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Challenge-Based Tasks: Sharing Session

Challenge-Based Tasks: Sharing Session

This sharing session looks at some challenge-based tasks that can be done online for meaningful learning.

Chuah Kee Man

March 23, 2020

More Decks by Chuah Kee Man

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  1. For Meaningful Online Learning By Chuah Kee Man Centre for

    Applied Learning & Multimedia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  2. Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a

    faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them Steve Jobs
  3. Challenge-based Learning proudly started by Apple, heavily inspired by experiential

    learning. Similar to PBL but with more actions and reflections Source: https://www.challengebasedlearning.org/project/why-challenge-based-learning/
  4. Challenge #1: The Link Look at the short clip that

    I am about to show and provide your answer at is.gd/cblchat
  5. Challenge #2: The Pandemic Many people are not taking COVID-19

    Pandemic seriously. Assuming you are given the task to make people stay at home during the priod of Movement Control Order (MCO), what would you do? Respond at: wooclap.com/cbl
  6. Students are resisting boring lectures and meaningless exams. You are

    tasked to find out possible solutions for this. In order to do so, what are the essential questions that should be addressed? Give your question here: sli.do (key in: cblvote) Challenge #3: The Resistance
  7. If you’re guided by the right design of activities, tools

    are just tools. Pick the tool that would best achieve the intended learning outcome, most importantly, provide a level playing field for your learners.