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Digitial Strategy Summit 2024

Digitial Strategy Summit 2024

This session will explore Google’s AI integration into search and its increased focus on highlighting social media posts and profiles in Google Search results. Attendees will learn how to rank in the Search Generative Experience and Google Perspectives to enhance nonprofit organizations' online presence and outreach. The session will also delve into practical SEO and social media strategies, the significance of user experience (UX), and the integration of AI in content creation. Attendees will learn to leverage social media in search and use AI in their marketing processes. The sessions will provide actionable insights to empower nonprofit professionals with the tools and knowledge to navigate Google’s 2024 search landscape complexities.

Katherine Watier Ong

April 22, 2024

More Decks by Katherine Watier Ong

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. Katherine Watier Ong • 18 years of online marketing experience

    (SEO, SEM, social media, web analytics) - 10 in nonprofits • Built and ran Ketchum PR’s online marketing and analytics team. • Voice Search Optimization speaker. • Wrote the first study on consumers’ adoption of wearable computers. • Host: Digital Marketing Victories Podcast
  2. Why AI is important to your nonprofit • Collecting and

    analyzing data • Make predictions and recommendations about who is most likely to give, and the best approach for reaching out to them (with matched wealth and philanthropic data) • Personalize donation appeals • Reviewing and updating donor prospect profiles • Generate data visualizations
  3. Why AI is important to your nonprofit Content: • Faster,

    better performing search, social, email, and advertising copy • Faster and cheaper image and video assets • Reading and responding to incoming communications https://openai.com/sora
  4. Will searchers use it? • We don’t know how many

    people will use it • Will they ask a follow up question? For some queries, the AI response auto-loads; for others, you need to click “generate.”
  5. The Search Generative Experience Process 1. The system received a

    query 2. It selects a set of search results documents relevant to that query or related queries 3. It generates a content snippet from each search result document 4. It uses a Large Language Model to process the search results, document content snippets, and generate an LLM output 5. That is then rendered to the client’s device along with optional search results, confidence annotations, links to verifying search results documents, etc.
  6. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) • Augments the LLM by connecting

    it to an information retrieval system. • Connecting LLMs to external sources of information (Google Drive, Google search) to get up to date information. - Copilot today Source Google Drive & Microsoft files being uploaded into ChatGPT 4 - soon.
  7. What are Fraggles? • Combination of “Fragments” and “Handles”. •

    Helps Google discover the answer even if it exists within the middle of a video file, audio file, or an image. • Multiple answer fragments on a page can be indexed and ranked separately in Google. • Featured Snippets can pull from fraggles - video, audio, text, .pdfs.
  8. How to get Fraggles for your URLs? Format Matters: 1.

    Long, multi-topic pages on your site need to be well-structured and broken into distinct logical sections. 2. Each section needs an associated anchor (header) with a descriptive name 3. Add to your page a “table of contents” which links to the individual anchors.” – Google Webmaster Central, 2009
  9. Check keywords, create a plan 1. Use this tracking sheet

    2. Notice what areas you could optimize for the SGE result. 3. Note patterns in the Fraggles, your content relevancy, start to run experiments. 4. Monitor rankings in SGE manually once a week, or get an Authoritas account.
  10. Best Guess for Ranking • Allow search engines to crawl

    & index your content (remove noarchive tag). • Limit your use of JavaScript, use caching. • Load less than 500 milliseconds • Rank in the top 2 pages of organic results and have the most relevant content passage
  11. More than just your website Rand’s takeaway is that for

    now, you can be a brand where people are talking about their issues based on Bard’s dataset.
  12. Other Theories • Add FAQ chunks based on the searcher’s

    journey keywords + follow up questions, mark them with FAQ markup • Journal article: How to Rank in AI Search • Wordlift’s service that adds Claim Review schema markup to your pages might boost your future SGE rankings.
  13. Can not measure SGE clicks • Bing webmaster tools has

    AI chat responses but included them with web visits, making it impossible to see chat-only engagement • No idea how Google will provide measurement • Authoritas account can measure SGE ranking
  14. Yes - Humans Like AI Content Better Survey of over

    700 consumers. Showed them different 2 content versions of in different formats. One version was written by a human, the other by AI. Which text resonates with you? AI won every time.
  15. Helpful Content Update • Rolled out in September, driven by

    machine learning. • Is a sitewide signal, if the % of content is “unhelpful”, the site will be impacted. • Guide around how to provide helpful content lists questions to ask. ◦ Quality content ◦ Written from a place of expertise, with author info clearly displayed ◦ Good UX ◦ Content created for people with a purpose that will help them with their goal. WHY are you creating the content?
  16. Site Quality Includes • Layout • Design • Image integration

    • Page speed • Full list of Helpful Content questions • Content quality can impact crawling and indexing (see here and here)
  17. • High content quality • Expertise, trust • Great page

    experience • People-first • WHO. HOW. WHY. Helpful, reliable, people-first
  18. Google + User Clicks • “RankBrain measures when someone clicks

    on a page and stays on that page, when they go back.” - Nick Frost, Head Google Brain Toronto/Canada • Placing their target keyword in the URL, title or meta descriptions drives the click. On the landing page it keeps the user.
  19. How Bing Uses Clicks Bing uses Bing AI to: “...understanding

    the web and providing this kind of experience where at the end we can learn the clicks to the website having extremely qualified clicks”. - Fabrice Canel
  20. Image Thumbnails in Search “Having a website linked within a

    SERP feature can significantly enhance CTR, irrespective of the position of the actual result.” **If the images is relevant it can increase CTR.*** Journal article: Exploring the Impact of SERP Features on CTR
  21. Make sure your Content meets Intent • We know that

