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NextGen Values-Based Social Media

NextGen Values-Based Social Media

Day 1 of the UofOregon's NextGen Storytelling summer camp for high school students.

Kelli Matthews

June 25, 2018

More Decks by Kelli Matthews

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  1. Social Media Basics Protect + Promote Your Personal Brand Kelli

    Matthews kmatthew@uoregon.edu IG: @kellimatthews or @kelli_nextgen TW: @kmatthews
  2. Me SED DO Inani nusquam fuisset ne sea. Te pri

    saperet corrumpit, accusam pertinax et duo, eu tollit similique pri. At My Philosophy Social Media is Powerful. Use it for Good.
  3. Who are you? 01. 02. 03. What do you stand

    for? What are you bringing to the table? ROOTED in VALUES
  4. DEMONSTRATING VALUES THROUGH CONTENT 01. Identify and rank your values.

    02. Define those values for you. 03. Align those values with actions 04. 05. Reflect on the process SHOW us your values
  5. IDENTIFY YOUR VALUES Go through the list provided & cross

    out anything that doesn’t apply to you. Now go through the list and mark the ones that do. Pick 3 - 5 favorites DEFINE YOUR VALUES Define for you. What does each mean to you?
  6. DEMONSTRATING VALUES THROUGH CONTENT 01. Identify and rank your values.

    02. Define those values for you. 03. Align those values with actions 04. 05. Reflect on the process SHOW us your values
  7. DO YOUR VALUES ALIGN? Score each value on a scale

    of 1 - 5. • 1 = not really living this value. • 5 = consistently living this value.
  8. DEMONSTRATING VALUES THROUGH CONTENT 01. Identify and rank your values.

    02. Define those values for you. 03. Align those values with actions 04. 05. Reflect on the process SHOW us your values