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LLMOps를 위한 데이터 연못 만들기

Sungmin Han
October 14, 2023

LLMOps를 위한 데이터 연못 만들기

Llama2 + LoRA Fine-tuning을 데이터브릭스 데이터 전처리 부터 하나하나 경험하는 발표 자료입니다.

10월 14일, 데이터야놀자에서,
"LLMOps를 위한 거대한 데이터 연못 만들기" 주제로 발표된 주제로.

Databricks Medallion 아키텍처로 부터 Bronze -> Silver -> Gold 데이터 스파크 전처리부터, 허깅페이스 데이터셋 등록, Llama2 + LoRA로 직접 Fine-tuning 및 LLM 인퍼런스를 Transformers Pipeline으로 돌리는 End-to-end 내용을 다룹니다.

Sungmin Han

October 14, 2023

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  12. Bronze df = dataset["train"].to_pandas() df = pd.concat([df.drop(['preference-suggestion'], axis=1), df['preference- suggestion'].apply(pd.Series)],

    axis=1) for col in ['preference-suggestion-metadata', 'correct-response-suggestion-metadata']: expanded = df[col].apply(pd.Series) expanded = expanded.rename(lambda x: col + "_" + x, axis=1) df = pd.concat([df.drop([col], axis=1), expanded], axis=1) df['rank'] = df['rank'].apply(lambda x: [int(i) for i in x]) df['value'] = df['value'].apply(list) schema = StructType([ StructField("request", StringType()), StructField("response-1", StringType()), ... ]) spark_df = spark.createDataFrame(df, schema=schema) bronze_path = "/dataya_nolja/bronze" spark_df.write.format("delta").mode("overwrite").save(bronze_path)
  13. Gold df = silver_df gold_df = df.select(concat( lit("[REQ]"), df['request'], lit("[/REQ]"),

    lit("[RES]"), df['response-1'], lit("[/RES]") ).alias("text")) gold_path = "/dataya_nolja/gold" gold_df.write.format("delta").mode("overwrite").save(gold_path)
  14. Upload to HuggingFace import pandas as pd from datasets import

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  15. Fine-Tuning (w/ LoRA) # Dataset data_name = "ken-sungmin/dataya-nolja-llama2-finetuning" training_data =

    load_dataset(data_name, split="train") # Model and tokenizer names base_model_name = "NousResearch/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf" refined_model = "llama2-finetuned-dataya-nolja" # Tokenizer llama_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(base_model_name, trust_remote_code=True) llama_tokenizer.pad_token = llama_tokenizer.eos_token llama_tokenizer.padding_side = "right" # Fix for fp16 # Quantization Config quant_config = BitsAndBytesConfig( load_in_4bit=True, bnb_4bit_quant_type="nf4", bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=torch.float16, bnb_4bit_use_double_quant=False ) # Model base_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( base_model_name, quantization_config=quant_config, device_map={"": 0} ) base_model.config.use_cache = False base_model.config.pretraining_tp = 1
  16. Fine-Tuning (w/ LoRA) #2 # LoRA Config peft_parameters = LoraConfig(

    lora_alpha=16, lora_dropout=0.1, ... ) # Training Params train_params = TrainingArguments( output_dir="./results_modified", num_train_epochs=1, per_device_train_batch_size=4, save_steps=25, ... ) # Trainer fine_tuning = SFTTrainer( model=base_model, train_dataset=training_data, ... ) # Training fine_tuning.train() fine_tuning.model.save_pretrained(refined_model, safe_serialization=True) llama_tokenizer.save_pretrained(refined_model)
  17. Inferencing # Generate Text query = "I want to send

    money, how long will it take?" text_gen = pipeline(task="text-generation", model=fine_tuning.model, tokenizer=llama_tokenizer, max_length=200) output = text_gen(f"<s>[REQ]{query}[/REQ]")
  18. Output [{'generated_text': "<s>[REQ]I want to send money, how long will

    it take?[/REQ] Hello there! Thank you for trusting the Bank of America with your financial needs. everybody here is happy to help you with your inquiry. To answer your question, the time it takes to send money through the Bank of America depends on the transfer method you choose.\nFor domestic transfers, typically the funds are available in the recipient's account within 1-2 business days. However, if you're sending money internationally, the time frame may vary depending on the country and the transfer method you choose.\nFor example, if you're using our Global Account Transfer service, the funds may take 2-3 business days to reach the recipient's account. Or, if you're using our Wire Transfer service, the funds can be available in the recipient's account within 24 hours.\nPlease note that the"}]
  19. Vector Store (BigQuery) WITH query_embedding AS ( SELECT * FROM

    ML.GENERATE_TEXT_EMBEDDING(MODEL text.embedding_model, ( SELECT "TREES DOWN NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY" AS content)) ) SELECT q.content AS query_text, c.content AS candidate_text, ML.DISTANCE(q.text_embedding, c.text_embedding, 'COSINE') AS distance FROM query_embedding AS q, semantic_search_tutorial.candidate_embedding_cluster9 AS c ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 20;
  20. Vector Store (Databricks) import mlflow from mlflow import gateway gateway.set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri="databricks")

    mosaic_embeddings_route_name = "mosaicml-instructor-xl-embeddings" try: route = gateway.get_route(mosaic_embeddings_route_name) except: print(f"Creating the route {mosaic_embeddings_route_name}") print(gateway.create_route( name=mosaic_embeddings_route_name, route_type="llm/v1/embeddings", model={ "name": "instructor-xl", "provider": "mosaicml", "mosaicml_config": { "mosaicml_api_key": dbutils.secrets.get(scope="dbdemos", key="mosaic_ml_api_key") } } ))
  21. Vector Store (Databricks) / #2 source_table_fullname = f"{catalog}.{db}.databricks_documentation" vs_index_fullname =

    f"vs_catalog.{db}.databricks_documentation_index" if not index_exists(vs_index_fullname): print(f'Creating a vector store index `{vs_index_fullname}` against the table `{source_table_fullname}`, using AI Gateway {mosaic_embeddings_route_name}') i = vsc.create_delta_sync_index( source_table_name=source_table_fullname, dest_index_name=vs_index_fullname, primary_key="id", column_to_embed="content", ai_gateway_route_name=mosaic_embeddings_route_name ) sleep(3) spark.sql(f'ALTER SCHEMA vs_catalog.{db} OWNER TO `account users`') set_index_permission(f"vs_catalog.{db}.databricks_documentation_index", "ALL_PRIVILEGES", "account users") print(i)
  22. Spark NLP #1 document_assembler = DocumentAssembler().setInputCol("text").setOutputCol("document") tokenizer = Tokenizer().setInputCols(["document"]).setOutputCol("tokens") normalizer

    = Normalizer().setInputCols(["tokens"]).setOutputCol("normalized") lemmatizer = LemmatizerModel.pretrained().setInputCols(["normalized"]).setOutputCol("lemmatized") finisher = Finisher().setInputCols(["lemmatized"]).setOutputCols(["finished_tokens"]) nlp_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[ document_assembler, tokenizer, normalizer, lemmatizer, finisher ]) nlp_model = nlp_pipeline.fit(df) processed_df = nlp_model.transform(df)
  23. Spark NLP #2 count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(inputCol="finished_tokens", outputCol="features") label_indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="label",

    outputCol="label_index") lr = LogisticRegression(featuresCol="features", labelCol="label_index") classification_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[ count_vectorizer, label_indexer, lr ]) train_df, test_df = processed_df.randomSplit([0.7, 0.3]) classification_model = classification_pipeline.fit(train_df) predictions = classification_model.transform(test_df) predictions.select("text", "label", "prediction").show()