    Google uses “what is the purpose of this page” in its human quality rate guidelines and how well the content meets the user's needs. • Clicks back to search are a negative signal. • Download our guide to understanding searcher’s intent.
  22. Hidden Gems, Topics, Notes in search • Surfaces first-person perspectives

    in search, often via social media posts • Search users can follow topics that they are interested in • Search shows the social media profile’s follower count • Users can comment on your site in search with notes Set up a Google Alert with this as the query: site:content.ucp.usercontent.goog "domain.org"
  23. Tips for Social Media Integration 1. SEO teams need to

    be included in social media efforts. 2. Check what platforms appear for your target terms 3. Build our your brand’s presence on those platforms (branded subreddit) 4. Develop relationships with established influencers appearing in search for your keywords. 5. Set up Google trends monitoring of comments in search.
  24. Your Focus 1. Understand AI chat benefits 2. Understand AI

    chat limitations 3. Use Cases for Accelerating Marketing Output 4. Your next steps for integration
  25. Tasks where AI chat excels • Text summarization & explanation

    • Translations • Programming • Rewriting • Content generation • Prompt engineering • Mimicking dialogue and tone
  26. Things AI Chat is NOT good at • Math •

    Consistency • Understanding context • High level strategy • Reasoning and logic • Handling uncommon scenarios or rare terms/words
  27. Mirrors Your Intelligence • ChatGPT mirrors your intelligence and education

    level • You must train AI to write for your target audience’s reading level. Image created by Microsoft Designer
  28. Trained on the Internet, biased • One of the sites

    the models are trained on is Wikipedia - 86% are 27 year old, educated white men. • It can generate responses that are biased based on its training set.
  29. Drifting • LLMs have a "context window" governed by concepts

    of tokens and turns. ◦ A token is a piece of text that could be as short as one character or as long as one word. ◦ Used by Microsoft CoPilot, ChatGPT-4’s context window can handle about 4096 tokens. • Tips? ◦ Use labels and numbered increments within the prompts so you can reference them.
  30. Handling Long Conversations (6000+ words) • If the AI loses

    track of the conversation thread: ◦ Hit the thumbs down button ◦ Rewrite your last prompt including all of the previous conversation - in a new chat thread, or use custom instructions with a custom CoPilot ◦ Use Split Long Text Chrome plugin to split the instructions and give each section a #. Image by Microsoft Designer *not an issue with enterprise ChatGPT
  31. Hallucinations • Making stuff up =“hallucinations.” • 3-27% of the

    time AI is hallucinating. • Treat AI like you would a new-to-you intern and check every step, and you should be OK. • You can ask your AI: ◦ Do you understand? ◦ Please provide references. ◦ If you don’t know, say you don’t know Image generated by Microsoft Designer
  32. Info Sharing & Copyright • NOT share proprietary information or

    PII • Be careful of copyright — don’t generate images “in the style of [artist’s name].” • AI generated images can not receive copyright. Source
  33. Proprietary and PII Information Before you roll it out organization-wide,

    think through your employee policy. Check out our ideas here.
  34. 73

  35. Other Prompting Tips • Be clear and specific, give examples

    and ask for feedback. • Include the right pieces of the prompt • Emphasize that it is an example by separating it with special symbols {}. • Poor output? Ask the AI to interview you to craft the perfect AI chat prompt. Image generated by Microsoft Designer
  36. Fine Tuning • Anew chat per each new task •

    Give the chatbot context about your ◦ brand ◦ your audience, and ◦ goal • Break up your prompt into smaller chunks. (Use this Chrome plugin)
  37. Brand elements to have handy • Brand copy to feed

    to the AI • List of words you never use in your content • Any other brand guidelines that you would hand off to a copywriter. • Target personas + website goal for each. “website persona” Image by Google’s ImageFX
  38. Make sure to review! Every AI generated piece of content

    needs a human review. • Are facts accurate? • Is it biased? • Does it read well?
  39. AI Chat Energy Usage • The carbon footprint of training

    GPT-3 = round trip to the moon in a car. Note: GPT-4 is at least 10x larger. • A.I. tools fueled a 34% spike in Microsoft’s water consumption. • On the flip side, climate scientists are also using AI to understand their big datasets.
  40. Social Media in Search • Google is only increasing social

    media profiles & posts in search • Audit your top terms to see what social media profiles/platforms appear • Pivot your organic outreach strategy
  41. AI in Search • Check your SGE impact, create a

    plan • Start or enhance your Fraggle strategy (include audio & video)! • Start experimenting with Gemini/SGE or the live CoPilot (Microsoft) search
  42. AI for your Nonprofit • Use AI prompts today to

    speed up your social media and SEO content creation • Think through the employee policies that you might need to have in place • Find & connect with others using AI in their nonprofit
  43. Additional Resources • Grab our Search Generative Experience checklist •

    Grab the list of 200+ AI marketing tools and AI workflows & prompts for SEO, social media and podcasting. • Fraggles, Image optimization, Search Intent Tutorial, and Optimizing the Search Snippet checklists • Do you have ChatGPT prompts that you love? Send me an email at [email protected]
  44. Nonprofit Specific Resources • Charity Digital Skills report • Make

    a nonprofit custom GPT • Nonprofit Advocacy Ally custom GPT • AI for nonprofits: Social Media Manager custom GPT • Microsoft’s Nonprofit Community: Exploring AI channel. • Microsoft’s Digital Skills & AI Trainer Toolkit & First AI Steps