be deployed to embedded devices too.


Jan Margeta

March 09, 2018

More Decks by Jan Margeta

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Congenital heart diseases HVSMR 2016: MICCAI Workshop on Whole-Heart and

    Great Vessel Segmentation from 3D Cardiovascular MRI in Congenital Heart Disease
  2. Building with smaller reusable modules well defined function (testability) like

    normal functions (reusability) injecting knowledge where possible (less data needed) Quicker to prototype
  3. How does the output change when parameter x changes? Differentiable

    programming Differentiable reusable blocks + chain rule = df dx df du du dv dv dx class Sin(mx.autograd.Function): def forward(self, x): self.save_for_backward(x) y_np = np.sin(x.asnumpy()) return mx.nd.array(y_np) def backward(self, dy): x, = self.saved_tensors y_np = np.cos(x.asnumpy()) return dy * mx.nd.array(y_np)
  4. z = f(x, y) = x . y df/dx =

    y df/dy = x A differentiable block class Multiply(Function): def forward(self, x, y): self.save_for_backward(x, y) return x y def backward(self, dz): x, y = self.saved_tensors return [y dz, x * dz]
  5. Define and run Tensorflow, MxNet, CNTK, Keras Ooops, be careful

    about your placeholders import tensorflow as tf X = tf.placeholder("float") W = tf.Variable(rng.randn(2, 1), dtype=np.float32, name="weight") b = tf.Variable(rng.randn(1), dtype=np.float32, name="bias") pred = tf.matmul(X, W) + b init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: sess.run(init) out = sess.run(pred, feed_dict={'x': np.array([[2., 1.0]])})
  6. Define by run Chainer, PyTorch, Gluon, Tensorflow Eager Imperative execution

    just like Python from mxnet import nd W = nd.array(np.random.randn(2, 1)) b = nd.array(np.random.randn(1)) X = nd.array([[2.0, 1.0]]) out = nd.dot(X, W) + b
  7. Advantages Flow control ops are pure Python (no tf.scan, tf.while...)

    And recursion works too! def funky_function(a): b = a * 2 while (nd.norm(b) < 10).asscalar(): b = b ** 2 if (mx.nd.sum(b) > 1).asscalar(): c = b else: c = 10 * b return c a = nd.random_normal(shape=3) c = funky_function(a)
  8. Errors where you would expect Debugging just works! nd.dot(nd.zeros(shape=3), nd.zeros(shape=2))

    MXNetError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 nd.dot(nd.zeros(shape=3), nd.zeros(shape=2)) ... MXNetError: [09:39:23] src/operator/tensor/./dot-inl.h:998: Check failed: lshape[0] == rshape[0] (3 vs. 2) dot shape error: [3] X [2] def looper(a): for i in range(5): a = a ** 2 if (mx.nd.sum(a) > 1).asscalar(): pdb.set_trace() return a return a / 2 a = nd.random_normal(shape=3) c = looper(a)
  9. Announced Oct. 2017 API largely inspired by Chainer and PyTorch

    resource efficient + static compilation export models in Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript
  10. Computing gradients with autograd Record execution flow (define by run)

    Attach gradients to variables that are optimizable Now, compute gradients! Gradients are computed and stored in x.grad, y.grad yy, xx = np.indices((20, 20)) x, y = nd.array(xx), nd.array(yy) x.attach_grad() y.attach_grad() with mx.autograd.record(): z = (x - 5) ** 2 + (y - 10) ** 2 z.backward()
  11. Check this out, Tensorflow... def funky_function(a): b = a *

    2 while (nd.norm(b) < 10).asscalar(): b = b ** 2 if (mx.nd.sum(b) > 1).asscalar(): c = b else: c = 10 * b return c a = nd.random_normal(shape=3) a.attach_grad() with mx.autograd.record(): c = funky_function(a) c.backward()
  12. Shapes are computed on first run! conv = gluon.nn.Conv2D(16, kernel_size=(3,

    3), padding=(1, 1)) conv.collect_params().initialize() conv(nd.zeros((1, 3, 256, 256))).shape # (1, 16, 256, 256) conv(nd.zeros((4, 3, 128, 128))).shape # (4, 16, 128, 128) dense = gluon.nn.Dense(16) dense.collect_params().initialize() dense(nd.zeros((10, 128, 256))).shape # (10, 16) dense(nd.zeros((5, 128, 256))).shape # (4, 16)
  13. gluon.nn.Sequential almost like Keras net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Conv2D(3, kernel_size=5, padding=2))

    net.add(nn.Conv2D(6, kernel_size=5, padding=2)) net.add(nn.Flatten()) net.add(nn.Dense(12))
  14. gluon.nn.Block Infinite flexibility! class MLP(gnn.Block): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) with

    self.name_scope(): self.dense0 = nn.Dense(128) self.dense1 = nn.Dense(64) self.dense2 = nn.Dense(10) def forward(self, x): x = nd.relu(self.dense0(x)) x = nd.relu(self.dense1(x)) return self.dense2(x)
  15. Hybrid blocks Construct symbolic graphs Allows JIT compilation for faster

    execution class HybridNet(gluon.nn.HybridBlock): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.conv = nn.Conv2D(3, kernel_size=5, padding=2) # see the F? def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): return self.conv(x) x = mx.sym.Variable('x') y = net(x) net.collect_params().initialize() net.hybridize() net(arr)
  16. Mix and match anything you like class BigNet(gluon.HybridBlock): def __init__(self,

