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Search+Social Integrated: Best Practices for Ap...

Search+Social Integrated: Best Practices for Applying These Two Powerful Strategies Today for DC WEEK

On Monday, November 7th, Katherine Watier, Ketchum Vice President, Social Media, and Janet Driscoll-Miller, President and CEO of Search Mojo hosted a day-long event, featuring a panel discussion and workshop on SEO and Social Media.

Search+Social Integrated: Best Practices for Applying These Two Powerful Strategies Today

Social media is now a part of our everyday lives. We use it to talk to our friends, family and even our favorite brands. But, have you stopped to think about how the widespread adoption of it is changing search and online marketing in general? Search results are now becoming more personalized to you, and your social media habits have a lot to do with it. Knowing that and learning how to apply to your own online marketing effort is the wave of the future in search and social.

At this session, experts from Ketchum PR and Search Mojo will outline how to create a social media strategy that includes SEO, thus creating an even more effective online marketing strategy. In addition, our experts will provide insights on where they think search will be in the future.

Katherine Watier Ong

August 25, 2022

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  2. 11.07.2011 TOPICS FOR TODAY! ▪ Overview of SEO & PPC

    ▪ Search + Social – They are combining! ▪ Facebook like button ▪ Online Reputation Management ▪ Rel = Author ▪ Mobile Search ▪ Analytics of this stuff ▪ Future of Search & Social ▪ Key takeaway – What should I do today?
  3. 11.07.2011 THE 4 STEP PROGRAM FOR SEO 1. Choose the

    keyword phrases your audience uses 2. Label site content to match those words 3. Gain inbound links (like votes) ▪ Other people link to your content from blogs, social media profiles, other websites ▪ Each piece of online content needs its own links 4. Socialize! ▪ Social media tactics for inbound links and brand search domination 5
  4. 11.07.2011 THE ?? AFFECTS OF SEARCH/SOCIAL INTEGRATION ▪ Brand search

    results ▪ Universal search and strategy to claim your page ▪ “Socialized” and personalized search results ▪ Strategies to get the social “links” that really matter ▪ Trending Topics search results ▪ How to coordinate outreach efforts to ride the Google trends
  5. 11.07.2011 STRATEGY TO CLAIM THE FIRST PAGE ▪ Your website

    ▪ Wikipedia ▪ Social Media profiles & updates ▪ News ▪ Video ▪ Books ▪ Q & A sites ▪ Images ▪ Event listings ▪ Shopping
  6. 11.07.2011 QUERY DESERVES FRESHNESS (QDF) ▪ Around since 2007 ▪

    Unique to Google ▪ Part of the algorithm ▪ Determines which topics are hot ▪ Examines news, blog stories, social content ▪ Examines queries in Google ▪ NYTimes article: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/03/business/yourmoney/03google.h tm?_r=1
  7. 11.07.2011 QUERY DESERVES FRESHNESS (QDF) ▪ With QDF, blog posts

    and social content can outrank traditional websites when content is fresh regarding “hot” topics
  8. 11.07.2011 COORDINATING SEARCH & SOCIAL We knew the anniversary of

    Yuri Gagarin’s first flight into space was around the corner, and we wrote a blog post1 and uploaded a Scribd document2. On the anniversary date, Google created a custom logo. 1 90 pageviews to the blog post 2 3,158 reads in one month 11,416 total reads! The Russian Space Program Scribd doc had
  9. 11.07.2011 EVEN FASTER QDF ▪ Launching now ▪ Designed to

    produce more timely results ▪ Perfect for blogs ▪ QDF on the next level ▪ http://insidesearch.blogspot.com/2011/11/giving-you-fresher-more- recent-search.html
  10. 11.07.2011 IMPLEMENTING REL=AUTHOR Step 1: From author name on blog

    post, link to author page of blog. Add rel=“author” to link. Example: <a href="http://blog.search-mojo.com/author/jmiller/" title="Posts by Janet Driscoll Miller" rel="author">
  11. 11.07.2011 IMPLEMENTING REL=AUTHOR Step 3: On your Google Profile, create

    a link to your author page of your blog. Tag the link with rel=“me” by checking “This page is specifically about me.”.
  12. 11.07.2011 GOOGLE+ AND +1 +1 Button ▪ +1 is Google’s

    version of Facebook’s “like” button ▪ Will be used soon (some believe already) as a factor in organic rankings ▪ Will likely also be integrated into ad quality score in the future ▪ Measure +1s in Google Webmaster Tools ▪ http://www.google.com/webmasters/+1/button/ Google+ ▪ Google’s new social network ▪ Look to it to replace most of the social circle we just reviewed
  13. 11.07.2011 FUTURE OF SEARCH & SOCIAL ▪ Hyper-personalized ▪ Metrics

    and connections are going to matter ▪ You need to be authentic and product quality content that is 100% targeted to your audience ▪ You need to engage to be found ▪ Mobile will be the new desktop – are you ready?
  14. 11.07.2011 MOBILE SEARCH ▪ Today, nearly 40% of U.S. subscribers

    regularly browse the web on their mobile phones. ▪ By 2013, Google predicts mobile web traffic will surpass PC web traffic. ▪ Results: Your mobile website will attract more daily visitors and generate more sales than your desktop site.
  15. 11.07.2011 CREATE A MOBILE LANDING PAGE ▪ Google is defaulting

    to showing mobile pages in mobile search. ▪ http://www.howtogomo.com 35
  16. 11.07.2011 3 6 “Hot” results above come from Google Maps/Places

  17. 11.07.2011 ONLINE CAMPAIGNS NEED GOALS Are the goals of your

    campaign: ▪ Increase impressions across the web? ▪ Increase impressions to particular sites/properties? ▪ Generate actions on a website or social media property? ▪ Change the online discussion? ▪ Change online behavior?
  18. 11.07.2011 HOW DO YOU MEASURE THOSE GOALS? Behavior How to

    Measure? Increase impressions across the web? Tracking search rankings over time for client’s assets (SEOMoz) Increase impressions to particular sites/properties? # of impressions – measured in Google Analytics or social media profile Generate actions on a website or social media property? Goals in Google Analytics, social media actions (Google Analytics campaign tagging) Change the online discussion? Social media monitoring Change in online behavior? Google search trends/ change in keyword usage
  19. 11.07.2011 KEY TAKEAWAYS ▪ Get your social profiles! (especially Scribd)

    ▪ If you don’t have a blog, GET ONE. ▪ Expand your social reach and network ▪ Put a Facebook Like button (and Google +1 button) on your pages ▪ Set up a free mobile landing page ▪ If possible, implement schema.org (especially if you’re planning a redesign) ▪ Sign up for Google Maps
  20. 11.07.2011 LEARN MORE ▪ Google Webmaster Central http://www.google.com/webmasters ▪ Google

    Webmaster Tools ▪ Bing Webmaster Tools www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster ▪ Google’s Analytics “Guru” http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/
  21. 11.07.2011 CONTACT Katherine Watier VP, Social Media Ketchum 202-729-8355 Katherine.watier@ketchum.com

    @kwatier Janet Driscoll Miller President and CEO Search Mojo jmiller@search-mojo.com 434.975.6656 x101 @janetdmiller