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Skin cancer detection using IBM PowerAI Vision

Skin cancer detection using IBM PowerAI Vision

Skin cancer detection using IBM PowerAI Vision

Kacper Łukawski

May 15, 2019

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  1. Agenda: Problem definition Handling the dataset with IBM PowerAI Vision

    Custom model creation Training the model One-click production deployment
  2. One of the classes is overrepresented in the dataset. Handling

    the dataset with IBM PowerAI Vision • Undersampling • Oversampling Solution
  3. One of the classes is overrepresented in the dataset. Handling

    the dataset with IBM PowerAI Vision • Undersampling • Oversampling with data augmentation Solution
  4. Custom model creation • IBM PowerAI Vision delivers some pretrained

    models to be used for transfer learning • But, sometimes they might not be enough - that’s where custom models come to the game
  5. Custom model creation from train_interface import TrainCallback class MyTrain(TrainCallback): def

    __init__(self): pass def onPreprocessing(self, labels, images, workspace_path, params): pass def onTraining(self, monitor_handler): pass def onCompleted(self, model_path): pass def onFailed(self, train_status, e, tb_message): pass • All the logic is kept in a single class • Tensorflow is available by default, with a GPU support • It is possible to perform a preprocessing of the data, e.g. resize the images • Train/test loss and accuracy tracking done simple and exposed to UI
  6. Custom model creation from deploy_interface import DeployCallback class MyDeploy(DeployCallback): def

    __init__(self): pass def onModelLoading(self, model_path, labels, workspace_path): pass def onTest(self): pass def onInference(self, image_url, params): pass def onFailed(self, deploy_status, e, tb_message): pass • Deployment preparation done as a separate class • Trained models are loaded and then used for the classification
  7. Training the model • Called on a selected dataset •

    Two types of training: image classification and object detection • A possibility to adapt model hyperparameters • Launched on GPUs, in exactly same way like built-in pretrained models
  8. Training the model • Live tracking of the training progress

    • A summary of model hyperparameters • Train/test loss and test accuracy preview
  9. Training the model • A summary of achieved accuracy and

    hyperparameters • A chart of loss vs iteration • Easy one-click deployment of the trained model • Possibility to export the model to .zip file and to use it outside the platform (e.g. mobile device)
  10. Training the model • Due the usage of high-performance GPUs,

    it is possible to reduce the training time
  11. One-click production deployment • Deployment done just by clicking at

    the button • Trained models exposed as an endpoint in the HTTP REST API • A possibility to test created model from UI, by uploading the images
  12. Summary • IBM PowerAI Vision allows to perform really fast

    ML training for image classification and object detection • Dataset management and labelling integrated in the tool • A deep knowledge of Machine Learning is not necessary • It is possible to extend the platform by providing some custom models, what makes it great for transfer learning, for instance • If you are interested in hearing some more technical details, there is a workshop at Rise of AI tomorrow, 16th March, 4:00pm