    **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) with self.name_scope(): self.convin = nn.Conv2D(3, kernel_size=5, padding=2) self.iterative_process = HybridNet(prefix='iter_') self.convout = nn.Conv2D(6, kernel_size=5, padding=2) def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): x = x_in = self.convin(x) for _ in range(2): x = self.iterative_process(x) x = F.concat(x_in, x, dim=1) return self.convout(x)
  17. Uniform access to data Dataset Batching with loader Iterating over

    batches class MyDataset(gluon.data.Dataset): def __getitem__(self, index) -> Union: im, y0, y1 = load_image(index, ...) return im, y0, y1 def __len__(self): return 10 data = mx.gluon.data.DataLoader( MyDataset(), batch_size=4, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) for X, Y0, Y1 in data: update(model, X, Y0, Y1)
  18. Loss function Definition of the module's performance High for bad

    model parameters, low for better ones. Many already in gluon.loss, defining new ones is easy def squared_diff_loss(x, y): return ((x - y.reshape_like(x))**2).sum()
  19. Trainer Initialize parameters ctx - a device or a list

    of devices where the model will live Trainer updates only a selected subset of parameters net.collect_params().initialize(mx.init.Normal(), ctx=mx.gpu(0)) trainer = gluon.Trainer( net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rage': 0.1} )
  20. Training loop for epoch in range(num_epochs): for batch in train_data:

    data = batch.data[0].as_in_context(computation_context) label = batch.label[0].as_in_context(computation_context) # record the computational graph with mx.autograd.record(): prediction = net(data) # compute the loss loss = loss_function(prediction, label) # compute the gradients loss.backward() # run one optimization step trainer.step(data.shape[0])
  21. Pretrained model zoo Choose the right tradeoff between speed and

    accuracy AlexNet, DenseNet, Inception v3, MobileNet, ResNet, SqueezeNet, VGG class MobileNet(gluon.nn.HybridBlock): def __init__(self, multiplier=1.0, classes=1000, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) with self.name_scope(): self.features = nn.HybridSequential(prefix='') #... self.output = nn.Dense(classes) def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): x = self.features(x) return self.output(x)
  22. Instant image recognition with a pretrained model from mxnet.gluon.model_zoo import

    vision image_recognizer = vision.resnet18_v1(pretrained=True) image_normalized = mx.image.color_normalize( image / 255.0, mean=mx.nd.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]), std=mx.nd.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])) predictions = image_recognizer(image_normalized)
  23. Fine-tuning from a pretrained network class FineTunedClassifier(gluon.nn.HybridBlock): def __init__(self, classes=20,

    donor): super().__init__() self.features = donor.features self.output = gluon.nn.HybridSequential('output') with self.output.name_scope(): self.output.add(gluon.nn.Flatten()) self.output.add(gluon.nn.Dense(classes)) def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): x = self.features(x) return self.output(x) donor = get_model(name='mobilenet1.0', pretrained=True) finetuned_net = FineTunedClassifier(classes=4, donor=donor) finetuned_net.output.initialize()
  24. Image preprocessor Map image onto a new image 1 input

    channel (gray image) 1 output channel (new gray image) class Preprocessor(nn.HybridSequential): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) with self.name_scope(): # ... self.output.add(nn.Conv2D(1, kernel_size=(1, 1)) loss = custom_similarity_function
  25. Landmark estimator Predict locations of landmarks 1 input channel (gray

    image) (num_landmarks * 2)-dimensional input channel class LandmarkEstimator(nn.HybridSequential): def __init__(self, num_landmarks, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) with self.name_scope(): # ... self.output.add( nn.Conv2D(num_landmarks * 2, kernel_size=(1, 1)) loss = loss.L2Loss()
  26. Segmentator Predict class label of each voxel 1 input channel

    (gray image), landmarks channels one output channel per target class class Segmentator(nn.HybridBlock): def __init__(self, num_output_classes, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # ... self.conv_out = nn.Conv2D( num_output_classes, kernel_size=(1, 1)) def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): x = self.conv0(x) # ... return self.conv_out(x) loss = loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss() + custom
  27. View estimator Predict transformation to get a desired view (num_landmarks

    * 2)-dimensional input channel 2 output channels (3 translations, 3 rotations) class ViewEstimator(nn.HybridBlock): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.translation = nn.HybridSequential() self.translation.add(gluon.nn.Flatten()) self.translation.add(gluon.nn.Dense(3)) self.rotation = nn.HybridSequential() self.rotation.add(gluon.nn.Flatten()) self.rotation.add(gluon.nn.Dense(3)) def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): return [self.translation(x), self.rotation(x)] loss = loss.L2Loss()
  28. Conclusions build smaller trainable, reusable and testable blocks optimize the

    whole at the end iterate faster with standard tools divide ML work by specialty if needed ecosystem of pretrained differentiable modules needed (just like async)
  29. Thanks Mehdi Hedjazi Moghari, Boston Children's Hospital, MIT, Harvard Medical

    School D.F. Pace, A.V. Dalca, T. Geva, A.J. Powell, M.H. Moghari, P. Golland, “Interactive whole-heart segmentation in congenital heart disease”, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI 2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 9351:80-88, 2015. [email protected] twitter.com/jmargeta
  30. References HVSMR 2016: MICCAI Workshop on Whole-Heart and Great Vessel

    Segmentation from 3D Cardiovascular MRI in Congenital Heart Disease Gluon home MxNet the straight dope Pytorch vs Gluon comparison Deep learning in Apache Gluon Deep learning est mort, vive differential programming So ware 2.0
  31. References [Differentiable Programming]) ( ) Neural Networks, Types, and Functional

    Programming https://pseudoprofound.wordpress.com/2016/08/03/differentiable- programming/