were annealed at 300 °C to remo remaining defects. Figure 4 presents flow stresses aforementioned samples as well as the FIB-fab samples and a comparison to the axial stress corresp to the theoretical shear strength calculated by Ogata All data points represent the pillars which deformed geneously during compression testing, as can be seen 2͑b͒. It is clear from the graph that the electroplated which were never subjected to the Ga+ ions, not onl flow stresses higher than bulk gold but also exhibit a rise in strength as the diameter is reduced. It is also cle Ga+ removal and pretest-annealing resulted in data th on the curve formed by the FIB pillars. This result lead believe that observed size effect is not linked to a s fabrication technique. While some minimal Ga+ mi image of a compressed pillar after deformation. Slip lines in multiple orientations are clearly present and indicate a homogeneou change. Au single crystal pillars were annealed at 300 °C to r remaining defects. Figure 4 presents flow stre aforementioned samples as well as the FIB samples and a comparison to the axial stress cor to the theoretical shear strength calculated by Og All data points represent the pillars which defor geneously during compression testing, as can be s 2͑b͒. It is clear from the graph that the electropla which were never subjected to the Ga+ ions, no flow stresses higher than bulk gold but also exhib rise in strength as the diameter is reduced. It is als Ga+ removal and pretest-annealing resulted in da on the curve formed by the FIB pillars. This result believe that observed size effect is not linked to fabrication technique. While some minimal Ga formation. Stress-strain curves of FIB pillars whose diam- eters range between 290 nm and 7450 nm as well as the strength of bulk gold at 2% strain are presented in Fig. 2͑a͒. Uniaxial loading in the ͗001͘ direction, chosen for our ex- periments and corresponding to a high-symmetry orientation, ¯ FIG. 1. ͑a͒ A representative ͗001͘-oriented gold pillar machined in the FIB. Pillar diameter=290 nm, pillar height=1.2 m. ͑b͒ A large pillar ͑7.45 m diameter͒ and a small pillar ͑250 nm diameter͒. J. Greer et al. Phys. Rev. B. 73, 245410 (2006) Au