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R をインストールする / Install R

Kenji Saito
November 28, 2023

R をインストールする / Install R

早稲田大学大学院経営管理研究科「企業データ分析」2023 冬のオンデマンド教材 第2回で使用したスライドです。

Kenji Saito

November 28, 2023

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  1. ( 20 ) 1 • 2 R • 3 4

    5 6 ( ) 7 (1) 8 (2) 9 R ( ) (1) 10 R ( ) (2) 11 R ( ) (1) 12 R ( ) (2) 13 GPT-4 14 GPT-4 15 ( ) LaTeX Overleaf 8 (12/14 ) / (2 ) OK / 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.3/22
  2. R ( ) ( 8 ) : GPL (GNU General

    Public License) 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.4/22
  3. GNU General Public License (GPL) GNU ( ) GNU’s Not

    Unix . . . GNU GPL GNU ( ) 0: ( ) 1: ↑ 2: 3: 4 → (copyleft) 4 copyleft R 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.5/22
  4. RStudio R Python (IDE) GPL . . . R RStudio

    ( ) RStudio Desktop ↑ . . . 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.6/22
  5. R RStudio R Windows macOS — — Linux (Ubuntu) GPL

    ( ) ↑ 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.7/22
  6. Windows Windows 11 ARM (macOS ) (Intel ) ARM :

    Arm Ltd. mac SoC (System on a Chip) (M1∼M3) Intel : Intel 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.8/22
  7. R (Windows ) . . . https://www.r-project.org/ “download R” OS

    R Windows ( ) OK 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.9/22
  8. RStudio Desktop (Windows ) . . . https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/ “2: Install

    RStudio” OS RStudio “1: Install R” R ← RStudio . . . Windows ( ) OK RStudio Choose R Installation → default 64-bit version of R OK crash reports → 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.10/22
  9. Console ‘> ’ 1 > x <- c(1, 2, 3,

    4, 5) # X > y <- c(5, 4, 3, 2, 1) # Y > plot(x, y) # > plot(x, y, xlim=c(0, 6), ylim=c(0, 6)) # > m <- lm(y ~ x) # x y > m # > abline(m) # ‘> ’ # R ‘<-’ ‘c( . . . )’ combine ‘xlim’ ‘ylim’ ‘lm( . . . )’ linear model ( ) ‘A ∼ B’ B A ‘abline( . . . )’ 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.11/22
  10. R (macOS ) . . . https://www.r-project.org/ “download R” OS

    R macOS OK 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.13/22
  11. RStudio Desktop (macOS ) . . . https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/ “2: Install

    RStudio” OS RStudio “1: Install R” R ← RStudio . . . macOS RStudio 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.14/22
  12. p.11 ‘Plots’ ‘Export’ ‘Save as Image...’ EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) EPS

    L ATEX EPS macOS Skim PDF Windows (macOS ) PowerPoint (↑) . . . PDF PDF 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.15/22
  13. Linux (Ubuntu) Ubuntu 22.04 ARM (macOS ) ARM (binary) :

    2 (source) : ( ) (build) : 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.17/22
  14. R (Ubuntu ) (1/2) . . . https://www.r-project.org/ “download R”

    “Source Code for all Platforms” “∼.tar.gz” unzip tar https://docs.posit.co/resources/install-r-source/ $ sudo sed -i.bak "/^#.*deb-src.*universe$/s/^# //g" /etc/apt/sources.list $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt build-dep r-base $ export R_VERSION=4.3.2 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.18/22
  15. R (Ubuntu ) (2/2) https://docs.posit.co/resources/install-r-source/ (tar ) $ ./configure \

    --prefix=/opt/R/${R_VERSION} \ --enable-R-shlib \ --enable-memory-profiling \ --with-blas \ --with-lapack $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ln -s /opt/R/${R_VERSION}/bin/R /usr/local/bin/R $ sudo ln -s /opt/R/${R_VERSION}/bin/Rscript /usr/local/bin/Rscript 2023 2 R — 2023-11 – p.19/22